Bishop Hill

Debating the IPCC

Last week MPs were given the chance to debate the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee report on the Fifth Assessment. I haven't the time to read the whole thing at the moment , but it looks at least as if some pertinent points were made, with Yeo furiously stoking the engine of the gravy train and Graham Stringer and Peter Lilley briskly hosing it down with a few facts.
Read it here.
(H/T Barry Woods)
Reader Comments (55)
Watching The Newsroom latest episode last night. They are in April 2013. Big segment where they interview a Deputy Director of the EPA about a report he provided to them in advance of publication. He declares that as CO2 is past 400ppm the world as we know it is over; it's too late to stop: Floods, storms that can level cities, sea level rises on several metres, displacement of billions of people, famine, wild fires out of control and all the time. I think he was quoting from Revelations.
So now we are past 450ppm and nothing bad is happening, I wonder why they chose to run that.
Fen - brilliant as ever. I particularly liked the wagon-train donkey as 'wind'..
I should point out, perhaps, that Miliband spells his name with one 'L'. Console yourself with the thought that it's not just you - Labour's American PR guru, David Axelrod, has (until recently) been following the wrong Twitter account for the same reason!
The Committee on Climate Change are in no doubt that our carbon addiction has to be cured completely...
Regards the Chinese "commitments" to begin reducing CO2 in 2030 I don't think it is just a coincidence that the Chinese population forecast shows the beginning of a decline at that date. I think there was a recent post on this on Jo Nova's site.
QW is not worth the aggravation of responding to. Pegged by coalsofire.
Regards the subject matter of this thread I get angry whenever I hear about CCS, it is a canard and if implemented would deprive future generations of easily available energy sources due to the horrendous reduction in energy conversion efficiency. No amount of "technology development", so beloved of the technically ignorant, can change the fundamental laws of the universe.
Mitchell & Goldsmith in UK "Great Money Creation Debate"
Jct: The best of of Austin Mitchell and Zac Goldsmith from the "Great Money Creation Debate" in the UK Parliament on the most important issue on the planet, who controls creation of our credit, private banks or government utility, the whole debate I posted with commentary at