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BBC World Service on Fakegate

The BBC World Service covered Fakegate this morning, interviewing Bob Ward and Mike McPhadden, the president of the AGU.

Considering the post-Jones-report choice of guests, the coverage was not too bad. We could have done with some challenge of the dark mutterings about "disturbing revelations" from the documents though. I was interested in McPhadden's description of the tumult at the AGU and their desire for public trust. It seems to me that while they allow Chris Mooney to use their organisation in the way they do, they are going to be seen as a political organisation rather than a scientific one. Mooney to me looks like another AGU accident waiting to happen. That being the case, it will interesting to see how the AGU responds to the Gleick affair.

The audio is attached below.


Science in Action on Fakegate

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Reader Comments (53)

I listened carefully but I couldn't hear the sound of Richard Black in the background, stamping his feet and covering his ears while screaming no, no, no... or even ho, ho.

Have they already sent to off to investigate solar power in Siberia?

Keeping Black at the BBC now will be as smart as keeping Chris Mooney at the AGU. But maybe, to use Mooney's logic, they are all 'lizard-brained' (or whatever sweet term he used) and thus in a predictable state of denial.

Feb 24, 2012 at 9:06 PM | Unregistered Commenteredward getty

Robert Christopher -
Thanks. The board vacancy was filled much more quickly than that; Judy Curry reported the next week that Hassol had succeeded Mooney.

Still, I'm a little surprised at the quiet change. May not mean anything, though.

Feb 25, 2012 at 1:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterHaroldW

Hassol is a long time veteran in the climate game.

Feb 25, 2012 at 2:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterShub

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