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UK Conference of Science Journalists

This is a guest post by Doug Keenan.

The 2012 UK Conference of Science Journalists was held on June 25th. The programme is available on the UKCSJ web site. I attended two of the sessions: the first was a session was entitled “What can journalists do to uncover scientific misconduct?”; the second was the plenary at the end. What follows is my perspective on those sessions.


Misconduct session

Misconduct is what most people call “fraud”. This session had three speakers.

The first speaker was the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Anaesthesia, Steve Yentis. Yentis told about the case of Joachim Boldt, an anesthesiologist who has had over 80 papers retracted. He also told about the case of case of Yoshitaka Fujii, an anesthesiologist who seems to have published 193 bogus papers. A third case was also cited, though I did not get the details. Yentis has been leading the charge to get more integrity in anesthesiology.

The second speaker was Peter Aldhous, from New Scientist magazine. Aldhous has worked to expose fraud with stories in New Scientist. His presentation seemed sound, but there was no substantial news. (The slides for his presentation are on his web site.) One point he made was that institutions are unlikely to fairly investigate allegations of fraud made against their own researchers: this obvious point seemed to be new to some people.

The third speaker was Ginny Barbour, who is the Chair of the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). Barbour said that COPE was working to get institutions to investigate allegations of fraud made against their own researchers. She also claimed that only a few percent of research publications are fraudulent.

During the question period, someone stated that science journalists should be cheerleading science, and that fraud is very rare, and anyway science is self-correcting. More generally, many people there genuinely believed that almost all scientists are virtually always honest. Those people work with science all day, and yet they seem to have no clue about how science really operates. Overall, I found the session stunningly disheartening: there is an enormous way to go, to get many journalists to appreciate what reality is.

I pointed out that all the examples of fraud given by the speakers were in medical science. I noted that in the UK, during the past half century, there does not seem to have been a single case where a non-medical researcher has been officially found to have committed fraud. That is clearly unreasonable. Consider much smaller groups of respected people: members of parliament, Catholic priests, police detectives—in each instance, we know that during half a century, at least a few of them will have committed serious crimes.

I also described how I once reported a fraud at the University of Reading. The university refused to investigate: I was told that the university had no procedures for investigating such allegations, because their professors always act with integrity.

The conclusion is that there is no accountability. I said that there were some fields of science where half the research publications were bogus. That was in conflict with the claim of Barbour, and did not go over well.

Some journalists seemed to think that verifying research fraud requires specialist scientific expertise. I gave two counterexamples from my own work. One counterexample is in archaeoastronomy of China, where a fraud consisted of claiming that a figure with four dots in it actually had five dots in it: in other words, understanding the fraud only requires being able to count to five. I published a paper on this, which overturned the previous 20 years of research in the field. The other counterexample was the analysis by Phil Jones on Chinese weather stations; I mentioned this only briefly, as I did not want to get into the emotive politics of global warming.

Afterwards, I briefly talked with Aldhous. Aldhous explained how a journalist might have to put in as much time to get a story about fraud as to get, say, 75 stories about usual science. From a business perspective, that is obviously a serious problem.

I also briefly talked with Barbour. I repeated the point that Aldhous had made about institutions investigating their own researchers. Barbour replied that she was aware of the problem, but having institutions investigate their own was the best that could currently be done. At the time, I could not think of anything polite to say in response to such nonsense. It is obvious that having institutions investigate their own is worse than doing nothing, because it tends to give the illusion of there being a real investigation. (We have seen such illusory investigations with Climategate, for example.)

Barbour then talked about the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. She suggested that it was via the Code that research would gain more integrity. The Code contains statements saying that editors should “strive to constantly improve their journal”, should be “supporting initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics”, and should “publish guidance to authors on everything that is expected of them”. Those are plainly platitudes. The Code makes no mention of research data having to be disclosed, of computer programs having to be available, etc.—that is, it lacks most of the specifics that would be needed for it to accomplish anything non-illusory.


Plenary session

This session had four speakers.

The first speaker was the journalist William Cullerne Bown. Bown said that science journalism is failing: his main evidence is the small number of readers. He explained how, after the development of the atomic bomb, the public became fascinated by science and the promise to change civilization. That promise has not been fulfilled, at least not nearly as much as was claimed half a century ago. In consequence, public interest in science has lessened, and shifted more to technology.

Bown noted that the big stories about scientific failures have been missed. He also commented on large institutions involved in science—citing the Royal Society, Elsevier, and the Wellcome Trust—saying that such institutions “have their own interests”, which are not necessarily those of science. He observed that there is lots of corruption among politicians and business people; so how could it be that there is seemingly almost none among scientists? He criticized the many science journalists who seem to treat scientists as being almost like demigods.

The second speaker was the economist and BBC journalist Evan Davis. Davis cautioned journalists about focusing on negative aspects of science, such as fraud, saying that negative publicity might bias scientists against doing anything, and we want to encourage scientists to continue their work. He later said that “exposure [of fraud] is not a very good goal” for science journalism.

I think that there are many people like Davis: people who have effectively taken science to be their religion and scientists to be their priests or even gods. Those people are deeply fearful of having their religious beliefs defenestrated. The result is the anti-journalism on display here.

The third speaker was Jay Rosen, Associate Professor of Journalism at New York University. Rosen was also the person who delivered the keynote address for the conference. He stated that it was important for journalists to “confront climate change denialism”. He came across as being highly certain of himself, while having little understanding of the issues, i.e. a typical third-rate academic.

The fourth speaker was the President of the Association of British Science Writers, Connie St Louis; St Louis is also the Director of Science Journalism at City University London. St Louis argued that journalists are too close to scientists. She said that fraud is “very very underreported” and that in consequence “we have failed as journalists”. She closed with the exhortation “let’s have some real journalism”.

The statements by St Louis prompted discussion. Bown said that he agreed with the statements. Many people, however, seemed to disagree. Someone in the audience said that fraud is confined to a few isolated individuals.

I repeated my main point from the earlier session: in the UK, during the past half century, there does not seem to have been a single case where a non-medical researcher has been officially found to have committed fraud. This demonstrates that there is no accountability.

I also gave an example from my own work, in radiocarbon dating. In radiocarbon dating, a chemical measurement is made on the remains of an organism, and then a statistical procedure is used to calculate how many years ago the organism died. I had found an error in the statistical procedure: thus, most radiocarbon dates are inaccurate. I submitted a paper on this to a journal. The paper had five peer reviews, all recommending rejection; in each case, I wrote a rebuttal—in some cases pointing out clear dishonesty by the reviewer. The editors actually asked a total of 25 scientists to peer review the paper; the remaining 20 declined to do a review, but were often were critical of the paper’s claim. In other words, out of 25 scientists, not one could be found to recommend accepting the paper. Eventually, the journal sent the paper to a statistician, whom I was told was eminent; the statistician said that the paper was obviously correct. The paper was then published. Thus, this is an example of an entire field covering up a substantial error—presumably because they want to avoid the embarrassment of admitting making such a mistake.


For me, the take-home message from the conference is that a large majority of science journalists are extremely naive about scientists. The naivety is so extreme that I suspect it must be partially willful.

For global-warming skeptics, something else should perhaps be mentioned. Many global-warming skeptics seem to think that there is something special about the prevalence of bogus research in global warming. There is not. Anyone who has looked at other fields of science knows that there are fields that are worse than global warming. This tells us something important: the underlying cause of the problem is not specific to global warming.

I mention this especially because some skeptics seem to believe that what is needed is reform of the IPCC. Yes, the IPCC could benefit from reform. But that would not solve the problem.

We have known for millennia that prerequisites for integrity in human affairs include things like transparency and accountability. Those things should be in all scientific research.

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Reader Comments (61)

And while many would not call psychology a science, it certainly has had its share of misconduct:

Jun 29, 2012 at 4:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterMikeC

What strikes me as surprising is that not one of the mainstream science journalists appear to have noticed the Nic Lewis paper reviewing the Forest et al 2006 paper on climate sensitivity.

Forest et al is one of the main supports for the IPCC contention that a doubling of CO2 is likely to raise temperatures by around 3 degrees C and not by less than half this as most other sources would suggest.

The paper based on Nic's analysis appears to be flawed and if so the IPCC conclusions will be invalid. No one can check it conclusively as the original data has apparently been lost!

Don't any of the science journalists realise this is important? Are they really that blind or are they just afraid to front up and tell us just what a bad state climate science is really in?

Jun 29, 2012 at 4:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterdave

Jeremy - I understand the limitations BUT...the readership of RW is made of people interested into retractions and mistaken papers, and obviously very used to both. Still, many of them live in the la-la-land of the Honest Well-Informed Scientist Always Behaving Impeccably.

Jun 29, 2012 at 5:23 PM | Registered Commenteromnologos

Coldish said:

Is it wise or useful to equate 'misconduct' with 'fraud'? The term 'fraud' seems to me to have legal connotations, suggesting a criminal intent to deprive others of something to which they are entitled. Some scientific misconduct may indeed to amount to fraud, but equating the two terms could increase the burden of proof for those who are merely alleging some improper or inadequate scientific procedure such as not archiving data and code, or omitting consideration of part of a data set.
Good point, but the boundaries are more blurred than you acknowledge. Fraud does not just cover directly depriving someone else of something. It also includes raising your own profile dishonestly, by whatever means. For example, if you give investment advice while claiming dishonestly to be an accountant, or if you publish a dodgy paper that makes you the toast of the town based on data you refuse to reveal (or 'lose' so that it cannot be verified), it is fraud.

It is true that it is difficult to obtain a criminal conviction in the absence of direct loss by an individual, but the term has a much wider meaning. Fraud deprives everyone in the sense that it deliberately disseminates misleading information into the public sphere, where it may be acted upon in unpredictable ways by unknown persons.

Jun 30, 2012 at 2:37 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohanna

Eccles Uncle:

From the Ecclesiastical Uncle, an old retired bureaucrat in a field only remotely related to climate with minimal qualifications and only half a mind.

Science pushes at the boundaries of knowledge. So only those who are actually involved can be expected to understand what is going on and everybody else is at a disadvantage. So there is ample opportunity for fraud.
Addressing the question itself, I doubt journalists have much in the way of advantage except perhaps ease of access. In the case of fraud at the boundary of knowledge the journalist, not actually being an active participant and outside the charmed circle who truly understand what is going on, has to rely on the reports of those within the circle or maybe a little closer to it. Typically these will be of doubtful accuracy and may even be lies.
In the plenary cession Mr Keenan explained his role in the exposure of a fraud. But as I understand it, Mr Keenan was a member of the charmed circle that understood what was going on. So his example does not relate to the question of what a journalist could do.
...would not these matters be better discussed by scientists themselves, not least because it is their fellows that commit the frauds and because of their superior ability to expose them?

Brilliant, EU. On the other hand Doug ended up:

I mention this especially because some skeptics seem to believe that what is needed is reform of the IPCC. Yes, the IPCC could benefit from reform. But that would not solve the problem.

We have known for millennia that prerequisites for integrity in human affairs include things like transparency and accountability. Those things should be in all scientific research.

The last paragraph is central, because journalists (and interested others) can pretty accurately ascertain whether transparency and accountability are present. And, going back one, as Donna Laframboise has shown, it's possible for a journalist right outside climate science of any official science journalism to present a very accurate impression of whether the IPCC is fit for purpose.

The lack of mainstream journalists willing to be critical in these areas remains a scandal, for me. And Doug is right that transparency and accountability throughout the field are more important than the IPCC layer. But both are important, both impact the other and both should have become the concern of mainstream science journalists long ago.

I'm not sure if my old friend Connie St Louis agrees with the last sentence but it sounds as if she's made the general point very well.

Jun 30, 2012 at 9:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterRichard Drake

Look, it isn't that difficult for the poor darlings. They could find places to dig in any number of citizen blogs. Not just on AGW but in other fields too. They only need to know there is doubt. Then they have the capability as a journalist to ask questions. Phone the scientists, check out the issue. No need to take sides. Ask where the data is. Just generallty sniff around, any normal human can smell deception to some extent. That is what a journalist would do. He does not need to be merely a recycler of press releases. But they don't, because they do not want to upset the applecart. Gone native, we used to call it.

Jun 30, 2012 at 11:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterRhoda Klapp

Medicine and engineering are short on fraud because lives and lawsuits are at stake. In other words, there's a serious MONETARY incentive to get the science right, which counteracts the more universal monetary incentive to please the granting agencies.

I worked for many years around researchers in both areas, and saw very little deliberate fraud... but I saw a lot of self-censorship to avoid unfashionable results. That's much worse than fraud in the long term, because scientific progress depends on surprises, and surprises are unfashionable by definition.

Jun 30, 2012 at 12:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterpolistra

From the Ecclesiastical Uncle, an old retired bureaucrat in a field only remotely related to climate with minimal qualifications and only half a mind.

Richard Drake, Sir

For someone more used to waiting outside the headmaster’s door prior to getting the cane, your compliments are very gratefully received Thank you.

Actually, I thought what I wrote –a dissection of the problem - contributed nothing. As with most of my postings, I wrote it to clarify the issues for myself and it is nice that, perhaps, it happens to help others.

I have no issue with your closing comments except to note that, in the context of your interest, the fragment of my sentence reading ‘but, as the floundering efforts of the conference participants show, the associated organizational problems seem insurmountable,’ which you excluded from your quote, seems central. And then you close with the sentence ‘Those things SHOULD be in all scientific research.’ Indeed, but how is that to be achieved?

I frequently feel that blogs are too hard on people like Jones and organisations like the IPCC because the causes of what they say lie in their mandate (which is often covert). The problems that concern this blog are organisational. So it is with the detection and exposure, taking the point made above by someone, of plain mistakes as well as frauds. There is no appropriate system or organisation to detect and address cases, and so far as I can detect, nobody has come up with an anything that will fly.

The instance Mr Keenan spoke of in the plenary session was an individual effort, and,, prior to acting, he would, I guess, have weighed up the pros and cons of proceeding. He acted, but there is no guarantee that another scientist in the same position would find the balance of such considerations would lead him to take similar action. These is no system to encourage it and rarely, I would guess, any or sufficiebt payback to the scientist. And it is no good people rising up in righteous anger at this. Of course, scientisits SHOULD be honest and straightforward - but some just aren't or can't be on this occasion. A sytem is required to ensure proper conduct. But I feel like a 1960s protestor – I know the problem but have no idea what to do about it.

And I fear I do not know Eccles and must discourage contraction of my nom-de-plume in such a way. Is Eccles not in the county of Norfolk which has a converted technical college which has sold its soul to successive governments that for perfectly understandable reasons have the cart before the horse, and so is much scorned in this forum?

Ms Rhoda

Yes – it should be like that. But there’s that word again: SHOULD The problem must be that investigating defensive scientists will be hard work and there will not be enough pay-back to the journalist. Again, an organisational problem.


You seem to describe that part of the problem where the organisational issues have been resolved.

Jul 1, 2012 at 6:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterEcclesiastical Uncle

From the Ecclesiastical Uncle, an old retired bureaucrat in a field only remotely related to climate with minimal qualifications and only half a mind.

Gosh _ Eccles is somewhere near Manchester.

It was Beccles I was thinking of and that seems to be in Suffolk.

Dear Oh Dear.

Jul 1, 2012 at 4:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterEcclesiastical Uncle

Doug, Thanks for the article.
I would be interested to know how many of the attendees, speakers, and members of 'UK Science Journalists' have first hand experience of science research significantly beyond the B.Sc. level.

If someone has never written a paper/Ph.D. thesis demonstrating an ability to perform independent research to a sufficient standard, then the validity of their knowledge and opinions about the process, and science research in general, seems severely limited.

I wonder if the BBC has a policy on this matter?

Jul 1, 2012 at 7:41 PM | Unregistered Commentermichael hart


It may well need a PHD qualification to understand/criticise scientific research in detail. However should that research come to the conclusion that black is white then I feel qualified to argue the point.

Jul 1, 2012 at 8:00 PM | Registered CommenterDung

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