Bishop Hill

Quote of the day, hypocritical lowlife edition

You are self employed and I was told that your work takes you to the USA. I can not resist surmising that you may get there using air travel.
District Judge Wright draws attention to the almost unbelievable hypocrisy of Robert Basto, one of the Heathrow 13.
Reader Comments (79)
Dork, please, shut up.
[snip - manners}
[snip O/T]
[snip O/T]
A degree in Climate Change eh. I bet the final exam is difficult and assume it consists of one question:
Do you think the average global temperature in the future will:
a. Increase to a dangerous level.
b. Remain about the same as today.
c. Decrease
Candidates are advised that they should show all working UNLESS they have chosen answer a.
@Steve Jones: Yes, very fitting! What's a the old saying,? "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!".
@Athelstan yep agree Commenters shouldn't be put off by Brandon's dramaqueening attitude, I imagine he's being recruited by the Sepo diplomatic dept right now.
I agree with D Geezer about the judges cleverness of giving them a sentence but not martyring them.- I don't understand why he had to intimidate instead of just saying "well I disagree and have a different point of view"
- The judge said
Steve Jones, it amazes me that we need people to study Climate Change. Apparently the science is all settled, so what is there left to study? Grant funding? Getting scare stories published in the media?
It's about crossing lines
1. Protesting legally ..that's fine even tho in can inconvenience
2.BUT Cutting thru a fence and break the criminal trespass law and breaking other laws.
..well that's crossing a line
3. Expressing an opinion on a blog that those people behaved like thugs
.. that's not even as bad as point (1) cos it inconveniences nor harms anyone ..No line has been crossed.
...People should be able to express such opinions instead of being intimidated into hiding them.
stewgreen, 'cutting a fence' is a symbolic gesture, because it does represent a criminal offence, even if no attempt is actually made to go through the fence. It is therefore provocation, a challenge to the owner/Law Enforcers - what do they do about it?
My disappointment in this instance, is that the Green Blob Bullies have 'got away with it'. UK Law Enforcement did demonstrate commendable restraint, but the UK Justice have given in to the bullies.
It only proves to the likes of Putin, the correct way to deal with Green Blob Bullies is to jail them, and guess what, the Green Blob Bullies leave Putin alone, and concentrate on soft UK targets.
Article at the Conversation. As usual, the supposedly unbiased Conv is a mouthpiece for political activism. One of the authors is a member of the Green Party.
Dork, you used to be interesting and entertaining. Now you are neither.
Hunter, only people like One World Government groupies have the intellect and the wisdom to decide whether your flight is pointless and wasteful or not. Clearly you are too much of an ignorant peasant to safely decide to spend your money as you see fit yourself - Uncle Joe should decide for you, you must agree. In fact this is exactly what greens say too.
People like this used to be dismissed as merely busybodies, or in more enlightened times ducked in the village pond. Nowadays they spend their working life making rude comments about other people being "science deniers" or "climate deniers", and complaining 15 years after the event that the media didn't report them correctly. Or even blaming "the banks" for the EU's immigration policy.
You cannot add back radiation to solar radiation and use the total in Stefan Boltzmann calculations to explain the mean surface temperature.
The 324W/m^2 of back radiation is overstated because the wrong emissivity value of the atmosphere has been used in calculating that back radiation from measurements. On Venus, using emissivity of 0.19 for carbon dioxide, the atmosphere would have to be over 350 degrees hotter than the surface for its radiation to support the surface temperature.
Even if you use the 324 figure (as is implied in the energy diagrams which show 168+324-102 = 390W/m^2 into the surface) that 390 figure (being a mean of variable flux) gives you a mean temperature close to zero C, not 15C.
So it's all totally wrong and the whole radiative forcing greenhouse conjecture fails to explain reality.
If you genuinely want to hear explained what really happens in the equivalent of a 43 minute live presentation, watch the full video as over 1,100 others have done in its first 6 months. You can ask genuine questions on this blog.
Bish, 3:27pm:
Dork doesn't do discussion; only derailing, diversion and disingenuity.
{Irish migration is O/T- please take this to a discussion page. TM}
Dork. Wrong place for care in the community. Off you go.
@Jeremy Poynton Yep, It would be convenient if the commenter's name came at the top, instead of the bottom ..So we know to quickly move on.
- I guess he's trying to disrupt and get banned as to wear it as some kind of martyr badge, Yet mwe know warmist blogs censor at the drop of a hat.
@Paul Matthews Interesting to see that Greenpeace types have put out a biased piece about the sentencing of the Heathrow 13, which has time for lots of propaganda, but didn't have time to put a link to the judges actual remarks or comment on them.
- It's todays' exhibit #1 that Dramagreens's are tricky and unreasonable people.
I'm sure Brandon would jump in straight away to point out - it is yet another piece of evidence that Dramagreens care about Propaganda PR narrative, rather than the real world.
What's the Beef ? They use the taxpayer funded Conversation platform as a free blog, rather than putting their material on the Greenpeace blog.
Now it is not wrong that Conversation writers are Greenpeace or FoE members it's just that we know that the Conversation does not reflect the diversity of the real world : non-left wing or contrary views are rarely given the same platform on the Conversation.
But I wouldn't thought it has that much power, as it soon becomes obvious to the reasonable that the Conversation and the Guardian are just the same as the evil image they themselves portray of the Daily Mail.
I guess you could open up a post about it on your CliScep blog ..unruined by D'rks comments
The writer @GraemeHayes, doesn't seem to understand the principles logical argument, as when you suggest that he deliberately left off the judges ruling in preference for a Guardian narrative. He calls that comment an ad hom.
It's only an ad hom if it's used as the basis for winning an argument point...So no, it was just a comment.
(Strangely after always working in the Modern languages faculty, he switched to the sociology faculty last year ..ah PhD in French eco-protest movement)
I note the Brian Doherty co-authors profile is almost 100% blank as he joined "The Coversation" only 2 days ago
I see he wrote an article in 2010 seemingly jealous of the way Fuel Price protesters managed to get govt policy changed peacefully, without crossing the line and getting prosecuted.
Bio : "I have worked at Keele since 1991 after completing my PhD at Manchester University (on The Ideology of Green Parties)." He's writeen books on Direct Action.
What is the opportunity for civil action?
Although they may not have assets now a garnering of wages until suitable damages had been paid would sting a bit.
clovis 7:00pm:
I suspect that most potential litigants won't even bother, given the English judiciary's soft approach towards 'eco-warriors'.
[response to snipped comment}
As I said previously, Dork doesn't do discussion; only derailing, diversion and disingenuity.
Any more of these and further comments will be deleted.TM
There was all sorts of bizarre comment in the media recently about the current El Nino causing coral bleaching of Australia's reefs. This makes absolutely no sense since El Nino by definition involves warmer surface waters in the EASTERN pacific. Sea surface Temperatures around Australia are usually completely normal during an El Nino. They are in fact completely normal right now, as you can see by looking at a sea temperature anomaly map. Furthermore even if the sea was warmer it would overall be helpful overall to coral growth as there are many places where coral struggles because the water is too cold and very few places where the water is too hot.
This story looks like a classic example of media failure in this age of low quality journalism. Someone has taken some comment out of context and by interviewing their keyboard and adding a lot of factually incorrect common nonsense about ENSO and global warming off the top of their head has spun an alarming and factually false story out of it. This has then been amplified by lazy journalists writing stories quoting each other and not bothering to check any of the facts.
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I wonder whether US Immigration will welcome him with Non Violent Direct Action?