Hunky dory

The Institute of Mechanical Engineers has a report out today which looks at the UK's energy situation. It seems that we have a bit of a crisis ahead.
The loss of coal by 2025, along with growth in demand and the closure of the majority of our nuclear power stations will therefore be significant, leaving a potential supply gap of 40%–55%, depending on wind levels.
To bridge this gap, the Institute sees no option but new gas=fired power stations and UK shale gas. As they explain though, there are some slight problems with this strategy. If there is no increase in demand then we are only (only!) going to need 30 new CCGT power stations. Unfortunately we don't enough skilled people to build them. And demand actually looks set to go up. And the greens are going to prevent UK shale going ahead.
Apart from that it's all hunky dory.
Reader Comments (92)
JamesG ... from the linked repotr
A second option for UK-generated natural gas is its
extraction through hydraulic fracturing of shale,
or ‘fracking’. In the UK very little gas is currently
extracted from shale and to increase to the levels
needed would require a step-change in the industry.
On 18 December 2015 the House of Commons
Energy and Climate Change Committee published
the report of the Consultation on Priorities for
Parliament, 2015–2020[9]. The section titled The
Future of Gas identifies that over half the responses
they had to the consultation in this theme were
public opposition to shale gas projects. This type
of opposition restricts the potential impact of
shale gas in the wider energy landscape. When
planning for 2025 this means that shale gas is
unlikely to be ready in time to meet demand due to
public opposition.
Again, from the report
Using the “optimistic” case that there is no increase in demand, these four most likely scenarios are:
1. The coal-fired power stations have closed and only Hinkley C is built for new nuclear supply. To fill the demand gap of 22% a further 30 CCGT power stations will need to be built (most likely without combined heat and power networks and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)).
2. The coal-fired power stations are closed but four new large nuclear power stations or 20 small modular reactors are “fast-tracked” (most likely without any geological disposal facility for radioactive waste disposal).
3. The coal-fired power stations are closed but there has been a change in government and industry investment into more research and development of advanced solar, tidal and wind and CCS technologies combined with energy storage. Hinkley C is built with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and hence just 10 new CCGT power stations (with CHP and CCS) are built.
4. “Business as Usual” with no added incentive for renewables and Hinkley C being only partially built and new CCGT power appearing at current rates (most likely without CHP and CCS). In this case, supply can only be secured by granting an extension to existing coal fired power stations.
[…] This timeframe of 10 years to 2025 given by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to design, build and deliver new power to the grid makes the first three of our scenarios very unlikely
You may recognise the text from Scenario 1. ;-) Somebody is being economical with the proverbial
'the public'. We'll see how they like skyrocketing prices against the black and brown shortage outs. There'll be glaring involved, and not only at the bills. Squinting too, in the dim light, and shivering.
Richard... Meanwhile China Datang Corporation (CDT) is just finishing the construction of the second part of a 2GW, supercritical, low pollution coal fired power station in record time (less than two years).
Ah but don't forget those 27 Chinese coal mines per week.
Being closed, that is.
China will aim to close 4,300 mines and cut annual production capacity by 700 million tonnes over the next three years.
Chickens roost.
Roost chickens.
I read a ImechE monthly magazine at the dentist and the letters to the editor. Definitely a green publication and green outfit.
I see only one solution to sidelining the green blob and politicians including Cameron. That is
The USA electors maintain Republican control of Congress and send Cruz into the White House. He will sort out NOAA and GISS and questions will then be raised about HAD/CRUT "homogenization". With surface temperatures then aligning with satellites and balloons and progressively widening from the "wonderful" models some sense may return. Only other possibility is the advent of severe black outs they cannot explain away. Cruz will disown Paris and possibly withdraw from IPCC including funding. Personally I fear the black outs will arrive first though.
Phil C
"China will aim to close 4,300 mines.."
I think the operative words are "aim" and "will". For the benefit of gullible westerners.
NCC, David Jones
The Israelis are a resourceful people, but never forget that they gave us Uri Geller...
jamesp, I think China will aim to close all coal mines when they serve no economic purpose. It is amazing how intelligent a nation becomes, when it does not subsidise Green Blob subversive doctrines.
Once the connector gets to Cape Wrath if has a bit of a way to go to get somewhere useful. At best it would have to get to the Beauly-Denny line across about 70 miles of virtually uninhabited country. As the Beauly-Denny line cost about cost about £10 million per mile and this would be much more challenging then the cost would be in excess of £1 Billion I'd guess.
Phil C.
Points taken. However I'm sure the nimbys would reject a local nuclear power station, windmill farm or solar farms (or indeed any change at all) even more rabidly than shale gas wells so it's a moot point. And once it is finally pointed out to them that they are actually piping this nasty explosive gas into their houses already they might pull their heads out of their arses a little. And there is a gas glut currently anyway which is not going away in the short term.
But assuming that CCS, advanced storage, tidal, solar are very unlikely to fill the gap and with wind needing diesel or gas backup and any coal policy U-turn likely to be too little, too late then it's either gas or nothing isn't it? So I think Bish's interpretation of the Business As Usual scenario is correct with or without shale gas. I'd only add that the current nuclear plant will also require extensions and Hinkley C will not be ready in time, if it even starts.
Windfarms paid double the market price to cut power
But wait, there is hope! HOPE!
Least surprising news since , bear find woods a good place to get rid off personal waste ?
The fact that the Germans are building new coal fired power stations is rarely mentioned in the MSM and never by the BBC. I believe the fuel will be brown coal. Elsewhere in Europe Poland is building new coal fired plant. How can they do this yet we are set on closing all our plants down?
@ JohnOfEnfield Jan 26, 2016 at 12:04 PM
"The greens now want us to give up gas for heating our homes. That, according to an analysis I saw, requires 1TW of extra capacity. That is equivalent to 250 Draxes"
If you are referring to the post on WUWT, please note that the author was quickly taken to task for his assumption about UK domestic boiler output. He based his workings on a figure of 60kW NOT 60,000Btu which is the more realistic value. As a result the numbers are out by some 3 and a half times. This doesn't alter the basic premise of the story.
Because they are making finished products for UK consumption.
Germany is a colony.
Phil Clarke, that a 'public consultation survey' revealed public opposition to shale gas, and you quote it, suggests it is not a fair reflection of public opinion. The Green Blob have an appalling reputation for rigging consensus data, so why should anyone believe this one?
Was science involved? Or economic reality relating to fuel bills?
Should the Daily Mail be asked to conduct a public consultation exercise on how pointless and expensive, useless and unreliable wind tubines are, for everybody apart from subsidy farmers?
@Dave Ward
Thanks for the information. I stand (humbly) corrected. I obviously need to read down more of the comments in future.
I'm glad it doesn't change the basic premise though. Generously put.
At this moment UK generating figures are: coal 16.61%, wind 12.59% (very good day for wind), imports from France 4.35%.
I understand that France will be closing some of its nuclear capacity starting next year. Will it still have excess capacity to export to the UK?
Don't worry, the Government (or is that DECC) has it all sorted:
Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd said.
Time to get that generator and lots of fossil fuel to power it.
This report from ImechE reads like an undergraduate essay for a course with "sustainable" in its title. Government policy is defined via an article in the Guardian, there is a load of green waffle and speculation, and the report finishes with this piece of "engineering" insight:
"Continued focus is needed on supply, demand and emissions across the whole spectrum of energy use if we are to obtain wider benefits in UK health and welfare."
Note: "health and welfare", no mention of ... err ... engineering.
The Institution of Chemicl Engineers is similarly afflicted by greenery. Last month's house mag approvingly quoted Greenpeace's delight at Rudd's announcement of the planned end of coal generation. The director of communication has stood as a Labour candidate for parliament a couple of times, I'm pretty sure it was him who wrote a dreadful letter of support to Ed Davey a couple of years back. It is increasingly difficult to take the institution seriously.
Fancy that? .....................These days, certainly I didn't know that, Imech was printing lurid science fiction chick-lit , a small wonder it is then that, the country is going to the dogs.
We can forget it - these nations of the UK - are on the way to becoming a northern replication of that third world sh*t heap where having the lights on is a infrequent miracle of bodgemanship - a country twixt India and Afghanistan. Which is going to be OUR = the future, unless someone - part of the great and the good, bursts the great green bubble illusion.
The road to a freezing hell is: paved with green intentions.
Only a switch back to coal is the answer - nothing else will ever suffice. Fusion is a long ways off. Fission - Nuclear? - don't make me laugh......A new ('new' that's so funny!) - reactor at Hinkley will never be built, the design is antiquated and crap, as are those who are responsible for its construction. Burning GAS (to heat water to make steam to turn generators to produce electricity) - what an insanely abominable waste of a precious resource.
Someone needs a reality check - otherwise, we're stuffed.
I see that Delingpole has picked up this story at Breitbart London:
Britain is heading for a major energy crisis within ten years, says a report published today by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers....
...Even so, the organisation that produced the report – the Institution of Mechanical Engineers – is as much a part of the problem as it is the solution. Like so many institutions it has been swallowed up by the Green Blob.
Better haul ass then developing thorium.
Not much to whine, moan and nimby about there.
Or am I underestimating my green fellow man?
Should this energy gap become reality then it's criminal proceedings time against every energy minister and PM from Ed Miliband onward. Negligence / malfeasance in office or whatever is required, but they should be held to account. It's always been a stark-raving bonkers policy to close existing power capacity before new power is available, and here we see the (projected) 'proof'. This isn't so much a normal policy as sheer recklessness in office. They can't say they weren't warned.
"Time to get that generator and lots of fossil fuel to power it" Phillip Bratby Jan 26, 2016 at 7:19 PM
I've got the gennies (two of them), the problem is the fuel. IIRC it's illegal to store more than 10 (or is it 20?) litres of petrol at home, and modern unleaded with it's mandated alcohol content is well known for "going off" quickly, to say nothing of buggering fuel lines and seals. Short of converting to LPG (and finding room for lots of heavy, visibly obvious gas bottles), there doesn't seem to be an easy solution. From what I read on boating forums, even diesel is now suffering from problems. Of course, a cynic might suggest this was planned all along...
Dave: Mine is a DG, converted to run on LPG. I have lots of room to store bottles and am remote enough for nobody to know.
Please tell what can we do to protect ourselves? Heat pumps? Small domestic/commercial diesel gensets?
I've got a 900 watt air con/heat pump that provides up to 3 Kw and a 1.2 kw one that provides up to 3.5 Kw. And small diesel generators seem to get better by the week.. How soon before I can buy a wheelie-bin size Nuclear power station to stick in my loft? It's only a miniaturized submarine power plant.after all. What could possibly go wrong? Is there anything exciting just over the horizon?
Dave Ward, diesel has always been prone to diesel bug. Adding FAME (?) or whatever bio diesel stuff has increased ten fold, the number of different 'bugs' that can live and thrive in diesel, if there is any water present. The diesel additives that I know work, are Marine 16, and Grotomar 71. They use the same biocide. In a test by Practical Boat Owner 10(?) years ago they came top. They do not 'breakup' the biomass that some products 'claim' to do.
I used to think diesel bug was a bit of a myth invented by snake oil salesmen. It is not! Diesel stored for emergency generators is vulnerable, if not treated.
Owen Morgan
The Chinook saga (is a very old story in tech terms) was related to the FADEC system (nothing to do with fair weather flying) - some half witted RAF bigwigs decided we needed an independent British! FADEC system and gave the job to some chums / even dimmer bulbs - who in turn subbed out the job to an American company (Allied Signal) that had no experience of designing or writing said software.
The software was later audited for mistakes by an outfit with the requisite skill:
more here
The debacle - rumor has it had the civvy rotor-jocks at Boscombe refusing to fly the machines (insubordination for a RAF type)
It is now taught on some software engineering courses as an object lesson in how to royally screw up - EDS handed back the code after checking less than half of it - and told MoD that checking the rest was essentially pointless after what they'd already found!.
The MoD iirc continued for some time trying to make out they'd done nothing untoward - to the point of hiring Ukrainians + MILs to do helicopter operations for us in Afghanistan for covert money in manilla envelopes because we didn't have adequate helicopters available.... - which brings me back to the insanity of DECC + Miliband, Huhne and Davey.....
ps couldn't get the columns to format sanely there - small IT potato compared to this epic balls-up.
matt, the UK motor trade has not historically got involved with diesels below about 1600cc. Think Fiesta diesel etc.
The cheapest diesel genset is an insurance write off or MOT failure small diesel car, then buy a high output alternator £150?, plus a 12v - 240v transformer. You will need off road parking.
Small diesel gensets are likely to have smaller diesel engines from Japan, where historically there has been demand for compact agricultural equipment, diggers etc. They are well regarded engines. Kubota engines for yachts are sold as Beta engines in the UK and USA, but a scrap car will be cheaper!
golf charlie
and run it on heating oil with ca. 50:1 ATF mebbe?
I have seen the UK's electrical utility future - and it's called Nigeria...
Looking on the BBC website today this worrying report appears to have completely passed unnoticed by their News, and Science & Environment editors. #surprised...not
But the BBC are carrying this one:
Decision on new nuclear power plant 'delayed'
Britain's first new nuclear power plant in decades could be delayed amid reports an EDF board meeting to decide whether to invest in Hinkley Point Power Station has been postponed.
Haven't read the paper but following the comments it seems that the obvious and most workable interim solution is a few more high efficiency coal fired generators as Germany has done. Of course, there will have to be provision for CCS - i.e. an empty field somewhere not-too-far-away.
Hunky dory
Quickie for Ben Pile and Geoff Chambers
Getting rid of useless Windmills going back to Gas Power Stations
Zika Virus now having to bring back DDT.
Jamspid, 7:36pm:
DDT never went away as a disease vector control, only as an agricultural insecticide.
Salopian 8:25, will DDT work to eradicate GreenBlobitis? It seems to be very contagious, draining the life out of business and private enterprise, and has spread with fatal consequences.
GC: I wish it would.
On a more serious note. Could I please point out that yesterday was World Holocaust Day.
The reason that most of the survivors of the nazi death camps actually lived was because they were literally showered by allied soldiers with DDT powder that killed the lice and fleas the transmitted the typhus, plague and other diseases that were destroying them.
Rachael Carson and her hippy friends may have saved a few 'silent springs' and some flowers. But DDT saved a generation.
So is there data available from Israel and elsewhere on Jewish concentration camp survivors who were exposed to DDT by the Allies and their subsequent health and post mortality rates?