Episcopal hysterics

Further to my story on the greens getting upset over proposals to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere using genetically modified plants, here is another story to get our environmentalist colleagues choking on their herbal infusions.
Senior cabinet ministers are pushing for Britain to be the first nation in the world to get much of its power from the tides, as part of a massive new expansion for renewable energy. The Environment Secretary, David Miliband, Welsh Secretary Peter Hain and Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling want a giant £14bn barrage to be built across the Severn.
This would generate about 5 per cent of Britain's electricity without producing any of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
Their move is not meeting any serious opposition within the Cabinet but will spark off a furious row with environmental bodies, which say that the barrage would devastate the estuary's wildlife.
You couldn't make it up could you? Can I suggest to all my environmentalist friends: You've been 'ad mate!
(Hat tip: EU Referendum)
Reader Comments (4)
If we don't need a barrage, then why are they proposing building one?