Met Office tweaks the evidence

In the comments on the previous posting, Doug Keenan notes that the Met Office have been..ahem...tweaking the evidence:
The video shows, at about 1:10, a document that was issued on 21.11.13, by the Met Office. The document is available at
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/m/8/A3_plots-precip-DJF-2.pdfI found the document by googling this:
"21.11.13" site:metoffice.gov.ukThe google results list the title of the document as “below-average precipitation”. That must have been the title at the time that Google indexed the document. On the Met Office website, the title is now changed to “A3 plots-precip-DJF-2”.

In the comments, it has been determined that Doug was mistaken.
Reader Comments (54)
It appears that Keenan may have it wrong. If you look at the wayback machine
You get several precip estimates and they all conform to the same file naming convention. For example, Nov-Dec-Jan is named A3_plots-precip-NDJ.pdf. Google may have grabbed some of the text to use at the title rather than the file name.
BH -
I think that the original post should be updated.
Maybe I'm missing something but the two versions appear very similar. Best we not nit pick, this just gives ammunition to those who would have us silenced? Let us deal with real issues and not nudge nudge wink wink stuff. Do tell me if I have missed something???