Welcome, readers from Wilmott.com
Aug 3, 2007
Bishop Hill in Climate

To everyone who is visiting from the forums at Wilmott.com, welcome. Please feel free to take a look around. There's a link to the category archives on the right hand side so you can get to all the climate related posts.

If I had to pick a few highlights for you, I'd suggest you try these. They are all written for non-technical readers. As financial readers, you might want to ask yourself whether you'd trust a business with the standards of openness adopted by climate scientists.

What's wrong with the IPCC - a guide for the layman

It's all in the adjustments 

Climate science is not sound science 

The hitchhikers guide to the IPCC 

How to create global warming 

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
See website for complete article licensing information.