Bishop Hill

A dampish squib

So President Obama has a new climate plan out and his fans in the BBC are getting very excited about it. The main thing seems to be a requirement for states to formulate climate plans, but not for a while. There is an even longer delay before they have to implement them.
Here are my impressions:
- The main objective is to make climate change an wedge issue in the next round of elections.
- The delays will make them more acceptable to the states.
- The plan will make only a tiny fraction of a degree of a difference to global temperatures at the end of the century.
- The US is halfway to the new target already on the back of the shale gas revolution.
- The new rules are put in place by executive order and can therefore be removed just as easily.
I'm not sure this amounts to a particularly large hill of beans.
Reader Comments (59)
Eli, so 12 US States just happened to reach the same conclusion without outside interference? History books won't share your trust.
Surviving members of the former USSR won't know whether to laugh or cry. All that money and deceit over nuclear weapons wasted, yet some bogus claims over CO2 and the USA self destructs.
If Romney was suckered once, hopefully he will have learnt from his mistake.
I have broadly supported most of Obama's actions, before you start diversionary mudslinging.
GC: The case was brought in 2003 and decided by the Supreme Court in April 2007, a full year an a half before Obama was elected. Stop flailing
Falsely stated, unlucky feet in mouth.
EPA has the authority to determine if a GHG endangers the public health by contributing to air pollution.
Following this ruling the EPA determined in 2009, after much colluding with eco-organizations, that CO2 endangers the health...
There is sufficient proof that the eco-organizations were directly involved in active collusion. Consider this to be a death blow for EPA's endangerment ruling from more than just law suits.
POTUS and EPA have far over-reached their legislative powers. EPA has already been scolded twice recently for assuming regulatory power in excess of what Congress delegated to it.
EPA's latest screech will not only be engaged by lawsuits; expect EPA regulations to be enjoined from proceeding until the lawsuit is decided.
POTUS has freely abused his power of the pen. This latest approach of his may well be the case that is finally brought before SCOTUS to place the president firmly back in his Administrative role.
Only Congress can enact law.
Given all of POTUS failures to properly administer coupled with his blatant abuse of agency regulatory powers, expect his remaining 12-14 months to be filled with investigations followed by prosecutions.
If there is to be a constitutional amendment, expect one that reduces the POTUS from allegedly world leader role back to USA Administrative; possibly by removing his ability to select agency heads in order to eliminate a POTUS's ability to cause corruption to a Federal agency.
Department of Justice, EPA, NOAA, NCDC, NSF, Treasury, BATF, the list is very long for agencies to be investigated for criminal and collusive activity. Many lefties might get to personally visit overcrowded prisons.
Aug 4, 2015 at 5:29 PM | Registered Commenter dennisa wrote:
Hmmm ....e3g.org, eh?! Now that rings a recycling bell of the oh-so-inspiring kind. As my mouse and I happened to unearth not too long ago ...
e3g, as I learned a few years back = "Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd" ... Sorry, no idea what might have happened to the "Second Generation ..." let alone the "First..." But I digress ...
The founding father, so to speak, of e3g is a chap by the name of John Ashton. His career (along with those of his colleagues) has taken him through the U.K. Govt-NGO revolving-door quite a few times. And he's really big on the "transformative/transformational" front.
But to my mind, Ashton's most memorable contribution derives from his "assessment" (you should pardon my use of the word) of the U.K. Met Office.
If it weren't for Ashton's immortal words, I would never have guessed (let alone known) that what I have come to think of Dame Julia's Joint, i.e. the U.K. Met Office, is nothing less than:
Amazing, eh?!
ATheoK, thank you for the clarification about what did happen before and after Obama became President. I apologise for my assumption that all the dirty tricks happened under his direction.
Obama must be very confident about all the evidence he has been supplied. I wonder why he does not share it?
The attempts and drive by the US green lobby in cahoots with the ecoloons filling the EPA to have CO² and that smidgen that man produces defined, declared as some sort of "pollutant" has been a key lever in all of this palaver, however as someone says below, nothing has been set in stone until...................
My bold and that was I understood it.
SCOTUS, needs to put the EPA and POTUS firmly back in their boxes and place, I believe that, the will and determination is still there to do just that.
Unfortunately and whereas, here in the EU, supreme courts are directed and prejudiced by the ECJ-ECHR who in turn are only glove puppets manipulated by those who run the Brussels Commission/apparatus of the super state and indeed instruct what passes for a legislative chamber - the ninny MEP's of Stasbourg to do "as directed" - this [type of political interference] is not so pervasive and potent - in the US.
In contrast, SCOTUS is still pretty much objective and "off limits" from egregious left wing political interference, though even the US supreme court is being slowly 'turned' by the Internationalists [poisoning all of the US] in the NYC-Washington powers that be.
Congress and the Supreme court will have the last say in this. Moreover, spouting pat lies to get your way does not ride well in grave matters of state and where people's livelihoods are at stake - and if they [Congress and SCOTUS] watched the Obama narration, then already they will take a dim view or even, be spitting fire. Propaganda, for the lies and fictitious doom laden guff came on thick and diesel slick - far too bloody thick, for a minute I thought I was watching Al Gore's loonytune "an inconvenient truth".
Thanks to; dennisa, Alex, cedarhill and ATheoK for some very interesting thought provoking reading.
The Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, (2007) law suit, which led to the EPA Endangerment finding, was brought by a group of highly visible and well-funded NGO’s and Environmental Law Groups, supported by politicians from twelve US states and three cities, in a creatively constructed legal suit. The NGO practice of suing the EPA, in order to force them to do something that was their primary objective anyway, is something that has happened from the beginning of the EPA, commencing with the Environmental Defense Fund litigation against William Ruckelshause over DDT.
The NGO organisations involved in the Massachusetts v. EPA litigation were:
Center for Biological Diversity,
Center for Food Safety,
Conservation Law Foundation,
Environmental Advocates,
Environmental Defense,
Friends of the Earth,
International Center for Technology Assessment,
National Environmental Trust,
Natural Resources Defense Council,
Sierra Club,
Union of Concerned Scientists, and
U.S. Public Interest Research Group.
All these groups receive major funding from the “eco-billionaire” foundations; for example, just in 2010, Environmental Defense (ED) received $300,000 from the Goldman Foundation, to “Create a practical and effective implementation plan for California's Global Warming Solutions Act”, on top of the $1.1 million they received in 2009 from the Joyce Foundation. It was that foundation which had provided the start-up funds for Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong and Al Gore’s now defunct Chicago Climate Exchange in 2003, when then Senator, Barack Obama, was a Joyce director. ED also receives funding from the Grantham Foundation.
In 2008, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) received $500,000 from the Joyce Foundation to fight against new coal plants and $450,000 again in 2010 for the same purpose. This is just scratching the surface of the massive funding made available to these groups by the “liberal” foundations, including George Soros and his Open Society Institute, The Hewlett Foundation, the Packard Foundation, Ford, Sandler, Grantham, the secretive Tides Foundation and the like.
Lisa Jackson boasted at the “40 years of EPA” celebration at Harvard in 2010, about the fact that:
“the lead author of Massachusetts vs. EPA, came to work at the agency she once sued – to see through the work she sued it to do."
"Lisa Heinzerling, who with my colleagues here today including Gina McCarthy, Bob Perciasepe and Bob Sussman helped EPA follow the science and follow the Supreme Court to finalize our endangerment finding on greenhouse gases last year.”
Jackson's speeches are archived on the EPA website. Have a look also at the EPA Endangerment Findings Technical Support document:
"This document provides technical support for the endangerment analysis concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that may be addressed under the Clean Air Act.
The conclusions here and the information throughout this document are primarily drawn from the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.
This document itself does not convey any judgment or conclusion regarding the question of whether GHGs may be reasonably anticipated to endanger public health or welfare, as this decision is ultimately left to the judgment of the Administrator."
The current EPA climate change propaganda is here: http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/
Thanks to dennisa for tracing out the links to the Levers of Power behind the front of the US government.
It should also be mentioned that the illegal deletion of their private communications just prior to leaving office by EPA heads Carol Browner, Lisa Jackson (aka "Richard WIndsor"), Gina McCarthy et al, seems to have normalized the pro-active editing of history.
Unemployment looms for revisionists.
http://www2.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan lays it all out.