Discussion > An experimental demo of GHE.
my problem with the N&Z paper are statements such as:
"Equations (5) and (6) imply that pressure directly controls the kinetic energy and temperature...." (taken directly from N&Z
"The more molecules per unit volume the higher the temperature and the less molecules per unit volume the lower the temperature." RKS 2.53pm
These are simply wrong statements. Pressure does not control the kinetic energy of molecules. The energy distribution of molecules is a function of temperature alone. One can have 10 molecules per unit volume, or 10^n molecules per unit volume with the volume of gas at the same temperature. The temperature is not based on the total energy in the volume but on the average molecular kinetic energy.
I'm trying to come to some understanding of the N&Z work but it's difficult when some elementary concepts such as the kinetic theory of gases, ideal gases, work, energy etc. are not presented as they should.
My position at the moment is that in an atmosphere that is not radiatively active. i.e. one that contains say just N2 then the atmosphere will attain an isothermal state. It can't lose heat to space by radiation, if it picks up heat through conduction by contact with the planetary surface at it's base then any movement will serve to bring the atmosphere to it's isothermal state. I belive this is also the position of Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen amongst others. There is a 'GHE'. The real question is what is the climate sensitivity. Empirical data on time scales ranging from 10^7 years, through to 10^-1 year (8 orders of magnitude) tend to suggest that it is on the low side (1-1.5K per doubling of CO2).
I'm prepared to spend some time on the N&Z work but at this stage I have my doubts. My own calculation of the S-B temperature, accounting for the geometry of a sphere, with incoming radiation coming from one direction only and outgoing radiation in all directions shows little difference from the standard S-B calculation presented by the IPCC and others. Tonight I'll redo the calculation using an analytical integration and check it agains my numerical approach I outlined earlier.

You say insolation cannot interact with the majority of the air molecules - N&Z, after years of refining their theory, say that it does.
If N&Z actually do say that*, then their paper is junk, plain and simple. Thanks for clearing it up, it means I don't have to consider it again.
* a citation would be nice for complete closure
Jan 6, 2013 at 5:09 PM | TheBigYinJames>>>>If you've read their theory, as you say you have, you will know they state that [lower tropospheric] temperature is a product of pressure and insolation - there really is nothing else to cite - it's there in the paper and on numerous Talloke threads I've already referenced.
N&Z have handled all the questions you've posed on their Q&A posts and I think I'm happy with what they say. They really are very capable scientists.
End of this discussion I think.

Reading the paper, N&Z say their analysis is consistent with the Ideal Gas Law, which is stated and examined further. After years of work they now have (what they say is) a definitive paper under peer reviiew (I wonder who the peers are - they must have balls of steel!).
I agree that numerical integration and analytical integration should yield the same result (I remember thinking this a year ago). I bet you £100 that they do - do you accept?
BigYen and RKS, please shake hands and make up like gentlemen. - whatever your differences. You are both capable physicists. If we were all right all of the time what fun would there be? I am wrong so often that I insist that my greatest detractors check all of my work before I submit it (but then, I work in industry...).

Absolutely, consider the N&Z topic closed.
Now back to the GHE...

your offer of a sporting bet is tempting but before I accept I need to check my own numerical calculation, to carry out my own integration and to check what the implications of the N&Z integration is.
Once I've established the integrity of my own result I might just accept.
Have a good evening.

Thanks Paul, I'll wait to hear.
If you like we could transfer the bet to a dinner in London - winner pays. I would like to meet you.
(Same goes for BigYin, but probably a different occasion...)

"The more molecules per unit volume the higher the temperature and the less molecules per unit volume the lower the temperature." RKS 2.53pm....
Jan 6, 2013 at 5:28 PM | Paul Dennis>>>>
Hi Paul.
Perhaps the phrasing was misleading.
According to classic Ideal Gas Law a gas's kinetic energy is proportional to the product of it's volume and pressure.
The higher the pressure, the more molecules will be energised and, according to N&Z, the gas's temperature is proportional to pressure, insolation and the Near Surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement detailed in Their paper.
From their paper:-
"3.1. Climate Implications of the Ideal Gas Law
The average thermodynamic state of a planet’s atmosphere can be accurately described by the Ideal Gas Law (IGL):
PV = nRT
where P is pressure (Pa), V is the gas volume (m^3), n is the gas amount (mole), R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1 is the universal gas constant, and T is the gas temperature (K). Equation (5) has three features that are chiefly important to our discussion: a) the product P×V defines the internal kinetic energy of a gas
(measured in Jules) that produces its temperature; b) the linear relationship in Eq. (5) guarantees that a
mean global temperature can be accurately estimated from planetary averages of surface pressure and
air volume (or density)."
"3. The Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement
Previous studies have noted that the term Greenhouse Effect is a misnomer when applied to the
atmosphere, since real greenhouses retain heat through an entirely different mechanism compared to
the free atmosphere, i.e. by physically trapping air mass and restricting convective heat exchange.
Figure 4. According to observations, the Earth-Atmosphere System absorbs on average a net solar flux of 239 W m-2 , while the lower troposphere alone emits 343 Wm-2 thermal radiation toward the surface.
Figure 3. Solution to the two-layer model in Eq. (4) for Ts and Ta as a function of
atmospheric emissivity assuming a convective atmosphere (gbH = 0.075 m/s). Also
shown is the predicted down-welling LW flux (Ld). Note that Ld ≤ 239 W m-2
Hence, we propose a new term instead, Near-surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE) defined
as a non-dimensional ratio (NTE) of the planet actual mean surface air temperature (Ts, K) to the verage
temperature of a Standard Planetary Gray Body (SPGB) with no atmosphere (Tgb , K) receiving the same solar irradiance, i.e. NTE = Ts /Tgb . This new definition emphasizes the essence of GHE, which is the temperature boost at the surface due to the presence of an atmosphere"
It's a bit difficult to maintain formatting in the comments text box. Hope this helps with the first part of your question but it's pointless discussing it too much until you give their paper a thorough read.

Back to the subject of the thread and your experiment, why don't we work it up and propose it to a university. I am clearly biased in this and and while I have contacts in many universities, and contracts with some, I have no business at all with Imperial - one of the foremost physics departments in the world (along with MIT and Stanford). I feel sure that Imperial would never impeach their credibility.
What do you think?

BigYen and RKS, please shake hands and make up like gentlemen. - whatever your differences. You are both capable physicists. If we were all right all of the time what fun would there be? I am wrong so often that I insist that my greatest detractors check all of my work before I submit it (but then, I work in industry...).
Jan 6, 2013 at 5:45 PM | Roger Longstaff>>>>I think I broke off on good terms - I hope.
Not a physicist - Just a retired engineer.
As for having your work checked, when I was performing integration testing on communication satellites at Portsmouth, we had to double check each others work right down to torque testing the screws on test leads. They called it the 'Buddy System' and every result was documented on reams of paper spewing out of the laser printer.

Back to the subject of the thread and your experiment, why don't we work it up and propose it to a university. I am clearly biased in this and and while I have contacts in many universities, and contracts with some, I have no business at all with Imperial - one of the foremost physics departments in the world (along with MIT and Stanford). I feel sure that Imperial would never impeach their credibility.
What do you think?
Jan 6, 2013 at 6:15 PM | Roger Longstaff>>>>
Yes why not.
I think we need a bit more input from others as they do over at Tallbloke when developing an idea. If it doesn't prove GHE it might also be able to verify N&Z's theory if we could also vary pressure.

And me too, not a physicist just a working engineer, I did one year of pure Physics and two years of pure mathematics, as part of an electronics course back in the 80s (the pre-Calculator age) and quite a lot of QED as part of an electronics materials course later.
Do you ever get the feeling that the faceless nature of this lends itself to a rather impersonal confrontational approach? If we were all sitting round a table in a pub discussing this, I bet these sorts of to-and-fros would be much more congenial. I have no ill-feeling towards RKS at all, I'd buy him a pint in the genial pub. As a Scotsman, that is a grand compliment.

And me too, not a physicist just a working engineer, I did one year of pure Physics and two years of pure mathematics, as part of an electronics course back in the 80s (the pre-Calculator age) and quite a lot of QED as part of an electronics materials course later.
Do you ever get the feeling that the faceless nature of this lends itself to a rather impersonal confrontational approach? If we were all sitting round a table in a pub discussing this, I bet these sorts of to-and-fros would be much more congenial. I have no ill-feeling towards RKS at all, I'd buy him a pint in the genial pub. As a Scotsman, that is a grand compliment.
Jan 6, 2013 at 6:21 PM | TheBigYinJames>>>>
Yep, my sentiments too. It's sometimes so difficult to get people to understand what you mean on the pages of a blog.

Me too, too. Degrees in physics but a chartered engineer for most of my career (I gave up paying the fees a while back).
We need to find a pub. Any of you get to London? (Bish - feel free to give RKS, BigYin and Paul my email if they ask).
RKS - do you want to start a new thread, either here or at Tallbloke's, to try to define an experiment?

Incoming solar energy cannot interact with the majority of air molecules, no matter how dense (up to a point), because diatomics do not absorb those wavelengths.
Then how does the Sun's rays lose just about all their warmth in the winter months at higher latitudes? (as I explained in my comment a couple of days ago - think it is on page 7 now:)
Sorry, I cannot accept that the atmosphere is transparent to incoming radiation. Here at 56 degrees north, from November through to February, even on the clearest (and windless) days without a cloud in the sky, the Sun rays have virtually no warmth (even when you angle your skin to be perpendicular to the Sun, so you should be receiving the same Watts/m2 as someone sleeping by a pool in the tropics). This is not because the days are shorter, but because even at midday the Sun is lower in the sky and the corresponding route the photons take through the atmosphere to get to the surface is much longer. Hence, a significant amount of the incoming radiation is being absorbed by the atmosphere, and I very much doubt that particulates are the guilty few...
Jan 1, 2013 at 10:08 PM | Registered Commenter lapogus
I don't pretend to understand N&Z physics, but was very taken by the simplicity of Harry Huffman's argument when I first saw it, and have yet to be convinced that it is fundamentally flawed. Hence I am with RKS and Roger here. (Roger - great that you have persisted with this and to see you posting here again). Thanks to all others for their contributions also.

Thanks lapogus - and an excellent point! Also, you can't get sunburnt at sundown on a clear day, so that takes care of the UV as well as the IR.

I'm abstaining from the N&Z discussion, but your points seem to be back on the general GH discussion again.
I see you understand that the poles are colder because the insolation is spread across a greater area, so we won't go into that.
Your point about angling your hand to be perpendicular to the sun is an interesting one, though, and I hope I can explain it to your satisfaction.
When I say that the atmosphere is transparent to solar radiation, it's not quite true. It's that most of the atmosphere is mostly transparent to solar radiation. Obviously sunlight isn't a coherent source of shortwave IR, it's a Planck curve as shown in this graph. This means that sunlight contains *some* LW radiation (not much compared with SW, but still some)
By a curious coincidence (but not really) this is the exact band that our skin temperature receptors are able to pick up. This is why you feel your skin heat up in direct sunlight. It's not the SW you feel, but a tiny little bit of LW contained in the Planck curve spread of frequencies.
In winter, the light has to pass through more atmosphere, as you pointed out. Let's say for example, it has to pass through twice as much air to get to your hand. That means the small bit of LW you can feel as heat on your skin has to pass through twice as much air, containing twice as many GHG molecules as before. Some of this energy is absorbed by the GHGs and sent out onmi-directionally.
So meanwhile, while you feel 'intuitively' that the sun has less strength in winter, this is not because the atmosphere can stop SW. What you are experiencing is actually the scattering effect of GH gases on the little bit of the sunlight your skin could feel anyway - the LW part of the sun's Planck curve.
I hope you can see what I mean.

But what about the SW (UV)?
(a genuine question - NOT confrontational)

At sunset, sunrise, or in winter, the UV insolation as part of general insolation, is spread over a larger area, so has a correspondingly less power. It's not that you *cant* get sunburn at sunset, it's just that it would take twice or three times as long.. and sunsets don't last long enough.
Think about it.... if you've ever been skiing in a northern country in winter in the sun. You can absolutely get sunburnt, for two reasons (1) because the weakened power of UV is reflected by the snow, so you get double (2) you stay outdoors for much longer than you would normally.

dinner and a drink in London would be great. Or perhaps if you are ever in East Anglia dinner in Norwich and I'll throw in a visit and tour of my labs. I should be in London sometime in the new Year, probably February as I'm giving a lecture at UCL sometime.
The same invitation goes for anyone else too.
Now back to the N&Z integration!

As further information about how little UV we're talking about:
Ozone, being in a thin layer rather than distributed throughout the atmosphere, doesn't really increase its influence when we are talking about longer path lengths in winter. The majority of the reduction in UV intensity is down to the geometry.

BigYin, thanks for your reply, which I fully understand. But the opacity of the atmosphere applies to the short wave UV radiation - why else do Govt agencies and skin cancer specialists stress that only midday direct sunlight should be avoided?
But I have not finished with LW. You agree that LW incoming radiation is intercepted by the GHG molecules. I thought the settled science was that CO2 and other GHG molecules could only reflect outward IR radiation? If humans are increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 then surely these extra molecules will also reflect more incoming LW radiation back out to space? Ergo the CO2 concentration is irrelevant?
UPDATE - okay, we need to quantify the average Watts/m2 of LW incoming solar radiation, and compare it to the 'back radiation' figure from the GHG. But I would suggest the incoming LW from daylight solar is significantly more than the total from the atmosphere. I have never ever felt my hand warm by placing under a passing cloud.

Many thanks Paul - I'd like to take you up on it!
BigYin, I was thinking about ozone, when at sundown the UV has to pass through much more of it due to the geometry. Like many mad dogs I have been burned to a crisp under the midday sun, but I have enjoyed many happy hours drinking "sundowners" while facing it at the end of the day.
EM radiation can only be either transmitted, reflected (scattered) or absorbed by any medium, such as the atmosphere. It is clear that all frequencies are attenuated in a plane normal to the source when the elevation of the sun is low to the horizon. Is it all triatomic molecules, or are there other factors (again, a genuine question).

But the opacity of the atmosphere applies to the short wave UV radiation - why else do Govt agencies and skin cancer specialists stress that only midday direct sunlight should be avoided?
Because at mid-day the sun is directly overhead and is at its maximum intensity, or put another way, spread over the smallest area. At the start and end of the day, we're round the side a little, and the intensity is spread over a larger area only this time in terms of longitude, in the same way as at the poles in terms of latitude. At sunset we're receiving exactly the same insolation as the north pole because to the sun, we're right on the edge of the disc of the earth. It's got nothing to do with path length through the atmosphere.
But I have not finished with LW. You agree that LW incoming radiation is intercepted by the GHG molecules. I thought the settled science was that CO2 and other GHG molecules could only reflect outward IR radiation? If humans are increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 then surely these extra molecules will also reflect more incoming LW radiation back out to space? Ergo the CO2 concentration is irrelevant?
I'm not sure what you mean by GHG only reflecting outward radiation. Greenhouse gasses absorb and re-emit photons in the correct LW band, no matter where they came from directionally. So yes, more GHG means more of the LW from the sun will be reflected (reabsorbed and reemitted in a random direction, but generally half of them back out to space)
Unfortunately, the amount of LW in general insolation is small anyway. The extra number of photons GHGs manage to get rid of is dwarfed by photons coming from the ground. This is because the ground 'converts' SW photons into LW photons, so the total number of LW photons bouncing around is dominated by this effect rather than the little bit of LW directly from the sun.
So yes, increasing GH gases reflect away a fraction of a small number of incoming LW photons, but unfortunately reflects the same fraction of a much larger number of LW photons coming out of the earth back towards it.

I am going to re-post my update from above just in case it was missed by anyone:
UPDATE - okay, we need to quantify the average Watts/m2 of LW incoming solar radiation, and compare it to the 'back radiation' figure from the GHG. But I would suggest the incoming LW from daylight solar is significantly more than the total from the atmosphere. I have never ever felt my hand warm by placing under a passing cloud.
Ergo increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (if the accepted GHG theory is correct, which I hae ma doots aboot), will result in a net cooling of global average temperatures...

If N&Z actually do say that*, then their paper is junk, plain and simple. Thanks for clearing it up, it means I don't have to consider it again.
* a citation would be nice for complete closure