Quote of the day

Newcastle did not beat Manchester United today, because the long term trend is for Manchester United to beat Newcastle.
Stephen Goddard, alluding to last night's footie results.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Newcastle did not beat Manchester United today, because the long term trend is for Manchester United to beat Newcastle.
Stephen Goddard, alluding to last night's footie results.
With a tiny handful of exceptions (Judy, Richard Betts, Hans von Storch, Eduardo Zorita, surely there must be a few more?) the whole of “mainstream” climate science seems to be going into collective meltdown. To ordinary scientists their behaviour just gets more bizarre with every day.
I have worked in all sorts of areas of science, some really quite controversial, and I have never seen this sort of childish throwing of toys out of prams in any other context. I can’t see any solution beyond some proper grown ups getting involved and telling Trenberth and Gleick and friends to sit on the naughty step until they learn how to play nicely.
Jonathan Jones at Climate etc.
[I]f the ‘deniers’ are the only ones standing up for the integrity of the scientific process, and the independence of the IPCC, then I too am a ‘denier’
Mark Lynas deals with criticism head on.
(H/T Barry Woods)
A visiting journalist once asked the director of a famous research institute: " How many scientists work in your laboratory?"
The director reflected for a moment and then replied "Less than half".
From Nigel Calder's Technopolis
Welcome to the neo-medieval world of Britain’s energy policy. It is a world in which Highland glens are buzzing with bulldozers damming streams for miniature hydro plants, in which the Dogger Bank is to be dotted with windmills at Brobdingnagian expense, in which Heathrow is to burn wood trucked in from Surrey, and Yorkshire wheat is being turned into motor fuel. We are going back to using the landscape to generate our energy. Bad news for the landscape.
Paul Krugman, stand-up comedian:
Back in 2009 climate skeptics got hold of more than a thousand e-mails between researchers at the Climate Research Unit at Britain’s University of East Anglia. Nothing in the correspondence suggested any kind of scientific impropriety...
Werner Krauss on reconciliation in the climate wars
It is hard to imagine how justice will ever be done to those hurt and overrun by those who are in charge of the IPCC process.
(Quote edited to correct English slightly)
Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by the Met Office computer.
Phillip Bratby, in the comments.
How can aviation be operated to minimise the impacts of emissions...?
...by routing it through Heathrow.
Commenter tty
This article is the last straw. For six years I have had to bit my tongue while force-feeding this climate anthropogenic global warming nonsense into the increasingly sceptical minds of my science school learners. They all know it's a scam. I know it's a scam. They all know that we will be notionally 1010ed if we don't all toe the party line, give the "government approved" answer in the exams, fill in the approved plans, but carry on as normal. I cannot seriously go into a school next term and carry on like this.
Consequently I hereby declare that, metaphorically, the next parent, head of science, head teacher, school governor, local education authority jobsworth, central government apparatchik, or UK energy minister who tells me have to teach this climate porn to under-16s or lose my job will be kebabed on a hockey stick and fed to the polar bear packs currently massing under my window seeking warmth. And any kid who dares to submit an assignment consisting of material cut'n'pasted from these Louise Gray's WWF press releases will be spreadeagled on a stationary wind turbine in the North Sea.
I call upon all teachers to join me in this declaration, and to organise a welcome back party to all UK attendees from Cancun
[The Hockey Stick Illusion] has almost become a litmus test for seeing who has an open mind, open enough to at least read the book and ponder the actual issues that it raises.
Budiansky again:
My three years at Nature left me painfully aware that scientists are about the worst people on earth when it comes to confusing their political inclinations with objective fact — and absolutely the worst in the concomitant certainty that one's opponents must be liars, frauds, or corruptly motivated, since (obviously) no honest person could possibly have reached a contrary conclusion through objective reasoning.
Dickie's all upset with us:
I would love, for example, to see far-right libertarians thrown off the Guardian bogs as a matter of course...
I wouldn't sully my backside with your nasty socialist latrines anyway!
Drunken sailors generally spend cash that they’ve already earned themselves, rather than running up debt to be paid by others. If our politicians started spending like drunken sailors, it would in fact represent a dramatic improvement.
If Scrooge had forbid Crachet from putting on more coal because it would contribute to global warming, he’d be the hero.