Entries in Josh (440)

Gav calls it - Josh 320

Following the correct use of a certain word on Twitter my guess is that Gavin Schmidt will go for a name change for his blog 'Realclimate'. Go for it, Gav.

Hot news, evolution cools - Josh 318

Steve McIntyre has the scoop:
According to the University of Victoria, Andrew Weaver says:
the next generation of his climate model will address the influence of climate on human evolution—much like it’s now being used to examine the influence of humans on climate evolution”.
In breaking news, Climate Audit has obtained exclusive information on output from the first runs of Weaver’s “next generation” climate model. These are the first known climate model predictions of the future of human evolution. The results are worrying: take a look.
Click image for a larger version
PS Idea H/t Steve ;-)

Countdown to alarm - Josh 317
Posted by Josh
I thought the BBC 4 programme 'Climate change by numbers' started well (and I am a big fan of Hannah Fry). But sadly it descended into the usual climate change innuendo and alarm.
The first number was fine - 0.85˚C is not scary and not catastrophic.
The second number, 95%, was, as ever, vague and hand wavy. So the 50% of the warming since 1950s we've caused amounts to... maybe 0.3˚C? So not that much after all. And the pause continues. And Arrhenius was wrong about the ice ages. And there's lots of uncertainty. How is Chelsea doing?
Worse was that by the third number the programme had left the planet and decided that the 0.3˚C warming had magically turned into 1˚C warming and we simply must do something about it. Or else.
Nice try BBC, great start by Hannah but it needed a medic by the end. At this rate I'm not sure the patient will make it all the way to Paris.
The number 63 comes from here.

Swivel eyed lunacy - Josh 316

Climate Impossible - Josh 314

Updated on Feb 18, 2015 by
Here are the cartoon notes of a riveting talk given by Dr Christopher Essex, Chairman, Permanent Monitoring Panel on Climate, World Federation of Scientists, and Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Vulcanology - Josh 313

Anthony has a hilarious post on how Climate Change now causes volcanoes to erupt. What next, Anthropogenic sunshine?

It was the best of times - Josh 312

There has been much discussion recently about the adjustments made to past temperatures: see Paul Homewood's excellent posts on Paraguay, Bolivia and around the world; also from Shub; Brandon at WUWT and on his own blog; and a very readable summary by James Delingpole. All very interesting.

Jimmy Haigh, SandyS, Stephen Richards and Stewgreen allude to this topic's substantial history and quite rightly so - there are many bloggers and posts that could be mentioned (see the James Delingpole article). Though this particular cartoon was inspired by Paul Homewood's recent post I think there is lot more to come on this story.

For whom the bell Tols - Josh 311

Richard Tol says that Bob Ward is 'engaged in a smear campaign' against him. Reading quite a bit of what Bob has written over the past few years, and not just about Richard but about many others, it is difficult not to agree.
H/t to Anthony Watts who came up with 'SpongeBob SmearPants'.

Look back in wonder - Josh 309

It's everywhere you look - there's dodgy numbers, vague impressions and tweets galore - yes, it's the warmist year evah!