Rajendra Pachauri is in the news today, arguing that citizens should be taking action on global warming into their own hands, bypassing governmental stasis in favour of a bottom-up approach.
Rajendra Pachauri, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that the experience of Rio proves that the political will to take action simply isn’t there – and argues that a new form of activism is the only answer.
“I would submit that the time has come that we shouldn’t really wait for governments,” he said.
“Governments will of course have to play their own role – but what we really need to rely on is creating awareness among the people, so that each one of us in our own way should start treating this problem as serious – and meeting the challenge that confronts us today.
Of course, nobody is going to object if environmentalists take steps to address their concerns - perhaps by a cessation of their jet-setting lifestyles or abjuring their advocacy of grossly inefficient technologies. Provided it's voluntary, everyone will be happy. It's only their forcing of their beliefs onto others that is objectionable.
Interestingly, today's Guardian also has an article making a call for a bottom-up approach to global warming. Anyone might think that they were more of a green mouthpiece than a serious newspaper.