Bishop Hill

BBC local news on Tallbloke

BBC East have published a story about the seizure of Tallbloke's computers.
Police who seized computers as part of the Climategate inquiry involving the University of East Anglia (UEA) have been accused of being "heavy-handed".
A Norfolk Police inquiry started after emails from the UEA's Climate Research Unit (CRU) were hacked in 2009.
Last week six police officers went to the Leeds home of a blogger and seized two computers.
Blogger Roger Tattersall said he was "shocked" by the incident. Police said the inquiry is continuing.
It's a longish piece, but frankly there's not a lot we didn't know before.
Update on Dec 21, 2011 by
Bishop Hill

The video is here - from 11 mins
Reader Comments (59)
Thanks Salopian, I will submit my evidence.
Hengist the email above clearlu says investifgating dat theft at UEA..
Andrew sent one in for the whole of UEA asking about who attended seminars.... !
Not an FOI for data, as all those others who were contacted for..
so a reasonable line of enquiry for police to focus on, those who foi'd for data.So you think you have 'evidence' that I'm wrong' in your mind, and need to tell everybody about it?
Who cares !!
Get a life, so shall I
China and India do not care.. they just want to emit lots of co2
From our wonderfully impartial BBC
Thank you for your contact.
I understand you’re unhappy with the BBC as you feel that it is not being impartial and not living up to its charter. I note you feel that the BBC is biased regarding climate change.
I’m sorry you feel that the BBC is not impartial but we cannot take a stance or hold an opinion on any public issue.
The BBC is specifically prohibited from expressing a view of its own on any issue with the exception of those specifically related to broadcasting.
Impartiality is partly dependent on balance and it’s not possible to achieve that with every report. Programme makers aim to do justice to the full range of views and opinions in particular issues. We publish our own editorial guidelines so the public can judge whether we abide by them or not. You can see these at:
We don’t say we never make mistakes, but we strive hard to be accurate, balanced and fair. Audience research suggests that most people who use BBC services greatly appreciate those efforts.
The BBC aims to report what’s actually happening over a period of time so the audience is in a better position to make up their own minds about what’s going on.
With regard to climate change- The BBC is committed to impartial and balanced coverage when it comes to this issue.
There is broad scientific agreement on the issue of climate change and we reflect this accordingly; however, we do aim to ensure that we also offer time to the dissenting voices. Flagship BBC programmes such as Newsnight, Today and our network news bulletins on BBC One have all included contributions from those who challenge the general scientific consensus recently and we will continue to offer time to such views on occasion
You might be interested in the views of former Newsnight editor, Peter Barron, who explored this issue in an online posting at our Editors' Blog and explained some of the editorial issues it throws up:
I’m sorry if you feel that the BBC is not fulfilling its charter and so I've registered your comment on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that's made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Joseph O'Brien
BBC Complaints
Having to scrape the archives to find a near 5 year old blog entry to support their impartiality (ho, ho) speaks for itself.
What is completely irritating , are the following extracts:
The BBC is specifically prohibited from expressing a view of its own on any issue with the exception of those specifically related to broadcasting.
With regard to climate change- The BBC is committed to impartial and balanced coverage when it comes to this issue.
So why do they not keep to it !!
I have been banging on at them for years , but whether it be texts , phone ins , the "Gatekeepers" prevent anything .
I have private correspondence with the "Black Knight" , and it is embarassing that they are so blinkered.
It's probably time for some mass civil disobedience in the form of refusal to pay the licence fee , any one up for it ?
This is relevant.. a comment Tallbloke made a while back at Collide a Scape a while back, we were both in the comments having a 'debate'
Rog Tallbloke:
"Mosh, after my name got picked up by the alarmist crowd letters started arriving at the Pro Vice Chancellors office demanding I be sacked from my place of work. The threat is real, and the tactics are mean spirited and dirty. My contract has since been renewed so all is well, but that doesn’t make the MaCarthy-esque behaviour any less troubling. Anthony Watts is self employed, so the kind of attacks he suffers are different, but none the less real, and a genuine cause for concern.
So when Tim Wirth makes vague, undefined statements about “going after” “deniers”, it is understandable that Anthony Watts is concerned. It is not just ideas that get attacked. The ‘ends justify means’ people, and Wirth is one of them, are a real threat. People from all sides of the climate issue who believe in an open society and freely expressed scientific debate need to stand up and be counted here.
“I’m Spartacus!”
It can be seriously damaging being on one side of the 'debate' fortuanately my 'boss and employer' at home and at work now is my wife ;-)
"I'm Spartacus"
It surprised me that the Norfolk Constabulary chose to contact me simply because I submitted an FOIA / EIR regarding the confidentiality agreements that CRU used as an excuse to deny an FOIA by Steve McIntyre.
It also surprised me that many of the questions asked by DC Baker were things like "What blogs do you read?"
I was also surprised that the CRU "leaked" my contact info to the Norfolk Constabulary.
Many (most?) of the questions seemed more targeted at determining connections between climate skeptics than having any relevance to find the leaker or hacker.
Maybe you should enlighten yourself. It may lead you to an epiphan.
Hey Hengist,
I got quizzed by Norfolk police after submitting an FOI request to the UEA prior to CG1 as well.
The list grows...