Photo: A Weir under CC. Click for link.Earlier this week it was reported that Stirling Council has decided to oppose Dart Energy's plans to expand their coalbed methane operations in Airth.
The project actually spans two separate council areas, and the other one - Falkirk - has yet to pronounce, so the project is still alive, but the decision is presumably a setback. The scaremongering campaign by Friends of the Earth Scotland and Frack-Off seems to have had an effect. Nevertheless, the council's decision is actually rather surprising, as Dart have their European headquarters in Stirling. If the company can't operate in their own back yard, one can't help but wonder if they might decide to move the business elsewhere, perhaps closer to their operations in England. I suppose though that Stirling councillors are unconcerned about the loss of an important employer in the area - this is Scotland after all.
Meanwhile, it is reported today that Ineos, the operators of the Grangemouth chemicals site, just up the road from Airth, are going to go ahead with their plans to supply their plant with a feedstock of LNG, shipped from the USA.
So we can see that Friends of the Earth (and the other groups that claim to be concerned about the environment) have managed to work things so that instead of gas being sourced locally it will be shipped halfway round the world.
This will, apparently, help to 'save the planet'.