Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
Jun 19, 2020 at 7:34 PM tomo
Disorganised crime at the Seattle Climate Convention aka CHAZ 001, must have fuddled the brains of funders due to clouds of pharmaceutical nerve agents.

well, will you look at that.....
Dr. Anthony Fauci now says that a second wave of COVID-19 may not even happen and that wearing a mask is largely symbolic at this point.
on CNN
Senior Scientist at the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Bangkok, Thailand
interviewed about the Lancet and NEJOM hydroxycloroquine retractions ....
- will Clarky come out and try smearing Dr. Watson?
................... tumbleweed

CNN just announced that 2200 people have died of Covid-19 as a result of attending Trump's rally in Tulsa this coming Saturday.

"Still a Liar
Jun 20, 2020 at 10:40 AM Phil Clarke"
Jun 5, 2020 at 10:36 PM Phil Clarke
Your snark about Hydroxychloroquine predates the article you quote now, and the debunked Report in The Lancet.
Who pumped you full of mistrust about Hydroxychloroquine and when? You never quoted a source.
Jun 5, 2020 at 11:21 PM golf charlie
Are you still quoting the same unreliable sources?


"Fauci says he wears a mask to be a symbol of what 'you should be doing' CNN June 10th 2020 video
elsewhere Fauci says wearing a mask is not "100% effective,"
- and let's be fair he has changed his tune somewhat - it was inevitable 2nd wave in April.
There is context but that don't normally bother Clarky - and it doesn't bother me wrt to baiting the hook.

Star Tribune of Minneapolis ... 4th January 2020

Context, yes.
I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you should be doing.
'largely symbolic' was a lie.

Masks are not 100% protective. 'However, they certainly are better than not wearing a mask. Both to prevent you, if you happen to be a person who may feel well but has an asymptomatic infection that you don't even know about, to prevent you from infecting someone else.'But also, it can protect you a certain degree, not a hundred percent, in protecting you from getting infected from someone who, either is breathing, or coughing, or sneezing, or singing or whatever it is in which the droplets or the aerosols go out

Are you wearing a mask Clarky?

I do, especially when I read posts from some here.

ah... Grant Foster - I see he's wallowing in some rather vile cherry picking and misrepresentation as usual wrt BLM - I doubt he'll look at Chicago...
Be interested to see the volume of testing as a second data series on the second wave.

I go out as little as possible, and wear disposable gloves and a mask when I do. I have not driven to Barnard Castle to test my eyesight.

no goggles then?

"I have not driven to Barnard Castle to test my eyesight.
Jun 20, 2020 at 5:35 PM Phil Clarke"
Did you fail to read the source of your propaganda against Hydroxychloroquine?

Interesting graphic / map
if true ... it shows the staggering mendacity of Andrew Cuomo in particular....

Strong evidence for the Theory of Evolution
Jun 29, 2020 at 10:01 PM Phil Clarke
Mann is trying to travel without being recognised?

No Joe Biden tattoos yet - but maybe his running mate the actual candidate might inspire a few?
It actually looks as if DJT is tiring of the POTUS job.
I'll laugh my socks off if he decides to devote himself to golfing and go and do something else.... maybe then the debate might work around to substantive topics...

Jun 29, 2020 at 11:01 PM Phil Clarke
Tamino believes in Mann's Hockey Stick

I missed that it's Grant Foster - .that JHU (Bloomberg sponsored?) graph is "cases" ... surely the real measure of interest is mortality per million? - I have said before - a superimposed trend line for testing volume might well be informative - but then... he wouldn't would he?
Pew Research (hardly a GOP fan club) sees it a bit differently ...
2020 hindsight is going to rumble on for years....

Charly - bait the hook properly :-)