How's that new AGW communication strategy working out for you?

A snippet from Damian Thompson's blog at the Telegraph:
This week, I met a 17‑year-old pupil from a girls’ public school that, in the past, has been more famous for turning out Sloaney husband-hunters than for filling its pupils with useless scientific facts. But the stereotype is out of date, it seems. The GCSE syllabus ranges far and wide, taking in the physics, chemistry, biology, geopolitics, economics and ethics of climate change. In English lessons, girls “debate” (ie, heartily endorse) the proposition that global warming will kill us all. And guess what topic has been chosen for French conversation?
But parents shouldn’t worry that their girls will turn into eco-loons. “Honestly,” says my informant, “we’re all, like, sooo bored with climate change. I can’t wait to leave school to escape.”
Reader Comments (53)
It's always sick to use propaganda on children. But it also illustrates how stoopid the alarmists are.
They really believe that they can brainwash a new generation and just sit and wait for the older generations to die off. They haven't realised that the new generation becomes the older generation. The idealistic and gullible youngsters somehow turn into realistic and pragmatic middle-aged people by a secret process called "ageing".
A bit late but I just happened on this and it seems relevant:
Not sure how up to date it is though as the last event entry is 4 February 09 with a reference to the Climate Broadcater's Network. Interesting to read the entry from the BBC team at the time:
SpongeBob goes Green:
SpongeBob celebrates the Earth with an eco-friendly 8 x 8 story! Includes easy green tips for kids! Right in time for Earth Day (April 22, 2009), SpongeBob is going green in this original, environment-friendly story packed with green goodness! When Mr. Krabs decides to open a pool outside the Krusty Krab to make some extra clams, he puts SpongeBob in charge of pool duty. But the weather doesn't seem to be cooperating, and it's still too cold to tempt people into swimming. So....SpongeBob decides to speed up the warm weather by pumping carbon dioxide into the environment. Little does SpongeBob know, he's messing with Mother Nature in a big way and bringing Global Warming on Bikini Bottom! Soon it's sweltering hot, and everyone has to pack up and move. Can SpongeBob reverse Global Warming and save the Bikini Bottom environment? Will he learn his lesson and start respecting Mother Nature? Find out in this green-themed 8 x 8! This book will be printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper with soy ink. The paper is FSC certified. FSC certified paper is paper that's certified by the Forest Stewardship Council-- a non-profit organization devoted to making sure that paper comes from forests that are well managed, maintained, replenished, and where soil and waterways are protected.