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Discussion > USA voting demographics

WUWT has a "political" thread about Americans flying thir flags upside down at the moment and discussing possible reasons for this. I posted something like the following and was very surprised when it didnt even appear with the "awaiting moderation" message:

If you want to talk about politics, why not talk about the voting demographics in your election?
For generations black people have (quite rightly I thought) fought for equal rights but in your election 94% of them voted for Obama. Can it really be that 94% of black voters agreed with Obama's policies and did not agree with Romney's policies? There was no other demographic with a split anywhere near that spectacular.
Hispanics voted about 70% for Obama reportedly because of Romney's immigration policies. If the reports are correct then it means that Hispanics are more interested in getting their friends in to join them than in preserving whatever makes the USA a great place to live.
White people in general were evenly split (more men for Romney but more women for Obama) so white people seem to have voted on policies.
Would anyoneone be sufficiently willing to be politically incorrect and comment on this?

Nov 9, 2012 at 5:33 PM | Registered CommenterDung

They just called. Democracy has been cancelled. It has been replaced by demography.

Nov 9, 2012 at 7:11 PM | Registered Commentershub

Hispanics voted about 70% for Obama reportedly because of Romney's immigration policies. If the reports are correct then it means that Hispanics are more interested in getting their friends in to join them than in preserving whatever makes the USA a great place to live.
White people in general were evenly split (more men for Romney but more women for Obama) so white people seem to have voted on policies.

So an hispanic who votes against Romney because he dislikes racial targeting is voting purely out of self interest but a white who votes for Romney because he wants hispanic immigrants ejected is voting on high minded policy? Let me guess; are you white?

Nov 9, 2012 at 9:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterBitBucket


Get your facts right before you set about wrecking another thread.
Mr Romney is proposing no legislation that targets Hispanics, he simply wants to cut immigration and in particular; illegal immigration
However one of the biggest groups seeking entry to the US is Hispanics and it is also a large part of the illegal immigration problem. the US press have reported that the Hispanics have voted against Romney because of his immigration policy alone, not on other policies. I have no idea if this is correct which is why I prefaced my comment by saying "if the reports are correct", happy now?
What conclusions would you draw BB? What immigration policy would you pursue as US president BB?

Nov 10, 2012 at 12:38 PM | Registered CommenterDung

I'm not wrecking your thread, I just don't like its racially charged overtones. To suggest that whites vote on matters of principle while minorities vote on self interest is the sort of thing I thought no right minded person gave voice to these days.

Romney is a Republican. His party has a campaign of disenfranchisement of minorities in various states through voter ID restrictions. He doesn't have to say anything on the matter for people to be suspicious of his or his party's motives. And anything he does pronounce upon is likely to change when the looneys in his party say boo!

Nov 10, 2012 at 3:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterBitBucket


The whole point of my thread was to invite comments on whether or not there were racial aspects to the way Americans voted, you do not appear to read anything before you dive in.

Nov 10, 2012 at 5:58 PM | Registered CommenterDung

Why would so many black people vote for Obama? He has done nothing for them. Crying and playing golf excepted.

Nov 10, 2012 at 7:31 PM | Registered Commentershub

Voter ID restrictions from Republicans or healthcare from Democrats. It was not a difficult choice.

Nov 10, 2012 at 7:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterBitBucket

BB you are very good at spoiling but useless at responding to questions.

I wanted to make some politically incorrect statements about what the demographics mean both for the USA and for the UK. However I wanted other people to input their thoughts first, oh well....
Countries like the USA and the UK have been falling over themselves to make sure that they "are seen" to be doing the "politically correct and right thing" in many areas including climate change and in racial/cultural areas.
These two predominantly white countries go out of their way to be multi cultural and multi racial and to give equal rights to all. For me these voting demographics suggest very strongly that we have been shooting ourselves in the foot and will eventually put a bullet between our own eyes.
\there is no way that 94% of blacks voted for Obama on the basis of policy and BB I dont care what complaints you have about that.
After trying so hard to be multiracial these results tell us that the future is black and so will be most US presidents (if candidates can be found).
In Africa people vote along tribal lines which is crazy but gives a pointer to the US result.
What I do not know is UK voting demographics so I will investigate that before saying more :)

Nov 10, 2012 at 9:52 PM | Registered CommenterDung

Dung, here's your song:

...Are there any queers in the theatre tonight
Get 'em up against the wall

There's one in the spotlight
He don't look right to me
Get 'em up against the wall

That one looks Jewish
And that one's a coon
Who let all this riff raff into the room

There's one smoking a joint and
Another with spots
If I had my way I'd have all of you shot

(In the Flesh, Roger Waters)

Nov 10, 2012 at 10:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterBitBucket


You are truly ignorant and pathetic.

Nov 10, 2012 at 10:08 PM | Registered CommenterDung