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In the news today - Josh 370

At Wind Energy's Absurd, they write:

We have repeatedly challenged the wisdom and morality of allowing multinational companies into the classroom to put their side of a story that is designed to cultivate acceptance of their industry into future generations.

You will remember Tommy the Turbine - a tale told to children in Ireland about the wonders of wind power. 

Well now Tommy has a rival - and our money is on Subsidy Sam getting the message out there. 
It is time the indoctrination of our children was stopped.

We have been requested to post this story and are delighted to oblige. 

Please share it as many times as you want and send it wherever you want.

'Subsidy Sam' was written by Lyndsey Ward to counter the shameless pro-wind propaganda allowed in schools. Lyndsey asked me to help out with a cartoon and I was only too happy to oblige. Today 'Subsidy Sam' made it into The Press and Journal, a Scottish newspaper - see below.

Click image to enlarge

You can read the whole story on the Facebook page and, as Lyndsey suggests, please do post/share/Tweet/Facebook as much as you can. I will update with a link to the online version when it becomes available.

Here is the cartoon on its own should you need it.


Cartoons by Josh

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Reader Comments (72)

Alan Kendall, the Dutch made wind power work over 500 years ago, to pump water, to help reclaim land. They got very good at it, along with sea defences, dams etc. East Anglia benefitted from Dutch technology from the late 1600s (?)

Dutch Naval power is largely ignored/forgotten by British history books, but one of their great advantages was the speed of their shipbuilding, made possible by wind powered sawmills before the age of steam. Old maps show "tide/mill ponds" around Portsmouth, and I presume they were connected with shipbuilding.

It is a shame that UEA could not make wind power work, practically, or economically, with such proximity and shared heritage. I have family links to Suffolk, so have experienced the 'joy' of the East wind. I don't know how viable modern Dutch windpower is, but they have no mountains or sea cliffs to mount their bird mincers on, so maybe they don't cause as much damage when they are working. I was last there in 2005, and they had a lot of wind turbines around their inland waterways/seas/meers

Apr 22, 2016 at 9:18 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Dave Ward 8:58, funnily enough, that was the unfunny video, that I had in my mind, about children and adults splattered with blood on the hair, head, head, face, clothes etc. They "withdrew" the video, but by the power of Youtube, search:

10:10 Climate change banned

to get the unedifying thought processes of the Green Blob, which should not be forgotten

Apr 22, 2016 at 9:40 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

You can see that informative video via

Scum is too kind a word for them.

Apr 22, 2016 at 9:58 PM | Registered CommenterJohn Shade

John Shade, thanks for that additional link. It is interesting to re-read the Guardian article and the comments. Many could see it was a PR disaster. A rare judgement/prediction to be proved right.

Apr 22, 2016 at 11:47 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Attack the BBC!

Oh and btw I can recall Mr. Hudson cutting the ribbon - opening a noo gween skool, it was an item broadcast by his employer - the beeb - UK global warmunists.

Apr 23, 2016 at 12:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterAthelstan.

Frequency resonating blameless wind vortex turbines 40 % cheaper less land less maintenance more efficient

Because of continued criticism of conventional Turbines Climate Skeptics driving innovation.

Apr 23, 2016 at 7:55 AM | Unregistered CommenterMariah the Dirty Denier

@Mariah Promises promises, seems more green magical thinking !
- It's promising magic X ..(as if every biz wouldn't be trying to operate at max efficiency right now)
- It's in the Guardian X
- It was 1 year ago X .....we already talked about it in May 2015

BTW you mean blaDeless vortex wind turbines

Apr 23, 2016 at 8:45 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Mariah: a visual an (possibly) environmental improvement, maybe. But it is still stuck with the unreliability.

Apr 23, 2016 at 9:25 AM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

John Slade used a word that wasremoved from one of my posts with the comment. manners. And my use of it was meant to be humorous.

I demand a recount!

Apr 23, 2016 at 9:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Is Subsidy Sam masquerading as a rainbow?

He should hide his gold more carefully.

Apr 23, 2016 at 10:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

The problem with bladeless wind turbines, is that they will need at least 10 years more research with lavish taxpayer funding, before they are ready to be launched onto the market.

It is at that point that it is realised it was a waste of time and money.

The yachtie market has been seeking windturbines for electricity generation with 'smaller' blades for years, to reduce noise and risk of injury to yachties. They can provide a useful 'trickle charge' for battery maintenance purposes, but are not sufficient for regular routine recharging. More research is required, but taxpayer funding does not extend to such a minority interest.

Apr 23, 2016 at 10:07 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

golf Charlie, there are of course egg-whisk devices to capture wind energy. One was located just outside Regina, Saskatchewan in the 1970s. Stood by itself for years and never bred, perhaps because it was surrounded by a strong fence. Poor thing. Nothing like SuSam, always moving, never broke down. Don't know how friendly it was to birds, though. Probably it's now extinct.

I'm sure the thought of wind-powered eggwhisks will make your creative juices flow.

Apr 23, 2016 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Alan Kendall, modern bird liquidisers managed to whisk the eggs before they are laid. A very clever innovation, but not ecologically sound if species survival is paramount.

Chicken omelette without the bones and feathers, is considered preferable to the Western concept of 'good food', for those who don't like an organic crunch to their diet, but for standard bird liquidisers, this requires additional effort in launching flightless chicken into the blades first. Some catering organisations have attempted to streamline the process by liquidising the chicken separately, reforming it into something, splashing it with egg, before coating it with crumbs of uncertain origin. Top celebrity chef Jamie Oliver even demonstrated how schools have been feeding children something similar, but made out of turkey. A simple twistle on a Scottish American recipe.

Out of curiosity, a Twistle Rig is a means of setting up a yacht for downwind sailing with 2 headsails, and no spinnaker, though I have no idea why reconstituted turkey should have been named after it.

Apr 23, 2016 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

golf Charlie.

Could it be that such rigs have flapping sails resembling headless chickens?

When first introduced into Europe turkeys must have been confused with super large American chickens.

Derivation therefore easy to understand.

Apr 23, 2016 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Alan Kendall, the Turkish Gulet, is a traditional commercial sailing vessel, now reproduced for the tourist cruise market, though more dependent on diesel engines than sails. A Gulet does not have a tradition of being sailed downwind with a Spinnaker, but might be sailed 'Goosewinged' ie with foresail on the otherside of the boat to the mainsail. The Twistle rig involved hoisting two foresails on the same 'stay', ie the bit of string going from the pointy end, to the top of the big sticky thingy.

The gullet of a turkey is enlarged more than that of a chicken, and it remains possible that turkeys with large gullets made their way to Europe on Turkish gulets with a twistle rig, whilst their crews guzzled the gullets and gizzards of dead turkeys, diced up and reconstituted into twistlers for ease of consumption without being sick. Certainly this explanation is more convincing than most of climate science, but I am not seeking research funding, so the true link between the Turkey Twizzler and cheap food for schoolchildren may never be understood.

Apr 23, 2016 at 8:13 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

So technical gC So many terms - string, pointy end, big sticky thingy. But you make it all come alive (except for those poor birdy thingies).

But your fascinating tail of turkey gullets and twisler rigs made me speculate that perhaps the weird accent of Bernard Mathews might have been due to an eastern ancestry.

I'm 97% sure you could get research funding. Its links to climate change are so obvious.

Apr 24, 2016 at 1:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Alan Kendall, I had forgotten your Norfolk connection to generating turkeys. Some Norfolk Turkeys have become world famous in climate science, with unprecedented growth rates in production despite the lack of temperature change. Some of the rubbish produced in mass production of turkeys, has been force fed to children in schools for years, where it has been gobbled up, by the vulnerable, totally unaware of any alternatives.

It took a few scandals before it was revealed that not all Norfolk Turkeys were home grown, with some of dubious international uncertainty having had verification paperwork lost.

This has caused permanent damage to the reputation of all Norfolk turkey production, even though a lot of good turkey has been produced in Norfolk for many years, and the producers of more infamous turkeys have been trying to avoid attracting too much publicity to what had appeared to be a world leading and profitable production/assembly operation.

Unfortunately, in Climate Science, being awarded a Norfolk Turkey Prize, is a Gift for Life, not just for Christmas

Apr 24, 2016 at 2:53 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Alan Kendall, forgot to add that the 'Twistle' rig in sailing, is also known as a 'Twizzle' rig in some circles, whereby two foresails are hoisted on one forestay for relaxed downwind sailing.

You also mention East Anglian accents, and I can vouch for some of the very traditional accents used in communities on the River Blackwater, (Essex, East Anglia), are easily mistaken for Australian. Some of the original settlers of Australia from the UK were exported/deported from Essex. I have no idea if there is a traceable link.

Apr 24, 2016 at 3:16 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

golf Charlie. You only have to subject yourself to the nauseating experience of successive viewings of Neighbours and The Only Way is Essex to see the resemblance. Such sadism, however, is not for everyone and can lead to self induced blindness/hearing loss. There are no state bailout funds, especially in 'strine, given their heritage.

Attempts to forge renewed 'strine-Essex family links have been met with extreme prejudice.

Apr 24, 2016 at 4:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Gc inexplicably posted remarks on your Norfolk Turkey prize on the Gavs losing it thread. Please excuse rush to head and consult.

Apr 24, 2016 at 5:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

Alan Kendall 5:05, some Norfolk Turkeys have close associations with Gavin Schmidt. They are all easily confused by numbers, and things that don't go up or down when they have decided they should.

I think teachers recognise some of their behaviours as typical toddler tantrums, and reckon they should grow up.

Apr 24, 2016 at 8:28 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

golf Charlie

Norfolk turkeys don't grow up.

They are terminated before reaching maturity (just before Christmas in the UK, earlier for the US export market).

A bit like the tree ring proxy curve in your beloved hockey stick, terminated before its prime.

Herding turkeys is probably also afflicted by divergence problems.

Apr 25, 2016 at 8:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kendall

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