Is there an environment conference on the way?

I guess there must be - the BBC is doing its usual pulling out of all the stops to get AGW plastered across the airwaves. Tuesday's Horizon is about an alleged increase in "freak weather".
Something weird seems to be happening to our weather - it appears to be getting more extreme.
In the past few years we have shivered through two record-breaking cold winters and parts of the country have experienced intense droughts and torrential floods. It is a pattern that appears to be playing out across the globe. Hurricane chasers are recording bigger storms and in Texas, record-breaking rain has been followed by record-breaking drought.
Horizon follows the scientists who are trying to understand what's been happening to our weather and investigates if these extremes are a taste of whats to come.
H/T Climate Realists, who note that the show will feature Kerry Emanuel and Katharine Hayhoe, among others.