A change in the weather?
Maybe it's just me, but I wonder if I sense a change in the global warming debate. Perhaps this has been prompted by the sudden dramatic fall in the global temperature - a drop in the last month big enough to wipe out the putative warming of the last century.
A few things have brought this idea to the fore. A survey conducted by a warmist and a skeptic found that 25 percent of bona-fide climate scientists reckon global warming is overdone. A giant of climatology came out of the closet and said she was sceptical of much of the science. A conference of sceptics wasn't ignored by some of the mainstream media. E-day was a flop. A report found that more informed people were more sceptical of global warming. A prominent warmist blogger agreed that the temperature record contained flaws. McIntyre was invited to speak by climatologists at Georgia Tech.
Of course, I could be deluding myself, but something feels different right now. Maybe it's just spring in the air.
Reader Comments (6)
For example you watch Inconvenient Truth and learn that the sea will rise 20ft and then discover that the IPCC predicts approximately 19inches. When challenged you are told by the alarmists that "Gore wasn't actually predicting a twenty foot rise in the next hundred years, merely saying what the effect of such a rise would be! Even a warmist can't stomach such nonsense.
I believe the "End of the world is nigh" coverage of papers like the Indipedant.
They'd have done better to tone it down a bit.