by Bishop Hill
Walport on uncertainty
Sep 4, 2013 Bureaucrats
Paul Matthews notices this slide about uncertainty of predictions in a presentation by new government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport.
Note the lack of any uncertainty in the graph - just different sets of starting assumptions.
Ho hum.
It would be interesting to superimpose the last generation of Met Office predictions on this graph, if anyone can lay their hands on them.
Reader Comments (52)
The the IPCC report linked by EM (my bold):
Corrolary: CO2 concentrations will go up to infinity unless emissions are reduced. This is either absurd, of else they are defining "net" to mean the excess of emissions over absorbtions, in which case it is just tautology.
So sad that any grown-up could have written such rubbish.
Ianl8888 (Sep 5, 2013 at 12:43 AM):
Now, that is such sweet irony. While we have to fund her and her ilk and their preposterous ideas, she chooses to fund the Bishop!