
Limited Integrity - Josh 359

Lots on the Green Blob's not having to tell the truth, see the post below and at Third Sector, OESG and at Michael Robert's blog which includes Ben Websters Times article.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Lots on the Green Blob's not having to tell the truth, see the post below and at Third Sector, OESG and at Michael Robert's blog which includes Ben Websters Times article.
Reader Comments (57)
Harry Passfield, interesting link!
In areas with likely shale gas, it would be very constructive if wind turbines were only given Planning Permission, on condition that a matching fracking site was approved, as part of a linked Planning Consent.
If they were on the same site, fracking gas could run diesel generators direct, when for most of the time, the right sort of wind wasn't blowing, and nobody would suffer power cuts.
GC: Glad you liked the link. It took me a long time to spot the wells (click on the pic to embiggen (ta, W.E.)).
Your idea of automatically allowing shale gas wells next to windmills sounds like the very definition of sustainability. So if a sceptic can think of that it is definitely a non-starter. Heresy!!!
Troll footprints removed
Harry Passfield, it would be a much cheaper way to pacify the Militant tendency of the Green Blob, if we all pretended to fix their imaginary problems.
With fracking wells disguised as wind turbines, diesel generators mounted on the same reinforced concrete hardstandings, and exhaust gases discretely vented through the nacelle, nobody who favours wind or diesel could object.
Any excess diesel powered electricity could even be used to rotate the wind turbine blades, to complete the illusion of functional dark satanic mills.
Wot snot to like, to keep Green Bogeys happy?
ATheoK, anti-frackers have to make things up, and tell lies, to make up for their lack of science.
In the UK, and elsewhere, the word 'austerity' is all the rage. How much rage will be caused by Green enforced electrical austerity with power cuts, may not need to be imagined for much longer. They will blame the wrong sort of wind, or the sun not shining at the right time in the night.
I love the notion that FoE cares about the health of oil workers.
I would suggest that calling a company Friends of the Earth Limited in order to circumvent the Charities Act would be of interest to Companies House. I think a strong case could be made that it is an objectionable name and that the company should be struck off. The same would apply to GWPF.