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There is an e-petition up on the Downing Street site calling for the NHS to be scrapped. The authors want it replaced with private health insurance. While I think a Singapore-style individual provident fund would be better, the point that the NHS must go has to be made and made loudly.

I've signed it. I think you should too. 

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Reader Comments (2)

The point is it's not going to happen via a petition, we need the Cons Party to come up with good policy alternatives.
Mar 7, 2007 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterEllee
Thanks for looking in.

I disagree. Nobody (and particularly not David Cameron) is going to propose any radical changes to the NHS. It is a sacred cow, and a political hot potato at the same time (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor).

The petition can therefore serve a very useful purpose by giving politicians the courage to speak up.
Mar 7, 2007 at 7:44 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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