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MPs online

Ellee Seymour notes a couple of MPs interacting online. The thoroughly "with it" representatives are John Redwood and Tom Watson, and Ellee reckons they may be the first to do so.

Ellee's commenters reckon that plaudits are due to the two technoMPs, although I can't help feeling that to congratulate Messrs Redwood and Watson for interacting using a technology which is at least ten years old now is a tad unnecessary. To misquote Chris Rock

MPs always want credit for some shit they're supposed to do....Whaddya want? A cookie? You're supposed to interact on blogs you low-expectation-having m*th*rf*ck*r!

Still, we can hope that this is the start of something beautiful. Maybe parliamentarians will actually start to debate the laws they are about to enact online. Who knows maybe some of them will even read the bills before they make their way to the lobbies.

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