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Questioning Mann

Anne Jolis's review of Michael Mann's Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars is the only one I've seen in the mainstream media that approaches the book with anything other than a placid acceptance of Mann's utterances.

Mr. Mann closes "The Hockey Stick" with a passionate call for more scientists to join him "on the front lines of the climate wars." "Scientific truth alone," Mr. Mann writes, "is not enough to carry the day in the court of public opinion." It would be "irresponsible," he says, "for us to silently stand by while industry-funded climate change deniers succeed in confusing and distracting the public and dissuading our policy makers from taking appropriate actions." These are unfortunate conclusions for a scientist-turned-climate-warrior whose greatest weakness has always been a low estimation of the public intellect.

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Reader Comments (61)

"McIntosh, Hewitt & Joyner's intellgent and informative reviews of our host's book on the reviews' beneath the icon of ''The Hockey Stick Illusion"

Russell, was that supposed to be a joke? Words like unscientific, scurrilous and empty spring to mind rather than intelligent and informative.

Mar 16, 2012 at 12:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterconiston

Queried as to how he embarked on his five volume eco-scifi epic Dune, widely credited as the basis of Al Gore's scientific education, author Frank Herbert replied:

"It started as a haiku. In the trade this is known as padding."

About 700 issues ago there was an article in Nature. that elicited a letter of complaint , which triggered an editorial review and a consequent corrigendum- a minor example of self correcting science in action,
concerning the myriads of climate science articles hundred of journals publish annually.

Fourteen years and some tens of thousands of evidently unread climate science articles later, some whose intellectual curiosity does not seem to extend beyond their politics are writing their second and third books on the subject.

Unable to locate the haiku I wonder what climate science textbook got them started on their odyssey?

Mar 16, 2012 at 1:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterRussell


"McIntosh, Hewitt & Joyner's intellgent and informative reviews of our host's book on Mann"

Now I know you are a tawdry disinformation spammer, because the 3 "reviews" you praise are all from the Peter Gleick school of book reviewing. If those reviewers actually read the book they claim to be reviewing then they hide it well. The idea that you can consider their reviews "intelligent and informative" tells me all I need to know about your judgment.

Mar 16, 2012 at 2:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterSkiphil

Russell, the 3 reviews you mention offer no convincing evidence that the 'reviewers' actually read the book. I bought the book and read it very carefully; I note that no assertions are made within it that are not backed up by excellent validated references and footnotes. Mountford actually allows the reader to form his or her own opinions as to the ethics of the cast of characters within the book. I found the book as fascinating as any good detective novel, and the exposure of 'the team's' behaviour in the two tranches of emails that sparked Climategates 1 & 2 has reinforced all that Mountford wrote in the 'HSI'.
You obviously have no grasp of moral or ethical behaviour and your comments on this thread are sufficiently juvenile to be sung to the well-known three-note tune beloved of all infants.

Mar 16, 2012 at 2:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlexander K

all in the name of CAGW:

16 March: Andrew Bolt: Queensland flood inquiry report released
Three dam engineers are recommended for referral to Queensland’s crime commission. It seems they did not manage the dam releases according to the manual for two days…

12 March: Courier Mail, Australia: Flood victims sign up to sue State Government over January 2011 disaster
AN ATTEMPT to sue the State Government for the damage caused by the January 2011 flood is shaping as the largest class action Australia has ever seen, a group of flood-affected residents was told yesterday.
The move to sue the Government for damages is gathering momentum, with nearly 300 people packing a community meeting in Chelmer yesterday.
There are believed to be more than 1000 people signed for the “no win-no fee” action…

hopefully, this will be a lesson to those who put CAGW ideology ahead of scientific integrity.

Mar 16, 2012 at 3:06 AM | Unregistered Commenterpat

without journalist, Hedley Thomas's investigations, the truth may never have come out:

16 March: Australian: Hedley Thomas: Dishonesty, collusion and flood victims taken for mugs
IT is now official – the final report of the floods inquiry has found there was a serious cover-up over the devastating floods last year.
It involved collusion, dishonesty and lying. The inquiry found three engineers presented false evidence after the event in an attempt to protect their professional reputations.
The cover-up concealed a breach of the operating manual for Wivenhoe Dam, Queensland’s most dangerous and powerful infrastructure, between 8am on January 8 until the evening of January 9, according to the findings…

Mar 16, 2012 at 3:12 AM | Unregistered Commenterpat

@ jaffa

There can't be an honest motive behind an opposing view [in] his mind

Absolutely; I'm reminded by your remark of a similar one by George Orwell: "The Catholic and the Communist are alike in assuming that an opponent cannot be both honest and intelligent."

It appears Mann's got it both ways.

Mar 16, 2012 at 9:20 AM | Registered Commenterjustice4rinka

'.....industry-funded climate change deniers...'
He really does believe this, doesn't he..?
If only it were true, eh, chaps..?

Mar 16, 2012 at 1:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Over at WUWT, one "DavidA" reports:

"Mann is on the ABC in Australia right now, Lateline. It’s a laugh, hope you guys can get to view it.

"He was asked who the big oil funded vested interest groups are who are trying to discredit him and send death threats and he just rambled on and never answered it.

Oh dear, 'hide the decline' just came up and the interviewer pushed the myth about temperature declining and being hidden."

Which goes to the crippling psychological defenses drsanity would recognize. In Mann's case, as related above, denial and distorting reality to suit a scientists needs. QED.

Mar 17, 2012 at 8:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterOrson

Michael Mann had this to say about the Jolis review:

"The WSJ was frankly one of the silliest book reviews I have ever seen. I guess it was supposed to pan my book but actually came across as really a pretty sad commentary on the state of the WSJ."

I also liked his use of the majestic plural in: "They tried to sink our Amazon reviews by posting lots of one star [...] negative reviews of our book"

(all around the 10:30 mark)

Mar 17, 2012 at 3:57 PM | Unregistered Commenterharold

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Apr 30, 2020 at 3:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterman cell

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