Discussion > Attenborough fronts ‘Climate Change: the Facts’ 18th April BBC1
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Climate Change – The Facts.
Saint Attenborough Will Reveal All on April 18th
and Deniers Shall Repent.
cliscep.com Posted on 14 Apr 19 by JAIME JESSOP

Wow. It hasn't even been broadcast yet and still the ad hominems have been booted up.
You guys sound really rattled,

The rattled person is the person who is shouting "ad hominems (plural) have been booted up."
When all I see is one thing : Attenborough being called a saint

Please note all his "Convenient Untruths". NPA=Nasal Protuberatory Alert.

Phil, how about if he'd debate? You know, a little of the ol' red team/blue team bit. When you surely want to know more than your hairdresser.

Not hard at all to imagine some lavishly catered seminars in secluded and expensive boutique hotels about how to orchestrate the campaign.

Phil, how about if he'd debate?
Yeah, science refereed by Dimbleby. Or Neil. That will work. Kim, how about the Red team submit something for peer review?
Just kidding, obvs. The debate happened. In the literature, where it belongs. McIntyre scored 1 then retired hurt, about a decade ago.

Any debate shouldn't be with St. David ( a narrator) - but with the producers, scriptwriters and editors and it most certainly shouldn't be held where any party has content control.
Looks like the Netflix crew are being exceeding evasive about flying walrus stuff.
Of course "Climate Change The Facts" is unrelated to the Netflix incident - if you think that - I'll sell you the second Severn Crossing for £99.99.

!. Have any of the blog regulars the technology to annotate this "Attenbol**ks" film with suitable captions ?
Mock them with their own material.

What a great idea Ian. Why not learn how and link to the results. We look forward to the results.

Suggest you read up on copyright law first.

AK, don't block the creative juices. 'Fair use' could justify a fair amount of borrowing. Comedy, critique, etc. Join me AK in encouraging Ian to learn new skills and at the same time express himself creatively.

Tiny. Methinks you are leading young Ian into temptation for your own gratification. What do I know of the Law? But a brief examination might prevent embarrassment and loss of those £100s that were mentioned earlier.

Only if somebody tells the BBC and at worst they'd just make him take it down. That Hitler thing has been going for ages with many variations. If he gets really good with the video thing, he might not even need to use Attenborough's footage. He could create an animated version. Ian could learn to imitate him and create something entirely copywright free. Should only take a few years.

Goodness tiny you are attempting to clone german small fieldmice.

It keeps him occupied.

David Attenborough ‘Climate Change: the Facts’
airs at 9pm on Thursday 18th April on BBC1
April 12th BBC Radio4 Feedback raised the purely rhetorical question
'Is the BBC doing enough for Climate Change campaigning ?'
.. Ridiculous, cos they know full well they are broadcasting a BBC1 90min Climate special the following Thursday
as well as giving a lot of coverage to ER : the Global Warming public operation using kids.
Just 2 facets of the BBC's multipronged GreenDream campaigning that comes up dozens of times everyday on the BBC networks.
2 hours after the Radio4 show BBC1 aired the trailer, I quote @QV
“We are facing a global catastrophe. Climate change is happening
.. and happening fast.
What can we do to avert a disaster.”
... accompanied with the usual video of smoking chimneys,
.. ice falling into the sea, falling trees,.. forest fires
... and dried up river beds.
If only the programme was going include some unbiased “facts”,
but I fear the will only be the “facts” which support the alarmist viewpoint.