Bishop Hill

Stupidity signalling

Everyone has now heard of "virtue signalling", the idea that words are uttered or actions taken simply to demonstrate membership of the group of "right-thinking people". Taken to its extreme, however, virtue signalling becomes "stupidity signalling" and here we have a truly epic example in the shape of the EP Tender, a trailer containing an electric generator, which you tow behind your electric car on longer trips.
Reader Comments (106)
'It is stupidity beyond belief ....' - ImranCan
True. The trailer shouts, for all the world to hear, "I shouldn't have bought this damn car in the first place."
Propulsion on a volt is COMPLETELY due to the electric engine. The Volt has an onboard gas engine generator which exclusively exists charge the battery. This is different from a plug in hybrid, but I believe this is exactly what is being accomplished with the trailer generator. Please explain what I am missing.
You are mistaken, James.
"no auto manufacturers support the thing at present"
Funny, that. It must destroy the aerodynamics of the EV, too.
Aha! Now I see. The original voltec gas engine produced electricity to drive an electric engine, but the gen 2 voltec gas engine can be used to drive the car directly. I was not aware of the gen 2 change. I guess I should have said this Renault is more akin to a gen 1 Volt.
Not really, James. You were tricked by Chevrolet marketing.
'Yes, Virginia, the Chevy Volt’s gas engine does turn the wheels.'