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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
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Entries from September 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012


DECC 3 - the Marland briefing

This briefing prepared for Lord Marland is, if anything, even worse than the last. It is perfectly acceptable for DECC to discuss a claim about the possibility that recent temperature changes are natural. I find it extraordinary that they would try to do so with a graph of changes in various atmospheric constituents.


DECC 2 - response to Turnbull

This document, outlining how DECC should respond to Lord Turnbull's GWPF report on climate policy is fascinating. The scientific briefings that ministers get from DECC officials are indistinguishable from Greenpeace press releases.


DECC's climate docs

Leo Hickman has unearthed a repository of DECC documents on climate change. I'm not clear if this is as a result of a FOI request or something else.

He is posting interesting snippets on his Twitter timeline. This internal briefing by a not-very-literate DECC insider is interesting.


[Update: author names are in the document properties. This one appears to be by P Munro; a google suggests P is for Paul]


To the trough

Last Friday I wrote to the House of Commons Energy and Climate CHange Committee about Lord Deben's interests in Veolia. I received an acknowledgement from the committee noting that my email had been circulated to committee members. My email was as follows:

Dear Sirs

I want to bring to your attention some information regarding your recent hearing with Lord Deben.

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Salford Heretic

Richard Bean's sceptic play The Heretic is opening at the Lowry Theatre in Salford at the end of this month.

Details of where to get tickets here.



David Henderson on GWPF reports

David Henderson sends this note on the review of GWPF reports.

One of your commentators has posed the question: ‘If short journal articles are peer reviewed, why not longer GWPF pieces?’

There is a misunderstanding here. The ’longer GWPF pieces’ have taken the form of reports: up to now, nine of these have so far been published, with Peter Lilley’s as the latest. All of them have been peer reviewed by members of the GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council, of which I am chairman. The members of the Council are publicly listed. I have personally reviewed all nine reports, and commented in writing on all but one.

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Replicating Lew

One of Anthony Watts' readers is attempting to replicate the Lewandowsky survey study, an interesting development in my humble opinion. Details here.

Also fascinating is Steve McIntyre's dissection of Lewandowsky's results.


Conspiracy of one - Josh 183

H/t to Foxgoose for coming up with Lewpapergate.

Cartoons by Josh


Conservatives and climate change

Another diary date, this time for readers in the West Midlands. This is a fringe event for the Conservative party conference I think.

Join us for a discussion on Conservative approaches to tackling climate change and what climate and energy policies the Government should implement to make this the "greenest government ever".

Speakers include:

• Greg Barker MP, Minister of State for Energy & Climate Change
• Matthew Sinclair, Director, Taxpayers' Alliance
• Sir John Houghton, Former co-chair of the IPCC and former CEO of the Met Office
• Guy Newey, Head of Environment and Energy, Policy Exchange

Date: Sunday 7th October 2012, 17.45-19:00

Venue: Exec Room 1, Birmingham ICC

RSVP: Please RSVP to


Steig responds to Lewis

Eric Steig has responded to Nic Lewis's letter in the Guardian, which I mentioned here. Lewis had pointed out that warming in Antarctica is restricted to the West Antarctic Peninsula. Here's Steig's response:

Nicholas Lewis (Letters, 28 August) complained that your report (Arctic ice melt likely to break record, 24 August) gave the impression that typical temperatures in Antarctica have risen as much as on the Antarctic peninsula. While he is correct about this, his letter also refers to an outdated study of his, which argued that previous estimates of overall Antarctic warming were too high. In fact, the work of Lewis and co-authors has been proven wrong.

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Small change for Climate - Josh 182


Michael Mann and SkepticalScience: well-orchestrated

This is a guest post by Shub Niggurath.

So we can't engage in the dishonest tactics that those looking to discredit us may be willing to engage in. But we can try to become better communicators of the science; try to find novel ways to explain to the public the fact that the science is solid …

 Michael Mann 


Readers are aware of John Cook’s secret forum whose contents leaked, exposing material he and his followers would rather, not see the light of the day (see e.g. here, here and here). Most of it was the puerile fantasies of climate alarmists who need private space to admit and confess to what they cannot in public. However, there are actions undertaken behind the scenes that impact the public sphere. Again, Cook and his followers have every right to carry out these as well, but scrutinize them we can.

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More diary dates

Here are a couple more dates that may interest readers here. I'm sure all my readers in the Northern Isles will be interested in this courtroom-style confrontation on 10 September between upholders of and dissentients from the IPCC consensus, and featuring Benny Peiser and BH regular, John Shade:

A courtroom format in Orkney next week will tackle the question of climate change.

For many years the debate has raged in newspaper columns and internet blogs – Is the climate really changing? And are we the cause?

Now as part of the Orkney International Science Festival the courtroom method is bring applied. The aim is to get at the truth by bringing the two sides together, gathering the evidence from each, and subjecting it to examination and cross-examination.

Click to read more ...


Fraser Nelson says "let there be shale"

Owen Paterson is far from a household name, but the significance of his appointment as Environment Secretary has not been lost on the green lobby groups. As far as they’re concerned, this is war. They are already denouncing him as a “prominent hater of wind turbines” and overall climate change sceptic.

It is just as well, then, that Paterson has spent two years at Northern Ireland, learning the art of political combat. For his critics are quite right to detect a shift in policy. According to Downing Street, his mission is to revive the rural economy – and the main species he has been asked to protect is the humans trying to make ends meet. As for his leader, the man once photographed being pulled by dogs over a Norwegian glacier is tiptoeing away from his old policies as he might do from embarrassing photographs of his student exuberance.

Read the whole thing.


Delingpole to stand in Corby

Having rejected the idea of standing in the Corby by-election as a UKIP candidate, Delingpole has now apparently decided to stand after all, but as an independent anti-windfarm candidate.