Discussion > Amiability, anger and apologies
Can I propose that his discussion topic be deleted?
It's one thing talking about climate science and politics, it's another thing to have a discussion which has the primary task of discussing the motives and behaviour of the discussers, I don't think we need to clutter the place with it, sorry.

You can propose that James. You can also agree with me that some of the posts I've quoted from should also be deleted. That I would be very happy with.

Honestly, you two, grow up and get over it. You remind me of elderly academics cavilling about alleged slights in the Junior Common Room in 1963.
You can't stand each other, we get that. Please stop insulting our intelligence by dreaming up new angles for attack It doesn't fool anyone, and doesn't achieve anything.

Wha's the two? There's only Richard here from the combatants

Johanna: Which two? Among various other things I'm showing how Chris M, Dung and RKS seemed to join forces in attacking me, from different directions, once it was clear that Chris was in trouble, having been asked by Martin M to take what Martin felt were unhelpful, off-topic thoughts elsewhere. Chris's original attacks on Martin and myself, in a thread that had been going extremely well, with multiple contributors and a good deal of amiability, were factually wrong and personally inaccurate and offensive. I think we sometimes need to go back to such problem moments - because if we don't we'll not have a clue about how to recover amiability broadly across BH.
Another notable aspect of these few days on Martin's thread is that, although Chris, Dung and RKS succeeded in making Martin and myself the subject, for a while, rather than a possible tipping point at the BBC, and the thread did indeed stutter, it didn't die. I was the first to spot Nick Pollard's report had been released on 19th December and that led on to some further, fruitful debate with multiple contributors again taking part.
But Martin's excellent thread deserved better than two major interruptions of off-topic material (the first being Shub and Dung importing heated debate of pseudonymity). The lesson in both cases was that we should have started two separate threads - or gone back to old ones where the themes weren't off topic. Chris M was specifically asked to do this by Martin and initially refused, leading to almost terminal disruption and thread death, and that's also worthy of note.
So there are two very interesting areas here, IMHO. One is how we separate concerns into separate threads. I think we're making progress on that but still have much to learn. The more difficult issue is how to restore amiability when relationships have broken down. Apologies are I think essential to this but they are by no means a catch-all, not least because they require sincerity. This interaction on 16th November included an apology from me but that sure didn't lead straight to amiability! Despite the progress we've made recently full amiability may not be so easy, given what has gone before. But I feel what I've written allows some grounds for hope.

This is a response from me to Chris M, because I think it would clog up the original thread - so another experiment with the theme "Separate That Thread!"
Chris wrote three days ago (and please note I've waited till now to reply, because there seemed so much else of value going on):
Blatant trolling was a ridiculous description of what had happened on a thread that had begun with Chris M saying DNFTT of me, after Dung's angry and mocking intro, because I'd asked for general GHE discussion to be moved from the Ridley thread.
But when you say "It is not the first time" you don't give details, let alone link to them. Here is a link, the moment our host said, on 17th November 2012, Would people please avoid making personal comments about other commenters. The evening before you'd said of Martin A and myself, using an expression of the form 'Martin Armstrong' for Martin, which everyone assumed was an attempt to provide a real name for someone with whom you had an issue:
And, when Dung had said that he couldn't understand you (not that there was anything wrong with such personal remarks, interestingly) you added:
To this I replied:
Drongo then made a joke against Australians and Dung sprang into action and attacked me:
Dung then predictably raised the area of pseudonyms, which I had not raised - a age-old stick with which he likes to beat me. By now it was early hours on the 17th and I wrote:
Note how I avoided any tit-for-tat. An hour later Chris M said:
Laurie Childs then intervened, with this the most relevant I think for our analysis now:
To me this was a simple statement of fact. The complaint that had been made was not only ugly but also wrong.
Next someone calling themselves 'Anon' tried for a second time to link to material defamatory to Alistair McAlpine on the thread and I challenged them about this. The Bish soon deleted both Anon's comments but you can still read my reply, which included some fairly positive thoughts about Labour MP Tom Watson.
Now RKS jumped in:
It was fine to disagree with me about Watson but the insinuation about my "hardly disguised political pretensions" was not just ridiculous but bound to lead to further disruption of the thread. However (and this is well worth meditation) RKS's challenge did lead me to spot something I had said that was inaccurate:
But Dung by now was joining in with gusto, with a long post devoted just to me, ending:
This heroic stand and cause, in his own mind, meant that Dung found nothing to criticise in the recent contributions of Chris M, RKS or even 'Anon'. RKS meanwhile continued to feed in "my personal opinions of your political aspirations". And then the Bish made his appeal.
So note that in this thread less than two months ago we have many of the themes and problems we have been trying to tackle since, about a lack of amiability and a surfeit of anger. We also have three different BH contributors, Chris M, Dung, RKS attacking one person but from different directions. And that person at once made an apology where I found something wrong in what I'd previously written.
But Chris M wants an apology from me now and that's harder. I don't think it was wrong to indicate my amusement at something he'd written. It was done gently, calling him 'my friend'.
The real problem, as Skiphil implies, is a breakdown of amiability generally. I don't have the answer but apologies have to be real. I made one above which was sincere. I don't have one to make now to Chris M of the same authenticity. And I have questions about the way Chris attacked Martin A and then three contributors attacked me on the thread above. I would vote for the removal of such intemperate posts in future and indeed these ones now. But the host has spoken of how hard this is to police and I fully acknowledge that point too.