No, he did say it....

...or something very like it.
I'm referring to the recent kerfuffle over whether Sir John Houghton did actually say the controversial words that have been ascribed to him for many years. These words:
Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen.
A few days ago, after years of this quotation doing the rounds of sceptic blogs, Sir John suddenly denied that these words had ever passed his lips, pointing out that they didn't actually appear in his book, to which early citations had pointed as the original source. Cue much gnashing of teeth and wailing about "deniers".
There has now been another development in this story, reported by Benny Peiser, who took a certain amount of stick for repeating the quotation over the years, including a demand from Sir John that he issue an apology. In a posting on the GWPF website today, Benny relates how Professor John Adams has unearthed from his archives an clipping from the Daily Telegraph, dating right back to 1995. In it, Sir John is quoted as follows:
“If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.”
Oh dear.
The story was originally broken on Professor Adams' blog here. More here.
[Update: Benny asks me to make absolutely clear that he is passing the story on and the credit is due to Professors Adams and Stott]
[PS: If you ever get the chance to read Professor Adams' Risk, it's well worth it. It's one of those books that makes you smile with its deliciously counter-intuitive thinking.]
Reader Comments (60)
Houghton's influence on Richard Cizik was profound, leading to deep division within evangelicals in the USA on the subject. The US Senator James Inhofe being an obvious example of those that were far from happy:
That's from the excellent anti-AGW evangelical website We Get It. Well, I think it is. Your mileage may vary.
The idea that religion and science is so tightly knit together as with influencial people like Houghton sounds to me as quite alarming. His obvious disgust for "rich" people clearly shows his evangelical quest to spread the word for AGW and explains his and many other almost blind faith in the Temple of Tipping Points. Didn't he said in above article very specific that we had 7 years left to survive (isn't that a biblical number too?)
More of Houghton's biblical sublimations here: "Climate change, justice and faith"
Slightly o/t - Houghton is backing the 'Carbon Fast'
"Slightly o/t - Houghton is backing the 'Carbon Fast'"
Not really, under the trend of discussion here. Speaks to role of religion in society and the outrageous concept that 'Jesus was a community organizer' which couldnt be further from truth. For you who aren't conversant, Jesus always spoke to the individual, never advocated 'group action' even when he said 'join with'.
Mainstream Christianity seems to have switched to the concept that one should care for one's brother with other peoples involuntary charity. As if he might have said 'Let's Lobby Rome..."
The Anglicans' view that, unless we tax carbon heavily, the the poor of the world will suffer flies in the face of all common sense. The symbolic 'tithe' of turning off personal electronics for a day shows exactly how irrelevant they and their views have become.
John Page: I guess the carbon fast could be quite smelly, if you get really radical about not flushing your toilet for forty days. Anyone, just let me know and I'll try to get my Christian fellowship elsewhere for that season!
Hoi Polloi: I don't think, to be fair, that the seven years comes from barmy biblical interpretation from Sir John but from the scientific equivalent.
Either way, though, I think Pat Frank's right to compare it with religious nutcases. And that applies to the whole of the AGW scam - which is obviously is, at another level, with the cap and trade stuff. That's what the little carbon fasters in the pews aren't told, bless 'em, but the insiders at the Chicago Carbon Exchange, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs know all too well. Wake up, people, this is for the super-rich and will do enormous damage to the poorest on the earth. Is that what the Jesus you follow was really into?
I've held back from doing this but I now want to give an alternative view of the situation, from the only truly sane person I know:
What this doesn't say is that all human beings are already perfect. What it also doesn't say is that anyone, however evil, can do much to stop the Father in heaven (the name Jesus never stopped using for God) bringing basic blessing - sun and rain - on the human race.
I always combine that in my mind these days with what the great Richard Lindzen - not a massive bible thumper that I've heard! - said about the debate on feedbacks to the worthy but not entirely scientifically literate eminences on the House of Lords Economics Select Committee, including Nigel Lawson, the week after Sir John Houghton was in, in January 2005:
I love that last part, the politically incorrect bit about the earth being engineered, about the metaphysics that tells us, in our gut, that it's not on the border of instability the whole time. The gentle bureaucrats can take a break - Jesus and Lindzen have it, for me. If you ever want to thank the person that engineered it so, well that's another matter. I'm not here to bash you about that. Only to say that there has to be a different way to look at the metaphysics, that prevents us in a fit of self-loathing give up all our freedoms and do such terrible damage to those at the bottom of the pile in this world. God help us.
If you read his genuine quote in full, he is stating a well-known truth: that humans generally do not act until after a disaster has happened (as with the SE Asia tsunami).
Did he say it? Well they said he did say, what they say that he said, but he said he didn’t say, what they say that he said, because he said he never would say, what they say that he said. But he did say, what he would have said, had he said what they say that he said, and they wondered why he didn’t say, that he didn’t say, what they say that he said, for so long? It is said that he didn’t say, that he didn’t say what they say that he said, for so long, because it couldn’t be said, that what they say that he said, was untrue. But now it could be said, that what they say that he said, could be true. So he has said that he didn’t say what they say that he said, though he did say, what he would have said, had he said what they say that he said.
And now it appears he did say what they say that he said. The only person who is sure he didnt say what they say what he said is Frank O'Dwyer, who has religiously followed him all these years hanging onto and remembering every word and claims he never said, not even in the privacy of his toilet or under the sheets of his master bedroom.
I'm having some problems with our common language, as I follow these comments. So let me return to the first (which is in the active sense) and the second (which is in the passive sense) quotations.
There's no hint of evil in the actual (second) quotation. Its only a passive expression of despair.
I pine for the old days, when skeptics had some creative science to argue. Now that it is reduced to 'he said' quotes, its no fun anymore.
This is what comes of straying from the facts of the matter at hand, and into motivic speculation & gotcha quotes; it's why Steve Mc has a policy of almost-zero tolerance for it at Climate Audit.
That said, Houghton was mis-quoted. You can spin it & contextualise it till the end of time, but he was mis-quoted. So just apologise already and move on.
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I pine for the old days, when skeptics had some creative science to argue. Now that it is reduced to 'he said' quotes, its no fun anymore.