Now I've heard everything

Tim Yeo is once again demonstrating his unerring ability to bend with the wind:
Tim Yeo, the chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change committee, said he accepts the earth’s temperature is increasing but said “natural phases” may be to blame.
Such a suggestion sits at odds with the scientific consensus. One recent survey of 12,000 academic papers on climate change found 97 per cent agree human activities are causing the planet to warm.
As an aside, can I just point out to the learned journalist at the Telegraph that there is quite a lot of ground between "humans to blame" and "humans not to blame". There are at least fifty shades of "humans partly to blame".
Reader Comments (60)
I note that he, Yeo, has not called for the suspension or repeal of the Climate Change Act. If he ever does, that would be cause for a celebration.
Excerpt from Bernard (Lord) Donoughue's post on WUWT (*)
'As a former adviser to the tv series Yes Prime Minister, I am aware but wary of political schemes to con the public, especially where some of the proponents, as those conducting Parliaments Climate Change Committees, may have financial interests.'
Ouch! That'll sting.
* http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/05/27/uh-oh-the-met-office-has-set-the-cat-amongst-the-pigeons/#comment-1320662
Does anyone have a report on that Oxford Union debate from last Tuesday? Have I got the date wrong? I refer to the debate with Benny Pieser, David Rose and Myles Allen proposing a halt to all the annual bun fights.....
The Telegraph have now put up an audio clip of Yeo, presumably in response to claims that they twisted his words. Here's what he says, which as I said yesterday is pretty much exactly what he said a year ago:
There must be money in it for Yeo to change his mind.
Didn't the original (now disappeared) article say something about him addressing a bunch of Russian gas industry representatives? Maybe Yeo just adjusts his stated beliefs to suit his audience?
With regard to the thirty per-cent of cats who preferred our cat-meat one hundred per-cent found it preferable.
There was a time when I was quite adept with yo-yos, but now I usually get the string snarled around my finger.
Now the greens will attack and how quick they will be to mention any fossil fuel interests , in contrast to the way they kept their mouths firmly shut over Yeo pimping has hard has he could, has part of 'his job ' has an MP for renewable firms he is 'involved' with .
Mitch Hedberg on the yo-yo