Who is behind the Nazca vandals?

The Guardian today is carrying another dull piece about global warming dissent, which is apparently going to become a thing of the past in 2015. One to revisit in twelve months' time I would say.
I was struck though by the fact that the author is John Sauven, the director of Greenpeace in the UK. I found it rather astonishing that a newspaper would be giving space to a group that had just caused irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site. Wouldn't a reputable publisher want to distance itself from such behaviour? Quite possibly it seems.
This got me thinking about who else is happy to be associated with Greenpeace and, more precisely, who is actually paying for their activists to run around trashing the world's cultural heritage and the Peruvian tourism industry. The biggest single donors to Greenpeace seem to be the Dutch and Swedish Postcode Lotteries and two US organisations, the Oak Foundation and the Climate and Land Use Alliance. Each is making gifts of $1 million or more.
It's also quite interesting to see what the postcode lotteries are spending their funds on. For example, as well as Greenpeace, the Dutch version has funded the Clinton Foundation, the Carbon War Room, Sea Shepherd and WWF. So as well as desecration of heritage sites, they can be said to be funding piracy and the persecution of the Baka pygmies.
I think this needs to be widely publicised.
Reader Comments (66)
Here is one that slipped under the radar (even in Australia).
@ Ian G:
Not quite, but almost as bad as GP and Nazca.
"“This minor accident is something I am sure we will always be kicking ourselves over, as it goes against everything that we stand for and work tirelessly to protect," said managing director of Sea Shepherd Australia Jeff Hansen,"
Yeah right, dumping half a tonne of diesel into a harbour is a 'minor accident'. It was not an accident because the ship's officers and Sea Shepherd knew the fuel pump was faulty.
I recall that Richard drake welcomed the appointment of the current charity watchdog. Does he have anything to say about the lack of attention paid to greenpeace compared with the GWPF.?
Kevin Marshall 350PM: "An apology involves (1) recognizing that an offense was committed; (2) expressing regret for the offense; (3) an attempt to make amends; (4) performing actions to ensure the offense is not repeated; (5) a request for forgiveness."
Absolutely on the mark Sir. The pro forma mealy mouthed PC apology arrests at step (2), after missing step (1) and omitting steps (3) & (4). SOP for those in politics, "climate science" and bureaucracy. It seems the Pope at least grows weary.
The Hell of it is, those half a gross remain virginal in perpetuity.
Ah, yes! The Sea Shepard mob ... not only fossil fuel polluters but also the well known declared pirate organisation:
US court declares Sea Shepherd pirates
Donna Laframboise also points out Greenpeace's desecration of the Mount Royal Cross, in Montreal, Quebec. The 30-metre-high cross, erected in 1924, was festooned with banners. She has a photo courtesy of Greenpeace Canada, although I haven't found the original yet (fumbling around with new laptop, sorry).
Were I a resident of Montreal, I would be P.O.'d. Come to think of it, I'm P.O.'d anyway.
Its not about getting blown out by the ASA its about enough of us ringing in on mass a justified complaint and making them think. Did you all ring in and did you get a confirmation Email.
My actual complaint was a technicality the WWF claim was the Sea Ice was melting threatening the Polar Bear habitat but they dont indicate on screen the source of their claim.
and to repeat the telephone number for the Advertizing Standards Authority is 0207922222 press 1 to register a new complaint.(doubt if they,re open on Boxing day wait till after the Holidays)
Remember no pressure and splatter gate and then the scary kiddies bedtime story with the drowning puppies and EDF Energy " its not easy being green" sanctimonious dirge replaced with the blue (not green) price promise and the cute plastic brown robot thing with big eyes next to mum,s tumble drier in the utility room and the Barclays Bank Business Loans with the noisy potentially dangerous wooden wind turbine mock up 20 yards outside the farmers front door got all that appalling drivel removed.
"What do 72 Climate Virgins look like?"
One of them looks just like Richard Branson, co-founder of the Carbon War Room, mentioned above as a sponsor of Greenpeace:
He is quite open about his motives:
"Climate change is one of the greatest wealth-generating opportunities of our generation"
Sir Richard Branson, founder Carbon War Room
"Climate change is one of the greatest wealth-generating opportunities of our generation" --Sir Richard Branson, founder Carbon War Room, quoted by dennisa
Surely he meant "wealth-destroying?" I have yet to see any proof of net wealth being generated by this AGW bamboozlement. Quite the opposite. Oh, yes, Branson and others of his ilk may slurp long and deep from the trough, but millions will die of starvation from raising food prices due to biofuel demand.
Andrew, I have no idea if anyone is still reading, but I guess you will look in, and appreciate this twist on the Santa story:
@jamspid: To quote the late, great Graham Chapman - " intercourse the penguin". You're not going to win this one on a technicality. So perhaps you should be applying a bit of lateral thinking?
Is it time for the annual Ship of Fools expedition? That is usually good.
Alas, I don't think it's an annual insanity.
Chris Turney hasn't been heard of since his really big adventure. I miss him.
Thank you, @Martin A. Donna Laframboise's original posting with a good (?) angle of the desecrated cross:
(I'll get the hang of the MacBook yet, just have to retrain my brain for another couple of days.)