AR5 press cuttings

Marcel Crok says that the good news in AR5 is being hidden.
Bob Tisdale says that the way the pause is being shown is comical.
Matt Ridley was on the Daily Politics, up against some of the slimiest creatures in British public life.
Judith Curry has fun explaining to a journalist how the IPCC gets to that 95% certain figure. She also gets a mention in the WSJ coverage.
The Today programme featured a piece with Chris Rapley and Lord Stern and another with Chief Scientist Sir Mark Walport, who thinks (believe it or not) that climate science needs new communication strategies. I kid you not. In a later section, John Ashton (former Foreign Office climate bod) and Connie St Louis (sci journalism person) discussed a range of issues on the periphery of the climate debate. Mostly this was a case of publicly funded officials trying to silence dissenting voices.

More links added:
The Shelagh Fogerty show on Five Live featured Emily Shuckburgh, Peter Stott of the Met Office and yours truly.
Benny Peiser was on BBC World News Today (from 9mins), up against Jeremy Leggett.
Meanwhile I was on Good Morning Scotland, up against Richard Dixon of Friends of the Earth.
FiveLive Drive had two slots, one with Jo Haigh and another featuring Ed Hawkins and Tamsin Edwards.
Tamsin E. has posted a page of all her media appearances here.
Reader Comments (67)
I follow up on the post I made on the Lindzen thread about keeping at them like terriers at their ankles.
Where is the evidence for the 80cm rise? What is the science? What is the empirical evidence? It is agenda-driven junk science. They know it and the politicians know it. Some of the scientists are not happy with the way in which all the IPCC reports have been suborned in the interests either of Big Money or Big Enviro or Big Taxation but it needs someone reputable and whose qualifications they can't dismiss to keep hounding them and give encouragement to those like Curry that are prepared to speak out.
(Dixon's "my Astrophysics PhD beats Montford's Chemistry BSc" had Mrs J choking on her coffee incidentally; best foot-in-mouth of the day.)
Your Grace I see you tried to persuade Dixon to debate the science and he sort of seemed to not say no. Any chance that you were able to follow this up after the event? He did present himself as a rather unpleasant individual. I suppose he does not know that to win any argument you have to put forward your points in a way that does not alienate the audience. Your riposte to his smoking causes cancer and holocaust denial was excellent.
Incidentally the link to Hawkins and Tamsin is broken for me and I have not been able to find anything on iplayer. Perhaps it has been deleted?
I emailed the BBC Scotland guys and suggested they host a debate. They are thinking about it, which may well mean 'no'.
Thanks for your response your Grace. Given that Dixon's big point was that sceptics should be given no airtime I cannot see that he will be up for it. For him the debate is over and to take part in a debate can only lead to a personal disaster for the Astrophysicist masquerading as an activist.
Great that Good morning Scotland had Andrew Montford on to debate with Richard Dixon. Richard shot himself in the foot at the end of the interview 14min12s with his praise of the " vibrant renewable industry " in Scotland. Why did he not recommend that Scotland needs to start planning for one or two new nuclear power stations ? Why did he not recommend going forward with fracking ? Why did he not agree with David Mackay of DECC who said at a Harvard lecture that it would be more sensible to put the UKs solar panels in India or China ( nearer the equator ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFosQtEqzSE ( 17 minutes in )
Why did he not point out the many reasons to think that wind turbines are not worth the money , given by :
Richard S. Courtney http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/reprint/courtney_2006_lecture.pdf
Leo Smith http://www.templar.co.uk/downloads/Renewable%20Energy%20Limitations.pdf
Paul Miskelly http://docs.wind-watch.org/Miskelly-dispersal.pdf
Dr Alan Moran http://stopthesethings.com/2013/07/08/rally-alan-moran/
I suspected the fuss might be short-lived. But it seems to be fading even faster than I expected: on the BBC website it's slipped to headline number 5 - two places below the Prince George christening announcement.
On TV3 News in NZ the day after release it was placed after the first advertisement break, so about 20 minutes in. No sign of scepticism about it of course, but also just a matter of fact report with an activist scientist saying we should be worried and then a Minister saying "of course we are worried, but we won't ruin our economy to fix it". So actually saying "get lost".
Either the mainstream are placing the report with such low priority because they don't really believe it, but don't want to wear the heat from the bed-wetters if they ignore it completely, or they worry about their audiences suffering alarmism fatigue. Whichever it is, the traction is minimal.
The NZ Herald has several short stories about how important AR5 is. But also stories about how they couldn't agree on a figure as crucial as climate sensitivity, and another on how the "hiatus" is an awkward problem for the official narrative.
Meanwhile our Green Party, which is less loopy than some Greens, is barely talking about the report at all. A senior Green went on TVNZ to rail against GM food labelling.
Frightening that Samantha Cameron supports FoE.
Hey Tamsin have a one to one with Judith.
Ridley was by a million miles the most logical person on the Daily Politics show, what a shame he undermined all his comments by telling the world that he agreed that humans have caused more than half the warming since 1950. If he says what he believes to be true then he can not be criticised but he did not help the cause one bit.
Polly Toynbee, Richard Dixon & Gregory Barker seem to have bought in to the fantasy that current wind & solar technology is going to be able to provide most of our electricity. Maybe it is a nice dream to get all our power from a few windmills scattered around, trouble is it won't work unless you can get the wind to blow a steady 30 mph 24/7 365 and also get the sun to shine 12 hours a day 365 days a year with an interconnector from Australia to England.
They could try listening to national grid control engineer Derek Birkett who explains in his book, " When will the lights go out ?" why wind and solar don't work on the national grid. People need to look at the whole system.
They could also try John Milne, Co-ordinator of the Scottish Wild Land Group, who wrote an interesting 2013 summer magazine, " Wind farms gone wild, is the environmental damage justified? " in which he said: “We disagree with those who claim that wind generation is even part of the answer. We believe that the scramble for wind farms is doing great damage by deluding the public into believing that a meaningful contribution is being made to a reduction in CO2 emissions.” : http://www.swlg.org.uk/uploads/6/3/3/8/6338077/spwln_final_small.pdf
It's odd how some people think that CAGW is the greatest threat to life on Earth but then in their refusal to build new nuclear power stations show that they think the greatest threat is actually nuclear accident - well they can't decide.
Table SPM .1
Increases in intense tropical cyclone activity
Virtually certain in North Atlantic since 1970
Question: Is the North Atlantic now tropical?
I don't subscribe to "causes" and I certainly don't see scepticism as one.
Back again to what I said on the Lindzen thread yesterday — if you are going to give succour to the warmists in what you say, don't say it. I don't know (or care) whether mankind's activities have contributed more than 50% of the warming in the last 60 years but if it keeps the warmist activists happy to believe that I'll go along with it. (They don't know either but it's an article of faith with them so let it be.)
The argument is that whether they believe it or not or whether it is true or not is irrelevant. The earth is not responding to the increased CO2 levels the way they say it should and the amount of warming, however caused, is still well within natural variation and nothing to be frightened of.
They are abusing the science for political purposes; it is up to us to point out where their conclusions are wrong or where their science is letting them down. Nit-picking around the extent to which an individual is prepared to go along with their science is non-productive.
(Actually I reckon Ridley is probably wrong and you are right; it's just that saying so doesn't further the argument!)
Polly put the kettle on?
Toynbee glossed over Climate Gate by stating it was just a few naughty scientists, clearly oblivious to the fact that they were at the heart of the IPPC contributions. Also oblivious to the fact that UnReal Climate are part of The Guardians environment network.
This fragrant women turns up on the BBC regularly as an unwanted smell.
At the Bish's suggestion I have listened again to (and transcribed) the Shelagh Fogerty show interviews with Peter Stott and Emily Shuckburgh, and have to correct my earlier assertion that it was Dr Shuckburgh who stated there is strong evidence of AGW, and then cited changing rainfall patterns. Shuckburgh did say that the heat was going into the oceans, but was generally more circumspect. However, it was Stott who stated that a huge amount of heat is going into the oceans, and continued rise in sea level, and changing rainfall patterns, and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice , and that this is new 'evidence' for AGW, which he present to to delegates. Here is a quote:
Here is the full transcript (with approximate times in parenthesis):
So it is clear from this that Peter Stott and possibly others from the UK Met office gave a key presentation to the SPM5 delegates, which cited changing rainfall patters as evidence for CO2 induced AGW. The question arises, what data, and from what period does this rainfall data span, and if it is not 30 years or more is it not just weather? Was the data / paper (if there is one) peer-reviewed? Likewise the 'evidence' that the heat has gone into the oceans - again, show us the data please. To me it seems very likely that Peter Stott and the Met Office have been indulging in yet more environmental imperialism, at the expense of their scientific credibility.
I've only just watched the Matt Ridley piece - Mat was by far the most effective speaker. With respect, however, I think you might have missed a trick. The most horrifying statement of the lot was Polly's casual dismissal of the deaths of 200,000 per year via biofuels as a price worth paying. As we know, the UN has declared biofuels a crime against humanity, and peer reviewed papers dismiss any CO2 reduction from current biofuels techniques. So, Matt, perhaps later in the piece when Polly was talking about insurance against the worst outcome, it might have been worth pressing her to state explicitly that despite the uncertainties, despite the failures of the models, 200k deaths a year through hunger is a price worth paying. Children starving today to save your grandchildren tomorrow. That should horrify all but the most zealous green, and rightly so.
At the very least, you might get the concession that uncritical acceptance of any old green policy can no longer be tolerated.
Remember David Attenborough's sudden outburst on letting them all starve: the luvvies are turning into monsters.
Tamsin didn't exactly cover herself in glory with her "the climate system is not just the surface" pitch.
The BBC link is "not currently available" on iBBC Player.