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More Climategate 2

0109 Jones "I don't consider myself a public servant"

2402 Royal Society involved in circulating a letter of protest re the Great Global Warming Swindle

Marcel Crok quotes von Storch in 0555 "Stupid, politicized action by IPCC, not MBH’s responsbilkity". In same message, Simon Tett says "Beyond that the paleo community cannot do stats"

Anthony Watts notes that even the most fervent believers think Al Gore's claims about the melting snows of Kilimanjaro were nonsense.

Ross McKitrick notes that the IPCC instrumental temperature people can't do statistics either.

McIntyre notes that Mann has accused him of trying to hack into his systems.

McIntyre notes discussion of Mann trying different adjustments in order to get a good cross-validation score.

Mann starts the disinformation about McIntyre requesting an Excel file at the start of his work on the Hockey Stick. See also subsequent comment from McKitrick.

3419 Von Storch: First, I don't think that John Houghton is particularly qualified in saying anything about regional assessments. So far as I know he has no relevant official capacity in the process,and he has not been particulaly helpful in SAR. Actually, I consider him a politially intersted activitst and not as a scientist.

Climate Audit readers find that Prof Geoffrey Boulton's claim of having had no professional contact with CRU for twenty years ahead of the Russell inquiry was not true.

McIntyre notes a meeting between Boulton, UEA, the Met Office in order to prepare a briefing for Nicholas Stern.

0209 Hughes says paleoclimate datasets are too small.

5066 Hegerl: "using the 20th c for tuning is just doing what some people have long suspected us of doing...
and what the nonpublished diagram from NCAR showing correlation between aerosol forcing and sensitivity also suggested. Slippery slope... "

4808 Mann discusses formal statement of no confidence in Climate Research re Soon and Baliunas paper. In same email

CSIRO and Tyndall communication managers would then think that a mass resignation would draw attention to the way such poor science gets into mainstream journals.

Pielke Jnr observers Trenberth and Jones discussing keeping a Pielke paper out of the IPCC report, apparently successfully.

McIntyre notes that Briffa couldn't get Mann's data too.

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Reader Comments (53)

Apologies if this has already been done:

Here's the freshly decoded Mime attachments to the Climategate 2011 emails

Nov 24, 2011 at 1:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterBuffy Minton

> Firstly, I don't really think the published papers reflect the
> actualité of how the dataset was produced. Neither do the read me
> files. They contain elements of truth but there are glaring
> inaccuracies (including the gridding method, possibly the most
> important single issue). For this reason I've not been as slavish to
> them as I should have been.

Nov 24, 2011 at 2:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterFrancisT

Buffy Minton - thanks for that

I see Pielke Sr now getting stuck in

Nov 24, 2011 at 2:55 PM | Unregistered Commenterclivere

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