Not tired of climate change
As readers here are aware, Joe Smith's chief claim to fame is that in the first years of the 21st century he managed to pervert the BBC's environmental output, ensuring that the green political agenda was adhered to across the corporation's output, from comedy to current affairs.
During today's BBC World Service show Are We Tired of Talking About Climate Change?, Smith seemed to admit that this had been a "tactical error" with the narrative of gloom and doom apparently switching the public away from the desired political programme and inducing little more than an extreme case of apathy. You have to admire his chutzpah.
There was something almost entirely otherworldly about this programme, with the collapse of interest in global warming after 2009 discussed without even a peep about Climategate and related scandals, climate psychologists interviewed as if they were credible academics and the whole show presented as if the world's only concern was to get back to the stone age as quickly as possible. It was all quite odd.
I wonder if the producers of the show could get their heads around the idea that we are not actually tired of talking about climate change. We are, however, tired of being lectured about it, misled about it, lied to about it and subjected to an endless stream of propaganda about it by homicidal environmentalists and closet authoritarians and all with the blessing of the BBC and the political classes.
Apart from that we're really quite interested.
Reader Comments (99)
How can VenusNotWarmerDueToCo2 realize fail to recognize the existential threat his views pose to the Easter Bunny ?
The number of followers of blog sites like your's M'Lord and the other stalwarts shows that interest has only waned among the erst while true believers who are confused as to what their high priests want them to believe. Is it anthropogenic global warming, climate chaos, climate change or even global cooling caused by all, or any of the aforementioned. They are like the citizens of Lilliput who one week are told to crack their eggs on the big end and a week later are told that this is heresy.
I realise that my contribution isn't particularly constructive, so will make a more substantive comment. I see a lot of complaints here about being excluded, about programmes that lack balance, etc.... Firstly, I don't think the former is really true as I see plenty of views that are supported here, in the media. Lacking balance is clearly a judgement, so we could choose to disagree about whether or not there is. However, why would this be a reasonable way to describe things if you were really interested in being involved and were genuinely interested in things being presented in a more constructive and balanced way.
Fen Tiger,
Thank you, I guess.
It's probably the hottest April 1st evah at the BBC.
Just for your information, folks...
I have submitted a question to ITV for the forthcoming 'leaders' debate:
'Why is it that only UKIP has a sane energy policy..?
Do politicians not realise that they have been completely hoodwinked by green vested interests, and that so-called 'renewables' are useless in the context of generating electricity for the United Kingdom..?'
I know - not a cat-in-hell's chance of being included - but then I couldn't leave it unsaid..!
sherlock1, there is a chance your question will be asked. It depends whether ITV want to to be taken seriously.
The BBC assumes it is taken seriously, but only discredits itself.
ITV relies on people watching, to earn money
The BBC relies on tax payer funding, and supplies tax payers with what the BBC decides is the correct message.
The BBC asumes tax payers are stupid, and won't notice the indoctrination.
Yes, me too .... oh sorry, were you talking about the BBC?
Mar 31, 2015 at 10:40 PM | and Then There's Physics
The BBC and people like you, Ken, with the stench of sanctimony that emanates from all of you.
@michael hart
Hottest April 1st? Can't be - haven't seen a single mention of "phenology" this year. Whereas in 2014 there were carpets of it.
aTTP: as we are talking about the BBC, and its particular propaganda about “climate change”, let me move back to a previous post about the BBC, that showed an even more marked bias:
Well, that is a nice, balanced title to give a programme section. Is that so? Where are the data to support those two suppositions? Oh. There is none – repeat: NONE! From the very start, this BBC programme was showing serious lack of balance over the cAGW meme, preferring, instead, the emotive language as used by Campbell. Reading through Alex’s transcript, neither does the programme this thread is about, nor does virtually any other BBC programme you could name. You have shown, time and time and time again, that your personal balance is so weighted that you are unable to see any lack in your own, personal, idols (the BBC, in this case), yet you have the temerity to lecture everyone else on balance! You are right; your own contributions are not particularly constructive, and certainly contain little substance. However, they are good for a giggle, so, please do not stop, just do not expect to be taken seriously.Nial: no, they didn't. That song - crassly juvenile prejudice dressed up as humour (10:10 video, anyone?) - was the reason I never watched Spitting Image again.
I have no time for Ken and his antics here: but your comment is a disgrace.
Apr 1, 2015 at 11:24 AM | Fen Tiger
Nial - you should have said it Ken's way - [snip]
I miss the reporting of the Swiss spaghetti harvest, as these days we can't have the authoritative voiceover by Richard Dimbleby...
Do the Swiss still keep up this tradition on April 1st..?
Or has this been replaced by: 'The science is settled'..?
Fen Tiger: I went off Spitting Images when I realised (i.e. pdq) that they could not differentiate pure bile from humour. Even though many of their targets were people with whom I had no affection, the "jokes" were just insults.
[snip -response to sipped comment]
Apr 1, 2015 at 2:39 PM | Athelstan.
Just quoting ATTP aka Ken Rice. If it's good enough for him - and by God, in his estimation, he's as good as it gets, then it's good enough for me :-)
I think one of the longest running April 1st jokes, has been renaming 'unreliable' as 'renewable'.
Has anyone ever seen a renewable solar panel or windmill?
Someone elses second hand wind, hardly smells of roses.
Green rays of sunshine, impoverish millions.
It was indeed rather surreal, not least because I was listening to it insomniacally in the middle of the night. It was amazing how much stuff was left out. Begged the obvious question that the MSM may have got bored talking about because they have finally cottoned on to the fact that the alarmist theme is a sham, but they don't want to admit it.
@Sherlock1: I suspect your question may be raised but indirectly. It may be just a bland comment about "We've had several questions regarding energy in the UK, would you like to comment on Tory/Labour/Liberal/Green energy policy?", therefore avoidiong the kind of feigned outraged indignation audience displayed by the selected audience for the Big Questions, tv show! Any way fingers crossed but I am not hopeful!
One thing's for sure. If you don't submit the question then it won't get asked.
And it may be that 100 other people are doing the same thing and your contribution will just tip the scale in favour.
Nothing venture ...
sherlock1, there will never be another swiss spaghetti harvest, because global warming protesters burnt the trees, to keep warm. It would have been a travesty, but homogenization of this man made local warming, enabled central Europe to record its warmest spring temperature evah!
Marginally O/T, but a major underground electrical/gas services fire has closed Kingsway in London this afternoon. Good news is that it appears to have fumigated the LSE campus, bad news is that it was at the south end, so has failed to incinerate the Green-loving Food Standards Agency.
today the bbc has agreed to provide content to subscribers who want to pay for it , and do so in an
adult and professional way..
Can't believe the BBC let this slip out. HC seems to get in a real muddle about 15 mins in... Apparently the models don't predict that everything is going to get warmer? That's news to me.
Wow, they even question the 97 percent meme at 26 mins in.
The French version of the BBC WS has won the April Fool. Heard it in the early hours. Will try to dig it out. I think most will agree.
up for a competion?
his grace as judge, 1st prize: Elysee Palace accomodation for the Paris party
A new play what I wrote, titled "Every Post on Bishop Hill".
Act 1 Scene 1 -
THE BISHOP: So all that idiocy is utter idiocy (climategate, windfarms mutter mutter...)
ATTF (AND THEN THERE'S FLOUNCING): [Enter stage far left.] Aaaah, but naaah. Naaaahh ne naa ne naaa naaaar. So you see, my superior intellect lets me understand that it is YOU, Bishop! You are the Idiot!
CHORUS: [Sing "Shadappa your face" by Joe Dolce, for 18 hours.]
ATTF: I really don't care about all this anyway. I'm so above all this. I don't even know why I come here. There's just no point.
CHORUS: [Sing "Well just feck off then" by the Isley Brothers.]
ATTF: I was going anyway, cos I'm so much smarter than all of you! And I know physics and stuff. And anyway [rips off mask] it was me all along!! Ken Rice!
CHORUS: [Sing "Well feck off then Ken Rice" by Kylie Minogue.]
Etc. Etc.
ATTP is welcome to stay and chat as far as I have any vote in the question.
Let it be the BBC that shuts down the dialog, not the climate blogs. The more the merrier; and the more adversarial engagement --as at court trial -- the more likely the truth is, to emerge. Treating the catastroph-ists the way Bjorn Lomberg was treated is turnabout, but not fair, play.
I have a list of things to worry about that might ruin the planet and my civilization for my grandchildren -- and warming the planet is about 46th on that list. (Asteroid strikes are, for comparison, in the top ten.)
Just for comparison, I'd ask the physicist, how do you rank the relative risks of, say, nuclear war, asteroid strike, contagious plague, runaway nano-technology, the accumulation of nuclear waste in "temporary" sites, and two disasters to be specified later, vis-a-vis "global warming" ?
If the BBC were to cut discussion about CAGW by 50% and devote the hours so gained to discussion of a new worry, what would be your choice of looming disaster to be fretted about?
To those in favour of banning ATTP, I always use the Alan Clark initiative. I may object to what people say, but I would never vote to ban it.
Smoking? Can't stand it. Ban it? Absolutely not.
ATTP: worthy (if misguided) opponent. Ban him? Absolutely not.
No banning please. Let him speak nobody listens on his blog, and SkS won't let him into their gang so we need to have some compassion.
I am still waiting to find out why climate science, with all its supporting physics, can't explain or predict, the lack of warming, if the cause of the acknowledged warming was rising CO2, and CO2 keeps rising.
Obviously my physics isn't up to much, but you would have thought an expert in physics ought to be capable.
Maybe climate scientists are in denial about their lack of physics, or of course, they simply relied on the wrong physicists, having jumped to a convenient conclusion.
Could another Nobel prize be awarded, for working out what previous recipients (and claimed recipients) got so wrong?
Golf Charlie
You must have learned the wrong kind of physics. This is post modern physix.
esmiff, you are probably right. In my day, the idea that heat would descend and hide at the bottom of an ocean, would have been laughed at.
I bet they don't laugh now, well maybe a lot, but only when the 'research' cheques arrive.
Golf Charlie:
When climate science gets a Nobel for actual <I>physics</I> it will probably be for irrefutable proof of no significant GHE.
thinkingscientist, that is rather what I was hoping for, from aTTP. With his expertise, he should be able to point out where climate science went wrong, rather than tell those at Bishop Hill, where 'we' have got it wrong.
Of course climate scientists have never been keen to debate the observable results, that don't match the conclusions reached 30 years ago. Of course their 'workings out' may have been binned, with the rest of the ashtrays contents, at closing time. I suppose none of those present can remember either, but it probably seemed like a good idea at the the time
There will shortly be much less money for all this propaganda anyways. With the death of Top Gear (and having turned Jezza into a martyr of The Common Bloke in th fight against PC) the Bolshevik Broadcasting corporation will have to slash their budget (or demand even more taxpayer dosh, but with rampant fuel poverty no one can afford that anyways). But I'd rather have top gear back. hopefully the doctor Who budget doesn't get messed with.
Martin S good to see you have this in perspective.
From what I gathered from the BBC's Gardeners World TV programme, about 20 years ago, I thought outdoor garden grown strawberries would be an Easter staple by now, along with fresh blackberry and apple pie during Wimbledon fortnight.
Sigh, how times haven't changed.
James Evans, you are a genius.
Yeah I thought it worth a second read too, James.
Golf Charlie:
We have half an allotment with a small strip (16×4 ft) of strawberry plants. They went mental last summer and we ended picking over 30 lbs. Got pretty sick of them very quickly. Too much of a good thing. Jam was the only option.
Apr 1, 2015 at 11:04 AM | Nial
[snip -response to snipped comment}
"SkS won't let him into their gang"
That's almost a recommendation!
Still think James Evans's play is on the money, though.
"slightly o/t but I wondered if anyone at bh who has complained to the bbc has ever had repsonse which upheld their complaint? or does everyone always get the "tyou are wrong" answer?
Apr 1, 2015 at 8:08 AM | Unregistered Commenterthinkingscientist"
Not in the area of climate, but a few years ago, after a lot of toing and froing with one of the editors of Panorama, I had them re-record portions of their episode on the effects of minimum pricing of alcohol.
Additional apologies/excuses were forthcoming from Sheffield University's School of Health and Related Research.
However, the revised version was equally risible, with the eventual outcome being a further apology and the programme being pulled from iPlayer.
We had a glut of top fruit last year — apricots, plums, pears, apples (including one tree that was only a year old!) — following an early Spring and no frosts.
This year we are at least three weeks later with only the apricots showing any colour.
I'm not drawing any conclusions, you understand, merely commenting. It would be nice if some of the environmental activists took a vow of silence on the subject for a few years!
Livin' in the century, eatin' a lot of peaches.
The best plum pie I ever baked was with overipe fruit and a little chocolate. Food for the Gaiods.
thinkingscientist and Mike Jackson. I am impressed by your greenfingers! Greenfingers allow rational thought, far superior to Greenheads.
Kim: umble pie is the dish that should be top of the list for most people in this charade, really.
Radical Rodent, according to Green thinkers, the 'umble' was hunted to extinction, and therefore carnivorous greens can't eat it, or any pie or other umble product. Umble deficiency is now a recognised medical condition, in Green minds, and leads them to hunt to extinction, those that have common sense.
ATTP should be treated the same as Doug Cotton, O Manuel or the other climate kooks that infest blogsites from time to time: Let them post for awhile their ignorant spew and then challenge them to come up with anything remotely sane.