Bishop Hill


With RC's (putative) reappearance on the scene, I think we need an alternative handle for the guy. "RC" is just going to get confused with RealClimate. "The hacker" or "the leaker" assumes we know more than we do.
Can we think of some snappy alternative along the lines of Watergate's "Deep Throat"? Deep Climate is already taken, of course, but I would have thought we could come up with something else. Perhaps still with the initials "RC"?
Reader Comments (102)
What about Real Conscience?
Rosetta clone
I like Reality Check a lot. I've been toying with Rot as the R ie the stopper of the rot. Rot Collector, Rot Cleaner, Rot Carer? Needs work :)
Another vote for Rip Cord
Zip Lord ?
R (Catcher) ye -- Catcher in the Rye
Rip Cord is nice, but kind of,...what is needed is something more evocative.
Saint Ripcord (after Hilary)
UEA Ripcord
Captain Ripcord??
Ripped Curtain, as the person in question provided a brief peek "backstage"
wRy Coder
Reveals Complot.
noun 1. a plot involving several participants; conspiracy.
We haven't yet established who "VS" (visiting statistician) is/was!
Have we?
Rumbled Climatologists
I like SST's "Roger".
It's simple - and climate pscientists and their utterances can be "Rogered" as and when required.
Since he/she (or them) is being hunted, how about:
Red October
Resolute Cyborg
Reality Check
Righteous Cause.
Really Cool.
Regnum Cognoscere
Which translates from the latin to "recognising power, or authority".
Interestingly it is part of the motto of Sheffield University, Guelph University and LSE:
Regnum Cognoscere Causas - to learn the causes of things.
Sing a song of pense
Sick, a pocketful of wry.
What? Wanta know why?
Reign Clarity.
@ Aug 20, 2011 at 10:09 AM | timheyes
Hotlips gets my vote!
Hot lips sink hot ships.
(As I have primacy on 'Rip...) - how about, Ripping Yarns?
RC Time Constant
Rational Clipe (Clype?)
clipe: to tell or snitch on someone.
One thing, however, does not change. Clyping is still against the unofficial school moral code and swift retribution will be heaped by their peers on anyone who is so foolish as to clype. Clype (pronounced to rhyme with ripe and having the alternative spelling clipe) is a Scots verb meaning to tell tales, in other words to tell a teacher about a piece of wrongdoing carried out by another pupil.
What about Harry's friend, Richard Cornes? Staff>
Roger Climax
He starred in a 60s TV show: The Sinner.
Righteous Chutzpah
Remote Control
The Saint
Regal Castration
Zip Cord
The Unknown Leaker.
And we should erect a statue to him/her somwhere. Ideally on the UEA grounds.
What should it look like though ? - someone hunched over a laptop?
It surely has to be 'Rip Cord'
random clyster
My apologies, there was little random about it, make it Reluctant Clyster.
Rogue Copier
Punksta --
Your suggestion -- the Unknown Leaker -- suggests a statue such as this.
So perhaps a different name, then.
Real Climax
Pedants corner to RB (20 Aug, 6.29pm) The Latin version of your quotation from Vergil is incorrect: it should be '...rerum cognoscere causas...'. 'Regnum' is a kingdom or reign.
Perhaps we should come at the problem of naming them from the Alarmist's viewpoint? L:otsa scope there ...
Razor of Consensus ? (with due respect to William)
Ruination Creator ?
Rightious Craterer ?
Right c**t ?
How about:
Real Carbon
Rodger Corman?
Revealing Cru.
However, our debt to him is so great he is deserving of something grand. Perhaps
Royal Caractacus.
Roger Cru, Rob or Robin Cru, Wrecking Cru or Reckin' Cru.