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More Black and greenery

The BBC's Richard Black has been getting involved in drafting an environmental call to arms, which goes by the name of the Donostia Declaration:

The Declaration called for RIO+20.  It also asked for the summit to make decisions on “Global Governance”, “Global Goals”, “A Global New Green Deal”, “Mobilisation”, “Education For Sustainable Development” and finally for the complete implementation of “Agenda 21″.

Black's Whitewash has the story.

Coming after the BBC accepting free programming from green groups, coming after CMEP and the revelations of the Climategate II emails, this is probably not much of a surprise. But I think it is fair to say that we have to start asking questions about the integrity of the members of the BBC Editorial Standards Board.

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did u ever post this, bish? Black is not a Hack. he's part of the Team.

Nuclear Research and Development Capabilities
Oral and Written Evidence
Richard Black, Oral Evidence

Freewheel Productiions
Atomic States
11th and 18th July 2011. BBC World Service
BBC Environment correspondent Richard Black presents a two-part series
exploring the history and likely future of the nuclear energy industry...
By contrast Richard visits the UEA as its prepares to go nuclear
with enthusiasm and optimism for the role of atomic power in a modern,
hi-tech Middle East.

26 June 2004: BBC: Richard Black: UN predicts rapid nuclear growth
By Richard Black
The International Atomic Energy Agency has forecast that the use of nuclear
energy will increase rapidly in the coming years.
In a report released on the eve of a conference in Moscow marking 50 years
of commercial nuclear power, the UN's nuclear agency says that more reactors
are being built in Asia than anywhere else.
Nuclear power now generates about one-sixth of the world's electricity.
The IAEA believes this is likely to rise as concerns over fossil fuel use
and global warming increase.
It forecasts that nuclear reactors will meet a quarter of the world's needs
by 2030, with further expansion over the following decades.
But according to Alan MacDonald, an economic specialist with the IAEA, that
is only going to happen if international treaties like the Kyoto Protocol
impose financial penalties on technologies which produce large amounts of
carbon dioxide. ..
In North America and western Europe, the IAEA says construction of new
reactors has "virtually halted" because of environmental concerns, accidents
like Chernobyl, and the economic advantages of natural gas.
But some countries will exhaust their supplies of gas in the next few
decades, and some arms of the environmental movement now advocate nuclear
power as a way to avoid the worst consequences of global warming.

European Commission: Annual Meeting of the Climate Broadcasters Network -
Monte Carlo/Cannes, 5-7 April 2008
List of Speakers
Hans-Holger Rogner Section Head, Planning and Economic Studies Section. Department of Nuclear
Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)...
Mr Anders Levermann Professor of Dynamics of the Climate System, Earth System Analysis.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Mr Nicholas Hanley Head of 'Communication and Governance' Unit, Directorate-General Environment, the European Commission
Mr Richard Black Journalist, the BBC..

Apr 2, 2012 at 8:20 AM | Unregistered Commenterpat

All those waffling on about Global Governance, you see that big elephant named the EU in the middle of the room, you might want to get to know him first before scaring yourself about something that may happen.

Apr 2, 2012 at 10:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterShevva


"By contrast Richard visits the UEA as its prepares to go nuclear ..."

Oh dear. If they can't yet master Excel spreadsheets, I'd keep them well away from anything nuclear.

Apr 2, 2012 at 5:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Evans

Not only is Black a dangerous clown, he is a dangerous, scientifically unqualified clown. That he gets to spout his agenda driven clap-trap with a salary paid by me, and many of you out there, is particularly galling.
Anyway, the wheels are falling off his AGW bandwagon which makes his increasingly desperate articles more risible by the day.

Apr 2, 2012 at 7:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteve Jones

Bishop & Black’s Whitewash

this guy (Black) needs to answer these post allegations & in so doing answer to his BBC bosses (and us UK plebs that end up paying all their wages/pensions/expenses & god knows what else)

this Agenda 21 thing, i first thought some nutters invention, to obvious not to picked up by the serious blogs.

ps. Chiefio has his thoughts - latest -

Agenda 21 needs some sunlight in the UK Bishop (in your own time of course)

Apr 3, 2012 at 12:00 AM | Unregistered Commenterdougieh

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