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Sir David King flounces out

There's a lovely anecdote doing the rounds of climate sceptic blogs about Sir David King, the climate alarmist and former chief scientific adviser to the British government.

It seems that President Putin asked some of his leading scientists to meet Sir David when he went to Moscow as part of the entourage of the foreign secretary. King apparently launched into his standard spiel about how we're all going to fry, but was a bit taken aback when the assembled scientists told him he was talking rubbish. When they had the temerity to list all the scientific evidence which refuted his claims of impending armageddon, our man was left looking a bit of a ninny and turned on his heels and stormed out of the room.

The story is doubly interesting because it's related by someone called RCE Wyndham in a letter in which he tells Robin Butler, the master of University College, Oxford, that the college can expect no donations from him this year because the appointment of King to head Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment.

The letter can be read here.  

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    If you want to know why Bishop Hill is one of my favourite bloggers just now, you need look no further than this delightful posting today, which I now reproduce in its entirety: There's a lovely anecdote doing the rounds of climate sceptic blogs about Sir David King, the climate alarmist ...

Reader Comments (2)

Just after stealing this entire posting for Samizdata, I got an email bollocking from Perry de Havilland saying: BH probably won't mind but this does lay us open to copyright problems.

I also hope you don't mind.
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrian Micklethwait
Not at all - it's always nice to get the traffic boost from Samizdata.
Apr 2, 2008 at 7:19 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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