Irony fail

This made me laugh. CNN's Reliable Sources programme interviewed string-theorist Michio Kaku and a senior media editor from the Huffington post about climate change. The opened with with presenter Brian Stelter asking about how certain the science of global warming is:
STELZER: Dr. Kaku, you're the expert here. Tell us before we go any further how definitive is the evidence? Is there any room for debate?
KAKU: Climate change is the 800-pound gorilla in the living room that the media dances around. But in the scientific community it's a settled question: 95 percent of scientists believe this is happening with 100 percent confidence temperatures are rising.
After which they moved on to media treatment of the subject, with Stelter wondering if it wasn't "irresponsible" to allow sceptics on air, and noting the particularly heinous case of a discussion about global warming featuring a politician "with no particular expertise in this subject".
Tee hee.
Reader Comments (52)
http://htwins.net/scale2/ - scroll all the way left to see a string!
Here are my comments at that site....still in moderation after a day...
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When you start a program in such a biased manner, it is clear that an agenda is being presented rather than a factual survey and analysis of the question at hand. Please do elaborate on the "consensus" as scientifically measured and reported in the literature AND the IPCC rather than the SPM (Summary for Policymakers) that is a politicized presentation of CAGW dogma. The data and observations deny the accuracy of the model-generated "projections" of doom and gloom and as R. Feynman rightly surmised, "When the theory (models) disagree with the observed facts, throw out the theory (models) ! "
February 24, 2014 at 10:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
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Why am I not surprised that my comment is still in moderation more than a day later? Had CNN been reporting on Sen.McCarthy's "evidence" they might also have accepted it at face-value as well....what a sad example of journalism...err...advocacy, I mean.