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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Discussion > What are you doing for Climate Week?


Climate Week (4-10 March 2013) is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future.
Culminating in a week of activities, it showcases practical solutions from every sector of society.
Each year, half a million people attend 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Events are run by schools, businesses, charities, councils and many others.
You can help accelerate action on climate change by making Climate Week happen where you are.
Climate Week has support from every part of society – from the Prime Minister to Paul McCartney, the NHS to the Met Office, Girlguiding UK to the CBI, the Big Lottery Fund to the National Association of Head Teachers.
Fancy swapping with Andy Murray or Hugh Laurie for Climate Week? Find out how to get involved in the Climate Week Swap

We would like to thank the official Climate Week Champions and Advisors:
Siemens - Climate Week Electrical Engineering Champion
Ipsos MORI - Climate Week Market Research Advisor
Met Office - Climate Week Lead Science Advisor
Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP - Climate Week Legal Advisor
Aviva - Climate Week Insurance Champion

Any ideas for getting involved?

Dec 18, 2012 at 8:35 AM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers

I’m disappointed. Doesn’t anyone want to dress up as a threatened species (or a dead parrot)?
No takers to swap carbon footprints with Sir Paul McCartney, or win a weekend with Ed Davey?

Dec 19, 2012 at 8:23 AM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers

well I imagine it will be as ignored even more so, than this years climate week....

If Reading University do anything, I might pop along this year..

Dec 19, 2012 at 9:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods


'or win a weekend with Ed Davey?

'And the runners up prize...a whole week with Ed Davey - yogurt knitting in a yurt somewhere near his Surbiton constituency'.

Dec 21, 2012 at 10:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterLatimer Alder

I'm not sure that anything could beat the supercharged excitement that was Climate Week 2012. But do you also remember the equally supercharged Zero Carbon Britain Day of 2012, or the amazing one before that, in 2011? (I do, because I searched for it on the internet, many months later!)

One event that hit the big time and got into the local newspaper in 2011 was when some people went out and proved that a person on a skateboard using no fossil fuels actually moves faster than a BMW that is also not using fossil fuels because it is just being pushed along without the engine being on. Hard to fully comprehend, isn't it, but I'm sure you will agree that this was an astounding demonstration of just how useless fossil fuels really are - I mean, without any fuel at all, a BMW is really slow, heavy and hard to drive, especially without some helpful people around to push it along the road.

Incidentally, this finally made me realise why it had been so difficult to drive my car home once, when I had completely run out of petrol. The penny dropped, for me - without petrol, cars really are pretty much impossible to drive. I feel cheated. If only I'd had a skateboard with me, that 20-mile journey would have taken no time!

You can see some pictures of this valuable demonstration here (note the attendant large crowds surging, just out of camera shot).

And to think - there might be one or two even more incredible and educational things happening in 2013!

Dec 21, 2012 at 1:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlex Cull

Each year, half a million people attend 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion.

I think they overwork their 170 supporters >.<

Can I swap with David Cameron please? I could reshuffle the cabinet while he gets nagged by my wife for not keeping my playroom tidy.

Dec 21, 2012 at 2:25 PM | Registered CommenterDung

I suppose one ought not to be surprised that Aviva have a Climate Week Insurance Champion.

But Ipsos MORI ... a Climate Week Market Research Advisor?

How we can conduct a survey in order to get the most favourable outcome i.e. the most positive slant?

How we can phrase questions so that even sceptics find it difficult to answer in a manner which cannot be spun to make it appear that it is worse than we thought?

Dec 21, 2012 at 5:49 PM | Registered Commentermatthu