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Potholer54 - laugh a minute stuff

Ex-Guardian journalist Peter Hadfield, who sometimes works pseudonymously as potholer54, has prepared a YouTube video on millennial temperature reconstructions.

Without mentioning bristlecone pines.

And extolling the virtues of Mann et al's ditch digging "proxy".


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Reader Comments (51)

Years ago when I was a warmist, I was persuaded by people like Hatfield that Monckton was too untrustworthy to even bother to listen to... ... until I started checking, and found that Monckton had actually replied to the significant challenges, to point out that all the accusations were false, with evidence as to why... Always, Monckton had the last, the truest, and the most compassionate word - IF one investigated.

@Lucy: You should reconsider that. Potholer destroyed Monckton on wattsupwiththat, and Monckton fled the argument.

By the way, I'm in debate with potholer right now in regards to "hide the decline" in YouTube comments on the video in question. To give you some context, I like potholer's videos and considered him a straight shooter (and yes, I like his smarmy, condescending voice; to me it is entertaining), but "hide the decline" to me is a litmus test. If you can't find outrage in that, I can't trust you to be fairly critical on climate science.

To his credit, potholer doesn't delete comments unless you're wildly offtopic, and he's been actively responding to me. However, I am disappointed in his responses, as they seem like poor excuses and he often seems obtuse when it comes to acknowledging the point I'm trying to make. I did at least get him to acknowlege the existence of McIntyre and his "IPCC and the “Trick”" post on ClimateAudit, though he tried to pass it off as an opinion.

Also, he's got a challenge up in the Top Comments for that video: "I've been told that someone is posting message(s) elsewhere claiming that there are 226 papers stating that the Medieval Warm period was real, was global and was noticeably warmer than the present, as Monckton claims. I hope someone will encourage whoever it is to do the obvious and cite a few of them here. In fact, anyone is free to substantiate Monckton's claim and show me to be in error, but in a week of discussion no one has cited a single paper."

Aug 6, 2012 at 5:54 AM | Registered Commenterchrimony

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