Bishop Hill

Quote of the day, shameless edition
Bryony Worthington seems to want to reverse the tide of deindustrialisation her Climate Change Act has brought about.
[T]he Redcar situation... illustrates how important it is that we get our energy and industrial strategy right. There is a risk to dragging our feet and there is an urgency involved in sorting out our policies on how we are going to not just maintain but actively attract industrial players back to the UK to reindustrialise our nation.
I wonder if she goes to sleep at night thinking that all she has achieved in her life is to put thousands of productive people on the scrapheap. I really wonder.
Reader Comments (64)
Decarbonisation, with subsequent Carbon Capture and Storage, would be a fitting end to many Green careers and all their best work. For many, the end can't come soon enough.
Nov 5, 2015 at 9:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan the Brit asks:
"Can anyone enlighten me as to the exact medical procedure & terminology for removing one's head from one's arse? Ms Worthington certainly needs this procedure very soon! I can think of many terms of nomenclature to label her & her like-minded friends, but wouldn't wish to be inaccurate!"
I have heard that that procedure is called a rectal craniotomy
Still your pangs of conscience girl, for anyway and evidently this and quite plainly is a confection of faux outrage, for know this, we know you and we see you for what you are.
When one considers, not only does UK major industrial plant have to contend with sky high energy costs, the other sly tax which kills as it stings - is the CARBON FLOOR price.
Erm I dunno but Osbornes tax [Milibands ACT] - estimated at £16 or £17/tonne.
Lord and heavens above....who was it?
Just who, who was it, that can largely claim responsibility - for it's imposition if not Bryony flippin' Worthington? All on her lonesome with some help from her little green gremlins [FoE] she who did draft the the UK's 'unilateral suicide note, death by a trillion cuts via the vehicle of decarbonisation, a piece of insane legislation CLIMATE CHANGE ACT 2008.
Worthington, still she drones on in nebulous rantings concerning CCS as if, through promoting some unattainable and quite impossible technology, it might atone for her original sin - her bonkers ideas made flesh as it were.
Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you lady, that just will not do, we are at a juncture, as is the climate, teetering on the brink of a return to cool, if not COLD phase and look at us, industry shredded, powerless metaphorically and literally. Truly, Britain stands on the brink and all thanks to Bryony and lets have it said - the political class full stop.
Moreover, since the madmen of global posturing and regime change merchants with an elite who pushed to open the gates to the world's poor, as they pour in at ~ one million/annum. Alack, the UK government decides it wants to 'power down' what madness is this? For HMG, to rely almost exclusively on palliative boondoggles and in the same moment to inform the UK public, the consumer and industrial sector that, it will have to cut its usage by up to 30% - a figure that I've seen quoted.
That's some discord in policy, two of the SJW's-ECO warrior [interchangeable are they not?] great initiatives and fervently dogmatic pursuits - 'green energy' and fanatical adherence to mass immigration...............inviting in millions while at the same time cutting electricity and power production......
Now call me a cynic but - glaringly: summats got to give.
In the end, my contempt for the likes of Ms. Worthington, is only exceeded by my utter loathing, a black hatred for the UK political elite which granted the likes of Worthington and her ilk - the access and the means to thoroughly deconstruct and thus to destroy any possibility of a secure future for these islands. "Energy security" - they [green loons] alus hark on about it but only is cant - everybody and his dog knows that, cheap energy [fossil fuel generated] can guarantee energy security and prosperity. Yet it's gone, we make it worse as each hour passes, the DECC are to shut down all remaining coal plant and drilling for shale gas a self imposed HMG moratorium - halted, stamped on by the green loons.
Therefore, there will be no future for most of our children and God knows what will happen in the very near future, during this and ensuing winters for it has the potential to become very nasty, very quickly and - brutally so.
Athelstan, "Worthington and her ilk......."
I am not sure about ilk, but the deer (female) shooting season started on Nov 1st in England, though a good kick in the hind quarters might suffice.
The de-industrialisation of Britain is an ongoing project which started with the Thatcher government in the 1980s. It is NOT a coincidence that Thatcher kick started the entire modern climate science industry or shut the coal mines or that she gave a speech at the UN . Please don't tell me she changed her mind. The political climate changed and the left became the standard bearers for AGW.
Thatcher's speech to the UN (it could be Michael Mann)
'We are constantly learning more about these changes affecting our environment, and scientists from the Polar Institute in Cambridge and The British Antarctic Survey have been at the leading edge of research in both the Arctic and the Antarctic, warning us of the greater dangers that lie ahead.[fo 4] Let me quote from a letter I received only two weeks ago, from a British scientist on board a ship in the Antarctic Ocean: he wrote,
"In the Polar Regions today, we are seeing what may be early signs of man-induced climatic change. Data coming in from Halley Bay and from instruments aboard the ship on which I am sailing show that we are entering a Spring Ozone depletion which is as deep as, if not deeper, than the depletion in the worst year to date. It completely reverses the recovery observed in 1988. The lowest recording aboard this ship is only 150 Dobson units for Ozone total content during September, compared with 300 for the same season in a normal year."
That of course is a very severe depletion.
He also reports on a significant thinning of the sea ice, and he writes that, in the Antarctic, "Our data confirm that the first-year ice, which forms the bulk of sea ice cover, is remarkably thin and so is probably unable to sustain significant atmospheric warming without melting. Sea ice, separates the ocean from the atmosphere over an area of more than 30 million square kilometres. It reflects most of the solar radiation falling on it, helping to cool the earth's surface. If this area were reduced, the warming of earth would be accelerated due to the extra absorption of radiation by the ocean."
Digging up the roots of the IPCC
By the late 1980s, Margaret Thatcher, then prime minister of the UK, was eager to demonstrate the seriousness with which she took environmental issues in general and climate issues in particular. In September 1988, she gave a much-publicised speech to the Royal Society in which, citing concerns over global warming, the ozone layer and acid depositions
History of the Met Office Hadley Centre
The Met Office Hadley Centre was opened in 1990, by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, when the Met Office was at its previous headquarters in Bracknell.
Prior to the opening of the dedicated centre different areas of the Met Office had been undertaking climatology research. By the late 1980s the Synoptic Climatology Branch was working closely with the Climatic Research Unit to produce an integrated global land surface air and sea surface temperature data set. This was the primary data set used to assess observed global warming by the IPCC in 1990.
And just what do you propose Barreness Worthless?
More "renewables"?
You are a naïve idiot.
Don Keiller "She is a naive idiot"
Must be why she had so much mutual trust with Miliband, as they set out their plan to destroy the UK's economy.
It seems they are both now looking for alternatives means to get paid, to destroy other peoples lives, but their legacy of misery will persist for years to come.
Make energy expensive, then complain it is too expensive.
Set in motion a whole programme of deindustrialisation, then say we must reindustrialise.
Destroy swathes of jobs, then say that is a terrible thing to do.
Is she mentally deficient?
Phillip B; you asked above " How many brilliant engineers are there in parliament, or in the government?"
A year or so ago I went to the "They work for you" site and read through the qualifications of our MPs. I counted those who had science/technical degrees plus the ones without but who appear heavily involved in various science committees and the like.
My total probably overstates the number who would have any relevant input because I expect some of those who have the certs may have ducked away from modern issues. Also those who are active on committees may not be well-informed.
I counted 70. Out of 650 (I think).
As for "brilliant engineers", who knows?
There was a song that went something like 'don't put your daughter on the stage Mrs Worthington...was that THE Mrs. Worthington.
Here she is on the stage of the HOL Mama didn't take Noel's advice.
That link to Bryony didn’t work. Try this
Reindustrialize with expensive, intermittent, unreliable electricity supplies? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Here's a plan. Throw your own money into a flush toilet, first, Bryony, and see how many investors will follow you. If at first they don't go along, flush and repeat a couple of times, so they get the general idea. Somebody might learn a lesson, eventually.
The lucid writing of James Delingpole here captures the situation very neatly: