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The morality of the green academic

A few days ago, I mentioned Professor Corey Bradshaw, the University of Adelaide academic who was being extremely vocal in his attempts to get Bjorn Lomborg defunded and ostracised.

I was blocked by Professor Bradshaw soon after my post appeared, but I gather that he is still hard at work demonstrating his willingness to sacrifice other people's careers to his own political imperatives:

Last week I was asked to exam a @uwanews PhD thesis. After the #LomborgDebacle, I refuse. Apologies to the student.

What a lot of collateral damage the environmentalist academic can tolerate!

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Reader Comments (52)

Meanwhile the Left in Australia is foaming at the mouth about the dismissal of a commentator from SBS for some highly offensive and factually incorrect remarks about Anzac day. Apparently Free Speech is in danger. They have attacked the PM Tony Abbott for using the SBS to promote his right wing agenda.

A few clarifications.

SBS (Special Broadcast Service) was set up to provide news from their former countries for immigrants. This it does although there have been complaints that it is biased. Given that it is known as the refuge of those too lefty for the ABC, there might be some substance in these claims. An unlikely source of right wing stances.
On the other hand it has the best soccer coverage of any of the free to air channels, and possibly the best commentators of any channels, thanks to the Leader Les Murray (who speaks Hungarian). It also plays movies of a sort that gave it the nickname Sex Before Supper.

Tony Abbott is overseas and is unlikely to have heard of this incident, let alone instigated it.

When Labor were in power, they set up a Tribunal to punish those who transgressed what the act considered fair comment. Thus the Andrew Bolt affair. I hardly need add that he is not left wing, his audience figures alone prove that.
No one bothers to waste their time approaching the Tribunal about left wing commentators.

Apparently free speech is reserved for the Left.

Apr 29, 2015 at 1:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterGraeme No.3

No one is obligated to take on non-paying side jobs, including academics and bloggers.

Apr 30, 2015 at 3:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterEli Rabett

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