Bishop Hill

Quote of the day, goofy edition
This moment requires we the people to rethink democracy as a global mechanism for enacting policy for and by the planet.
Environmentalist Daphne Muller goes all Che Guevara
Reader Comments (58)
Her muddled thinking is reflected in her muddled grasp of the English language. "The moment requires we to ..." is so jarringly wrong, I'm surprised that no-one has pointed it out. A speaker of standard English would say "The moment requires us to ...". Just try it with any normal phrase like "the law requires us to walk on the footpath", or "the weather forced us to put on raincoats".
so many comments I could make about the post by Environmentalist Daphne Muller but most are amply covered by others BTL.
But - from the link above we hear from
"Gina McCarthy is the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."
"McCarthy received a Bachelor of Arts in Social Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts at Boston and a joint Master of Science in Environmental Health Engineering and Planning and Policy from Tufts University."
not sure where the vid came from/is aimed at, but I find a few comments interesting -
listen from 2.50 -
"we are working with the faith community to get the message across"
my take (i.e. convert the faith leaders & they will convert the believers/flock)
"EPA- we talk about the science but we need to get inside the publics heads"
my paraphrase - what science do you use ? ahhh the 97% correct brand (9 out of 10 cats ....)
"the challenge of climate change is enormous"
try an ice age !!!
"I don't need to fight the climate deniers now"
did you ever ?
you can see why the Pope & all Faith leaders are the new best friends for PR.
Talking of an ice age, here's a newspaper article from 1970 speculating that democracy might need to be re-thought because of global cooling:
According to Dr. Arnold Reitze, "We will be forced to sacrifice democracy by the laws that will protect us from further pollution."
Watching Corbyn on Andrew Marr
Asked about Scottish independence Corbin said "whether you are poor in Birmingham or poor in Glasgow you,re poor ,flags don't build houses."
Very true Mr Corbyn but Capitalism and Enterprise does build houses and red flags only build social slums.
Fact is we should start a Climate Skeptic Party because Damaging Climate Change Alarmist Hype can,t be defeated in Laboratories and Lecture halls it can only be defeated democratically in parliament buildings across the world.
This is forcing on an entirely different level.
This is why we should be careful letting these neo-luddite Marxists steal the word 'liberal' since they are among the most illiberal people on the planet!
If President Obama is describing climate policy as " climate insurance", then-
The Insurer is the UN IPCC,
There is no guarantee of payment in the event of a catastrophe,
Some events are not covered by the policy, namely natural climate change,
The premium is 2% of national GDP ( in the case of the UK some GBP 40 billion plus) per annum, and
The reliability of the Insurer is patchy , to put it charitably.
As Sam Goldwyn said, " Include me out ! "
I suppose "John Schellnhuber" = Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, PIK ...