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The Lew roll

You turn your back for a few hours and all hell breaks loose!

I return to my desk to find that Desmog blog has published the University of Western Australia's correspondence relating to the Lew Paper - in other words all the complaints by sceptics. I'm hearing on the grapevine that some of them are missing however.

Meanwhile Lew himself has written about the takedown of the paper here, and there is a long video here if you have a strong stomach.

Meanwhile, Retraction Watch's coverage of the affair can be seen here.

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Reader Comments (71)

Foxgoose, Barry Woods and Geoff Chambers - be prepared for a Lew paper in the Conversation early next week (the Conversation academics don't work on weekends). So get in early before the resident shouters fire up. Apart from all the issues you have raised about about these two abysmal papers, re-inforce Marriot's blog comments while he was "researching" for Recursive Fury.

He is an occasional commenter at the Conversation and may or may not be inclined to respond.

Mar 22, 2014 at 11:02 AM | Registered CommenterGrantB

Thanks for the tip. Lewandowsky's talk at the Bristol Festival of Ideas in June will be an excellent opportunity for members of the audience to put the question.
There's also Nuccitelli's article at
where Barry Woods Lucy Liljegren and Richard Tol have been active commenters. The headline accuses contrarians of bullying the journal into withdrawing the article, but for evidence links to deSmogBlog, where Redfearn gives as sole evidence the use by McIntyre and me in our complaints of the word “defamatory”. Neither of us threatened legal action. I've reported Nuccitelli for defamation in the invisible “report this comment” box but can't comment myself since I'm banned there.

Mar 22, 2014 at 12:34 PM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers

Hey 1ew, [snip] I know you're reading this, and I'll sue you if you quote this comment in another of your [snip] papers without calling me Sir

Mar 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM | Registered Commenteromnologos

Geoff - how long do you think this comment will survive?

Mar 22, 2014 at 1:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods

Barry Woods: Re your comment at the G.

I went over and read it just now. The thing is, I'm an your side and support a ton of what you stand for and the balls you have for doing it - not least, standing up and being counted. (Here it comes....) But, when you take the trouble to write these comments could you please take the time to re-read and self-edit. It was a long comment and, without caps, quotes or apostrophes was difficult to follow. Also, I think there may have been a word missing here and there.

That said, you got to the point of the comment and laid it out. Thanks.

Mar 22, 2014 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterHarry Passfield

Harry Passfield.
Don't be hard on Barry. He's probably the most hardworking sceptic sleuth/blogger there is. According to Ben Pile he taps his comments on his phone while taking his daughters to ballet class. Only we oldies have the leisure to dot our 'i's and polish our colons.
In my “Apocalypse Close” epic I had Barry as a Jamaican working for Captain Delingpole of MI5. That explain why he sometime leave off the end of word.

Mar 22, 2014 at 2:41 PM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers

'polishing our colons'. OK, back on topic; Lewandowsky can't tell shit from Shinola.

Mar 22, 2014 at 2:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterkim

Kim beat me to it! Guffaw, guffaw. But you're right, Geoff. writing comments on a tablet is a real pain in the ... colon. My Nexus 7 will insist on changing spelling of some words and has never managed 'fracking'. So I do as much as poss from my PC. As for Barry, he has my 100% support - let's face it, anyone who writes comments on Frontiers (that was an awful thread for the abuse he got) deserves it.

BTW: One of the comments over there suggested that sceptics (he used the 'D' word) were really sadists. It reminded me of the joke about the sadist and the masochist: The masochist says to the sadist, 'Beat me, beat me!' and the sadist says, 'Ermmm....No...'

Mar 22, 2014 at 4:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterHarry Passfield

+1000 for Barry Woods. Thanks mate for your hard work.

Mar 22, 2014 at 5:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack Hughes

Geoff, I've watched Lew's video again and I'm not satisfied with the quality of your transcription - so I've tried to improve on it:-

Brothers and sisters I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Brother Lew - founder and sole proprietor of The Holy Church of End Times Climatology.



Ahm Brother Lew an' I'm gonna be talkin' to you folks today about some serious issues affectn' the survival

Mebbee you folks ain't heard this yet - but ah'm here to tell y'all some TRUE FACTS!! that thousands of them real smart climatological sciencey guys out on the coast have PROVED BEYOND DOUBT!!

Fact is NINETY SEVEN PERCENT!! of these really smart sciency guys with all their computin' & stuff have figured out that if you folks carry on with all your heating' 'n drivein' 'n eatin' 'n reproducing 'n stuff - YOUSE ARE ALL GOIN TO BURN IN THE FIRES OF HELL!!

Now - it ain't no good you miserable sinners coming whinin' about how much you like all this dirty eatin', drivin' 'n screwin' around 'cos IT'S GONNA HAVE TO STOP!!

Mebbee some uv youse have been listening to these sneaky, smooth tongued, snake-oil merchants a promisin' that y'all
can all carry on as usual with all that dirty stuff - but ah've got a name for these slimeballs - they'r just DENIERS OF THE HOLY CHURCH OF CLIMATOLOGY!!

Now could be some of you ain't come across these characters yet but TAKE IT FROM BROTHER LEW!! - they ain't deservin' of consideration as normal human bein's on account of them bein' nuthin' less than THE SPAWN OF SATAN.

Now Brother Lew's come across these DENIERS!! many times and he knows THEIR CHEATIN' LYIN' WAYS!!

Ah swear to you the DENIERS!! have tried all their sneaky, slimy, satan tricks to stop Brother Lew telling you people THE HOLY TRUTH . Some of them have bin 'a meddlin' with ma writin's 'an 'a fiddling around behind mah back to try an' stop me telling' you good people THE AWFUL TRUTH!! that if y'all don't mend yr ways THE ATOM BOMBS OF THE LORD 'll come a blowin' up an' a burstin' out all around the place.

So ifn' you good folk want to save yr kin from the HELLFIRES 'N BOMBS y'all goin' to have to deal with the CLIMATE DENIERS!!

Have a good look around at yr neighbours folks and see if there ain't anythin' a mite suspicious about 'em.

Mebbee they've got that sneaky slimy DENIER LOOK!! about 'em - mebbee they just don't seem all that ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THE CHURCH!!

You good people can't afford to TAKE YR CHANCES IN THE BURNING HELLFIRES!! - so why not just pay a visit to the deniers one night 'n BURN 'EM FIRST!!

An' jus' remember folks - yr doin' THE LORD'S WORK!!

Mar 22, 2014 at 5:18 PM | Registered CommenterFoxgoose

Bish, could you get rid of that damned poem I infested the comment line with - I was a bit p*ssed. Sorry mate.
[Done. BH]

Mar 22, 2014 at 5:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterLewis Deane

I don't have a single comment on Frontiers, STW, Conversation or whatever weed-ridden venue that keeps springing up. Too sensitive to censorship. I don't [know] how Barry, and Geoff, and the others do it.

Mar 22, 2014 at 6:26 PM | Registered Commentershub

Those like Caroline K who may wish to join the happy throng at the Moon Hoax talk at the Bristol Festival of Ideas, or meet in the pub afterwards, on 18th June, feel free to register interest and seek logistic and Q&A coordination in Bristol pub meet or Lew seat.

Mar 22, 2014 at 9:43 PM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

All Lew Papers get flushed down the Toilet after they have been briefly perused.

Mar 22, 2014 at 10:31 PM | Unregistered Commenternicholas tesdorf

Reminds me of Lewis Carroll ...

Fury said to
a mouse ...

Mar 22, 2014 at 11:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterBeth Cooper

Mar 22, 2014 at 5:18 PM | Foxgoose


Mar 23, 2014 at 12:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterStreetcred

Yes Foxgoose, scarily good.

Mar 23, 2014 at 3:54 AM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

For those who have been banned from the Guardian but still wish to expiate their sins by continuing to post there, this is how you do it.

Get a temporary email account and use it for the registration process. There are a whole bunch of these but do a search on ten minute mail or guerrilla mail.

Its classic stuff really, the Guardian adopts a registration policy that is calculated to promote astroturfing, and then the astroturfers themselves shriek 'astroturf' and 'fossil fuel shill' at everyone who disagrees with them.

Personally, deeply though I repent of my past sins, I cannot judge myself so harshly as to feel that they require expiation by having to post on the Guardian's environment pages. Surely I cannot have been that irredeemably wicked? Maybe in a past life?

Also, probably the best thing that can happen to the Guardian is for its environment pages to become a complete echo chamber in which lunatics yell at each other. I do sometimes feel that reading the comments may lessen my time in purgatory, but when I do it, it gives rather the feeling that one is not so much in purgatory but in the depths of the inferno itself.

Mar 23, 2014 at 8:56 AM | Unregistered Commentermichel

michel, I'm guessing that at some stage you have not complied 100% with recycling directives? Hence your remorse. Quite right, too. Burn in Hell, sinner!

Mar 23, 2014 at 10:01 AM | Registered Commenterjohanna

I am late to this chapter of the comic saga involving Lewandosky, 'Spectacle' Treehut Science mob and other affiliated climate doomsday cultists, but i thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments. Kudos to all fellow skeptics who worked hard at this, with special mention going to my brilliant comrade, geoffchambers.

Don't forget my glorious contribution to the downfall of the Commander-in-Chief of Climate Doomsday Science Psychological Operations Squad. I have numbers to prove it:

I finally did it. I’d been mulling over this for a month now, but I finally did it.

I counted how many times Lewandowsky blinked during his now notorious sermons on climate deniers in the videos posted above.

In the first video, which lasts for 2m 58s, Lewandowsky blinks 136 times. That is on average one blink for every 1.3088 second.

In the second video, which is 3m 10s in length, Lewandowsky blinks 144 times. That comes to on average one blink per 1.3194 second.

What does that mean?

It probably means Lewandowsky is suffering from some disability in the eyes
his heart and mind is not on what he is saying
he is consciously or unconsciously signaling the camera man or woman for a romantic encounter
he is lying on average once every 1.3 second.

My modelling suggests that Lew may have blinked 42 x 60 / 1.3 = 1938 times during his latest sermon. Tourette's might be his only redeeming quality.

Mar 24, 2014 at 11:26 AM | Unregistered CommentersHx

"But this obvious conclusion that those believing in global warming are very subjective and change their interpretation to fit their beliefs in sharp contrast to skeptics who tended to base their views only on the data and not what they were told the data showed, was not only omitted from the paper, but instead it was replaced with a conclusion very strongly suggesting the opposite.

As such not only does this paper show that members of the public who believe in global warming change their perception of the global temperature graph to fit what they believe it shows, but it is also strong evidence that at least some academics are so strongly influenced by their beliefs regarding global warming that (to put the best possible interpretation on their actions) they are “blinded” to obvious conclusion that do not fit their world-view."

Mar 26, 2014 at 9:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterSkience

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