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Girl guides ain't what they used to be

There were a few raised eyebrows yesterday when the Girl Guides organisation announced that they were going to start teaching girls about safe sex, date rape and abortion. This was apparently in response to complaints from the girls that these topics were not well covered by schools. Denise King, the head of GirlGuiding UK says that the organisation needs to be discussing issues relevant to the girls' lives.

You can see it can't you: the delegations of teenagers confronting Brown Owl and demanding a class in date rape avoidance. "No baking today, Brown Owl, we need to know where to get a decent abortion".

Seriously though, does anyone really think this is really demanded by the girls. And if you are in any doubt, see this from 2001.

The `Irish Sunday People` (April 29th 2001) features a report titled `Fury over gay advice for guides`, which tells how Girl Guide leaders have sparked outrage by planning to teach innocent youngsters about LESBIANISM. Family and youth concern directory `Robert Whelan has voiced his concern saying `It goes against all the high ideals the girl guides was originally set up to promote`.

Speciallist counsellors will be recruited when Guide workers are too embarrassed to talk about sexual issues. Denise King, Deputy Chief executive for the guides has said "Our aim is to be relevent to young women".

[Emphasis is mine] 

 Ms King seems to have a bit of an agenda, doesn't she?

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Reader Comments (4)

And so does Robert Whelan: `It goes against all the high ideals the girl guides was originally set up to promote`

Can you seriously imagine him being able to say that about blacks or Muslims? It seems lesbians are still fair game. Sad.
Jan 6, 2007 at 7:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterOut Frpm Under
Not sure I'm following you. I just don't think this is what the Guides are for. Parents should be teaching their children about sex/relationships/lesbianism, not schools, not the Guides.
Jan 6, 2007 at 2:46 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill
My point is that Robert Whelan is suggesting that there is something wrong with being a lesbian. He is saying that being a lesbian goes against "high ideals".
Jan 6, 2007 at 5:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterOut From Under
Quite possibly, although he may just be trying to say that sex education is not what the Guides are for.
Jan 6, 2007 at 9:59 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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