Discussion > No climate, but some modelling..
It also seems to be another BBC obsession, which they use to fill in the gaps between climate conferences.

TBYJ, I have a memory of a rtime when the BBC was not so monolithic in approach. I remember heaing on Radio 4 a documentary suggesting that all the fuss about obesity was msplaced. Probably a File on Four programme (No, an 'Investigation'). The presenter took some obesity nazi NHS spokeswoman into a school playground and asked her to point out the obese kids. Should be easy if it's 20% (or whatever they claimed). She could not do it and was obliged to fall back on bluster that you can't tell the BMI by looking. I mentioned the show on some blog or other at the time and got an email back from the producer, one Richard Vadon.
And I found a link to this or a similar show http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7105630.stm
So the BBC at least has toyed with a sceptical approach.

I seem to have converted a lot of my own heavy muscle groups into lightweight fat.

I have always thought it strange that Govt (including NHS) have this mixed message, well 2 messages that are apposite.
1. We have an ageing population who are living longer which puts extra pressure on NHS, Govt services and pensions.
2. We are all getting fatter which means extra pressure on resources inc NHS, larger seats on buses and early death.
So which is it.
If you want to see fat people then go to the US and spend 10 mins in the freezer section of Walmart.

As John Brignall always points out, the 'extra cost' on the NHS of obesity is never measured against the savings in geriatric care when obese people die young. Heart attacks at 60 are quick and cheap. 15 years of geriatric care then protracted terminal cancers at 75 are not.

for a few years now i've taken a casual interest in obesity. Not actual obesity but the facts around what seemed to me to be at least somewhat a scare. Every February the NHS publishes a report. It is here:https://catalogue.ic.nhs.uk/publications/public-health/obesity/obes-phys-acti-diet-eng-2013/obes-phys-acti-diet-eng-2013-rep.pdf and past years may be found by googling. There's a lot of data, some dodgy stats and a trend far smaller than what you might have come to believe. But what I wanted to show you is the fine example of model predictions below. Because it has parallels in climate and elsewhere What follows is all quoted from the text: