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BBC keeps the green flag flying

The BBC has announced that it is going to start a season of environmentally themed programmes for children on the CBeebies channel. This follows hot on the heels of their hasty retreat over a BBC Global Warming Day called Planet Relief. When this show was cancelled one of the BBC bigwigs said:

It is not the BBC's job to lead opinion or proselytise on this or any other subject

It would appear that he has since been overruled.

Let's just remember that CBeebies is aimed at the under sixes. Preschoolers. Babes in arms.

I'm trying to imagine the sort of sick mind that thinks that broadcasting wall-to-wall propaganda to pre-schoolers is acceptable in a liberal society. (We are a liberal society still...aren't we?) And I just can't fathom it. Are there really people with such corrupt minds commissioning programmes at the BBC?

It would seem so: Ms Alison Stewart, executive producer. Mr Michael Carrington, head of CBeebies.

Sick, sick people.  

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Reader Comments (3)

CBBC is one of the worst parts of the BBC for relentless PC propaganda.

I sat through Blue Peter a few months back and I wish I hadn't. Its like looking at the body of a dear friend mangled in a car smash.

I think they had some celebrities on and then a hand-wringing piece about AIDS orphans in Malawi.

In my own childhood it made me feel I could do anything, make anything, be anything. John Noakes doing a parachute jump - then Peter Purves making a game from old cornflakes boxes - then Val cooking a yummy recipe. Rounded off with the pets in the studio. Inspirational and practical at the same time.

Now its just like a page from the PC handbook.
Apr 14, 2008 at 10:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack Hughes
This gets to the root of the danger posed by the 'Green' meme.

It is, in essence, a deeply political idea and one clearly of the Left and yet it is wrapped - like a poison pill in an apple - in a romantic, superficially attractive disguise.

And speaking of apples - the BBC is rotten with it, to the very core.
Apr 14, 2008 at 11:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterGCooper
Yes, it's relentless isn't it. School and television.
Apr 15, 2008 at 6:04 AM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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