Compulsory indoctrination in schools
As John Shade and I noted in our Climate Control report, the latest edition of the National Curriculum has removed all mention of "sustainable development", a concept that formed the very basis of the previous edition. The government's decision to rein back on the indoctrination of children in schools has understandably angered some within the green movement, including Joan Walley, the chairman of the Commons' Environmental Audit Committee:
Labour should commit to including sustainable development in the national curriculum, a senior backbencher has said.
The call from Joan Walley, who chairs the Commons' environmental audit committee, comes as the opposition party draws up its policy on green issues ahead of next year's general election.
However, it seems that in the university sector, the momentum is in the other direction:
Walley has been working with Keele University, where chancellor and green champion Jonathan Porritt is introducing a sustainable development core discipline in each subject.
"But what's the point of having that at university if it's not seamless back through college and back through secondary school?" she told Politics.co.uk.
Time to rein back the funding.